  • 其他的主要音乐活动包备受欢迎的"香港督宪府演艺音乐会"、小提琴家苏加文为演艺学院筹款而举行的演奏会;歌剧有莫扎特的"魔笛"及索莱尔的"蓬门今始为君开"。
    Other highlights included the popular concerts in Government House, a fund-raising performance by violinist Pinchas Zukerman, Mozart's Magic Flute, and Martin Y Soler Una Cosa Rara.
  • 他们采取了后一种办法,由工人推选代表,开了几天会,刘司令员也去讲了话,结果,包原来准备向工业部作斗争的代表在内,全体举手赞成不增加工资。
    The cadres adopted the latter option: workers elected representatives to attend a conference which lasted a few days and at which Commander Liu Bocheng delivered a speech. The result was that all the representatives, including those who planned to wage a struggle against the Department of Industry, unanimously voted in favour of not raising their wages.
  • 巴西人在这一项目中战无不胜,他们自己上演了一场龙虎斗,囊了金银牌。
    The Brazilians proved unbeatable, except by one another. They walked off with gold and silver.
  • 广泛性,多方面性在范围或领域中普遍包,尤指见解很广的或不受限制的多样性
    Universal inclusiveness in scope or range, especially great or unbounded versatility of the mind.
  • 目前我区南自遂川井冈山南麓,北至莲花边界,包宁冈全县,遂川、酃县、永新各一部,成一南北狭长的整块。
    At present our area, extending from the southern slopes of the Chingkang Mountains in Suichuan County in the south to the border of Lienhua County in the north, embraces the whole of Ningkang and parts of Suichuan, Linghsien and Yunghsin, forming a narrow unbroken stretch running north to south.
  • 这套策略为市建局提供指引,以推行为期20年的市区重建计划,当中包200项新的市区重建项目,以及25个土发公司尚未完成的项目。
    Guided by the URS, the URA is tasked to implement an urban renewal programme consisting of 200 new projects and 25 uncompleted projects of the LDC in the next 20 years.
  • 如果你买一套包内裤在内,总共是35美元。
    If you buy a set with underwear, it comes to 35 dollars.
  • 节目内容包呼吁市民提供资料协助破案、宣传道路安全知识和公布罪案趋势的最新变化。
    The programmes include appeals for information on undetected crimes, advice on road safety and updates of crime trends.
  • 国际社会应在确保各国安全不受减损、非歧视性的原则基础上通过对话与合作寻求解决办法,包探讨建立新的多边机制的可能性。
    The international community should, on the basis of such principles as non-discrimination and undiminished security for all countries, seek a solution to this issue through dialogue and cooperation, including exploring the possibility of establishing a new multilateral mechanism.
  • 未披露信息(包商业秘密)。
    undisclosed information (including trade secrets).
  • 伯罗丁,亚历山大·波尔菲里耶维奇1833-1887俄国作曲家和化学家,其音乐作品以俄罗斯民俗题材为基础,包至死未完成的歌剧伊戈尔王子
    Russian composer and chemist whose musical works were based on Russian folk themes and include the opera Prince Igor, unfinished at his death.
  •     (b)本联盟的预算应包本联盟本身的收入和支出,对各联盟共同开支预算的摊款,以及需要时对本组织成员国会议预算提供的款项。
    The budget of the Union shall include the income and expenses proper to the Union, its contribution to the budget of expenses common to the Unions, and, where applicable, the sum made available to the budget of the Conference of the Organization.
  • 这个委员会全属香港居民,来自社会各行各业,包商界人士;医生、律师和建筑师等专业人士;劳工界工会代表;社会工作者;政界人士和宗教领袖等。
    This 400 people represents Hong Kong society from different walks of life including businessmen, professionals such as doctors, lawyers, architects, labour unionists, social workers, politicians, religious leaders and etc, etc.
  • 这四百人全部都是香港居民,来自社会上各行各业,包商界人士,以及医生、律师和建筑师等专业人士、工会人士、社工、政界人士,以及来自基督教、天主教、佛教和回教等宗教领袖的代表。
    This committee represents the society of Hong Kong from different walks of life including businessmen, professionals such as doctors, lawyers, architects, labour unionists, social workers, politicians and religious leaders including representatives from the Protestants, Catholics, Buddhists and Muslims.
  • 全体,情况都是这个样子。
    All the units performed very well.
  • 这些程序包用c、c++、perl、vb,甚至unix外壳语言写的程序。
    Those include programs written in C, C++, Perl, Visual Basic and even Unix shell languages.
  • 不符合军事规程的政府更替;义务兵役包非军事劳力。
    unmilitary circles of government; fatigue duty involves nonmilitary labor.
  • 如果超越本部的范围,而把蒙古、新疆、青海、西藏算了进来,则在面积上中国未失地区仍然是大半,而敌占地区包东三省在内,也只是小半。
    If we go beyond the provinces south of the Great Wall and include Mongolia, Sinkiang, Chinghai and Tibet, then the unoccupied area will constitute the greater part of China's territory, and the enemy-occupied area will become the smaller part, even with the three northeastern provinces.
  • 成功的单曲包《(每次你离开时)像花一样凋谢》和《难以置信》。
    Successful singles include Fading Like A Flower(Every Time You Leave) and Almost Unreal.
  • 拒绝招待在酒巴或包饭馆,拒绝招待(不受欢迎的顾客)
    To refuse to serve(an unwelcome customer) at a bar or restaurant.
  • 这些大型活动均?重全面介绍香港,包有关香港旅游产品的最新资料、香港特别行政区政府所发出的信息、有关香港酒店的最新资料、赤?角新机场的介绍和一些观光活动。
    All theselarge-scale programmes featured a comprehensive presentation about Hong Kong, including product updates, messages from the HKSARgovernment, an update on Hong Kong hotels, an introduction to the newairport at Chek Lap Kok, and sightseeing programmes.
  • 头部脊椎动物身体的最高部或最前部,包大脑、眼睛、耳朵、鼻子、嘴巴和下颌
    The uppermost or forwardmost part of the body of a vertebrate, containing the brain and the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and jaws.
  • 归口就包政策问题,数目字内包轻重缓急,哪个项目该办,哪个项目不该办,这是一个政治性的问题。
    Having central departments prepare the budget is a matter of policy.The amounts allocated indicate the importance and urgency of projects, as well as which projects should be undertaken and which should not, and therefore this is a political question.
  • 广泛分布在热带的乔木和灌木和蔓生植物包一些有生产价值的油树脂和一些木材。
    widely distributed family of chiefly tropical trees and shrubs and vines that produce oils and resins and some usable timber.
  • 我党对党内对人民所施行的教育,也是包这两方面性质的教育,就是教导无产阶级、农民阶级和其他小资产阶级如何和资产阶级地主阶级的各个不同的阶层在各种不同的形式上联合抗日,又和他们的各种不同程度的妥协性、动摇性、反共性作各种不同程度的斗争。
    The education which our Party conducts among its own members and the people in general likewise embraces both these aspects, that is, it teaches the proletariat and the peasantry and other sections of the petty bourgeoisie how to unite, in different ways, with the different strata of the bourgeoisie and the landlord class for resistance to Japan, and at the same time how to conduct struggles against them in varying degrees according to the varying degrees in which they compromise, vacillate and are anti-Communist.
  • 熙德,1043?-1099西班牙战士和民族英雄,军事功绩包占领瓦伦西亚(1094年),在许多文学著作中被描述过
    Spanish soldier and national hero whose military exploits, including the capture of Valencia(1094), are recounted in several literary works.
  • 而言,最常见的农作物是叶菜和高价鲜花,生产总值约为4.43亿元。
    Overall, the most common food and non-food crops cultivated are leafy vegetables and high-value cut flowers. Production was valued at about $443 million.
  • 一种软质的银白色有毒金属元素,用于钢合金,存在于许多复合矿物中,包钒钾铀矿和钒铅矿。
    a soft silvery white toxic metallic element used in steel alloys; it occurs in several complex minerals including carnotite and vanadinite.
  • 地球表面有水的一层;包水蒸气。
    the watery layer of the earth's surface; includes water vapor.
  • 当前最通行的观点是挥发物(元素和化合物,包低温下蒸发的水)在地球增生形成时的固体阶段就被释放出来,然后地球、海洋和大气逐渐连成一个整体。
    The best current thinking is that volatility (elements and compounds, including water, vaporize at low temperatures) were released from the solid phase as the earth accreted. Thus, the earth and its oceans and atmosphere grew together.
  • 我们的学生的学术成绩当然无可置疑,但是他们的潜能,包好奇心和创造力却没有得到全面的发展。
    Notwithstanding that our students' academic level has been vastly enhanced, their full potential, including their intellectual curiosities and creativity, has not been completely stretched.
  • 船底星座南半球一星座,在飞鱼座和船帆座附近,包老人星
    A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Volans and Vela that contains the star Canopus.