  • 那样当事人双方都会确认配合签约件而附上汇票和证明装船的单据。
    That way both parties confirm the documents that will accompany the draft and constitute evidence of shipment in compliance with the contract terms.
  • 核动力船舶和载运放射性物质的船舶,排放放射性物质,必须遵守本法第十九的规定。
    The discharge of radioactive substances from nuclearpowered vessels or vessels carrying such substances must be conducted in compliance with the provisions of Article 19 of this Law.
  • 在软件工程中,系统或系统组成部分的复杂程度由下述因素确定:接口的数量和错综程度、件转移的数量和错综程度、嵌套的深度、数据结构的类型,以及其它一些系统特性。
    In software engineering, the degree of complication of a system or system component, determined by such factors as the number and intricacy of interfaces, the number and intricacy of conditional branches, the degree of nesting, the types of data structures, and other system characteristics.
  • 经过了无数曲折,遇到过不少的困难,到现在,我们才摸索出了一道路,这道路使我们不仅保障了抗战的需要,保护了人民的利益,打击了敌人的掠夺计划,而且为反攻和战后建设做了不少的准备。
    After meeting with countless complications and difficulties, we have found a way that has made it possible for us to meet the needs of the war effort, protect the people's interests, cripple the enemy's plundering scheme and prepare for counter-offensives and postwar reconstruction.
  • 他们的某些件很难办到。
    Certain of their conditions are not easily complied with.
  • 第二十九 开采煤炭资源必须符合煤矿开采规程,遵守合理的开采顺序,达到规定的煤炭资源回采率。
    Article 29 In the exploitation of coal resources, coal mining regulations must be complied with, the rational mining sequence followed and the rate of extraction set for exploiting coal resources achieved.
  •  第三专利法和本细则规定的各种手续,应当以书面形式或者国务院专利行政部门规定的其他形式办理。
    Rule 3 Any formalities prescribed by the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations shall be complied with in a written form or in any other form prescribed by the Patent Administration Department under the State Council.
  • 依照德国法律,只要符合所有其他有关外国人居留法律款的规定,获居留许可者可马上携家属赴德,如未能立即成行,可在晚些时候再携带家属赴德。
    Under German law residence permits entitle holders (as long as all the other pertinent provisions of law governing foreign residents have been complied with) to bring their families to Germany right away or,failing that,to bring them to Germany at a later point in time.
  • 2.不论本部分的其他文如何规定,在符合第二部分规定的无权利持有人许可的政府使用或政府授权第三方使用的件下,成员可规定:针对这类使用的救济仅限于依照上文第三十一(h)项,支付使用费。
    2. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Part and provided that the provisions of Part II specifically addressing use by governments, or by third parties authorized by a government, without the authorization of the right holder are complied with, Members may limit the remedies available against such use to payment of remuneration in accordance with subparagraph (h) of Article 31.
  •  (1)本联盟任何国家的国民,在保护工业产权方面,在本联盟所有其他国家内应享有各该国法律现在授予或今后可能授予各该国国民的各种利益,一切都不应损害本公约特别规定的权利,因此,他们应和各该国国民享有同样的保护,对侵犯他们的权利享有同样的法律上的救济手段,但是以他们遵守对各该国国民规定的件和手续为限。
    Nationals of any country of the Union shall, as regards the protection of industrial property, enjoy in all the other countries of the Union the advantages that their respective laws now grant, or may hereafter grant, to nationals; all without prejudice to the rights specially provided for by this Convention. Consequently, they shall have the same protection as the latter, and the same legal remedy against any infringement of their rights, provided that the conditions and formalities imposed upon nationals are complied with.
  • 如果在向申请人发出中止通知后不超过10个工作日的期限内,海关当局未被通知除被告之外的当事人已经就判决案件的是非提起诉讼,或未被通知经合法授权的当局已决定采取临时措施延长对该商品的放行中止期,则该商品应予放行,只要进口或出口的一切其他件均已符合;
    If, within a period not exceeding 10 working days after the applicant has been served notice of the suspension, the customs authorities have not been informed that proceedings leading to a decision on the merits of the case have been initiated by a party other than the defendant, or that the duly empowered authority has taken provisional measures prolonging the suspension of the release of the goods, the goods shall be released, provided that all other conditions for importation or exportation have been complied with;
  • 2.如果根据本节规定的申请,经海关当局依照非司法当局或非其他独立当局的决定,中止了含有工业品外观设计、专利、布图设计或未披露之信息的商品的放行,而经正式授权的当局未能在下文第五十五所规定的期限内批准临时救济,而此时有关进口的一切其他件又均已符合,则有关商品的所有人、进口人、或收货人在提交保证金的前提下,应有权获得该商品的放行,这一保证金数额应足够保护权利持有人受到的任何侵犯。
    2. Where pursuant to an application under this Section the release of goods involving industrial designs, patents, layout-designs or undisclosed information into free circulation has been suspended by customs authorities on the basis of a decision other than by a judicial or other independent authority, and the period provided for in Article 55 has expired without the granting of provisional relief by the duly empowered authority, and provided that all other conditions for importation have been complied with, the owner, importer, or consignee of such goods shall be entitled to their release on the posting of a security in an amount sufficient to protect the right holder for any infringement.
  • 但我没有买它,因为我知道,至少可以无件地得到十本的。
    I didn't buy it for I knew I was entitled as its author to at least ten complimentary copies.
  • 所有注册计划必须遵守该例的各项监管规定。
    All registered schemes must comply with the ordinance's various monitoring requirements.
  • 遵守规定服从(如债务或约定的)各
    To comply with the terms of(a debt or promise, for example).
  •  第四 合格投资者必须遵守中国的法律法规和其他有关规定。
    Article 4. QFII should comply with laws, regulations and other relevant rules in China.
  • “不错,我认为应该包括很多件。”
    "Yes; I do comprehend a great deal in it."
  • 伊丽莎白说:“那么,在你的想象中,一个多才多艺的妇女应该包括很多件啦。”
    "Then," observed Elizabeth, "you must comprehend a great deal in your idea of an accomplished women."
  • 人是文化动物,因此运用语言文字是任何一个人在学习认识自我,理解他人和了解自然的过程中都不可或缺的件。
    Man is a cultural animal, and the use of language is indispensable for a human being to learn about himself, understand his fellow creatures, and comprehend Nature.
  • 人们的观念、观点和概念,一名话,人们的意识,随着人们的生活件、人们的社会关系、人们的社会存在的改变而改变,这难道需要经过深思才能了解吗?
    Does it require deep intuition to comprehend that man's ideas, views and conceptions, in one word, man's consciousness, changes with every change in the conditions of his material existence, in his social relations and in his social life?
  • 了解;理解能理解的人的品质和件;理解
    The quality or condition of one who understands; comprehension.
  • 猛烈地压缩使其变形或改变件。
    to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition.
  • 绷带由纱布等材料做成的带,用来保护、固定、压迫或支撑伤口或受伤的肢体
    A strip of material such as gauze used to protect, immobilize, compress, or support a wound or injured body part.
  • 花纹大理石具有眼状花纹的大理石,如嵌在清澈玻璃中的聚集纹或彩色点
    A marble having an eyelike design, such as concentric circles or a colored center set in clear glass.
  • 民事的,民法的关于个人隐私权及相关于这些权利的法律诉讼程序的,区别于刑事的、军事的或国际的例或诉讼程序
    Relating to the rights of private individuals and legal proceedings concerning these rights as distinguished from criminal, military, or international regulations or proceedings.
  • 有理由相信,经过努力,青藏铁路将作为一符合环保要求的高原铁路,真正造福于西藏各族人民。
    With the concerted efforts of all concerned it is justifiable to believe that the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, as a plateau railway up to the environmental protection standard, will truly benefit the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet.
  • 如买主有意,按12日我方去电所提的退让件办。
    Advise if buyer dispose towards concession outline in ours twelfth.
  • 这位严厉的谈判者故意拖延时间,毫不让步地争取某些款。
    The stern negotiator held out for certain conditions without concession.
  • 建屋用地由政府以优惠件批给房屋协会,其他发展成本则全部由房屋协会负担。
    Land was granted to the HKHS on concessionary terms but all other development costs were borne by the HKHS.
  • 建屋用地是由政府以优惠件批给房屋协会,而其他所有发展成本均由房协负责。
    The land is granted to HKHS on concessionary terms but all other development costs are borne by the HKHS.
  • 这个数字并不包括政府以优惠款批地兴建租住屋群及居屋屋苑的土地价值。
    This figure excludes the value of land provided by the government for rental estates and Home Ownership Courts on concessionary terms.
  • 《劳资关系例》订明一套解决劳资纠纷的程序,包括普通调解、特别调解、调停、仲裁及调查委员会。
    The Labour Relations Ordinance provides a set of procedures for the settlement of trade disputes which include ordinary conciliation, special conciliation, mediation, arbitration and board of inquiry.