Chinese English Sentence:
  • 【谚】邻无论多好,围篱不可推倒。
    Love thy neighbor, but pull not down thy hedge.
  • 【谚】邻无论多好,围篱不可推倒。
    Love thy neighbor, but pull not down thy hedge.
  • 西藏人或当地居民
    A native or inhabitant of Tibet.
  • 大扫除打扫整理室及家具
    The cleaning and tidying of a house and its contents.
  • 我把椅子从炉边向后拉开些,然后把起室整理干净。
    I moved the chairs back from the fire and tidied the living room.
  • 邮政业务紧缩以后,整个纽约大都会地区的民与商家都在尽量适应分局窗口时间减少和星期日不再收取及处理邮件[的新情况]。
    In the wake of a tightening of postal services, residents and businesses throughout the New York metropolitan region are struggling to adapt to fewer window hours in post office branches and the end of all Sunday mail collection and sorting.
  • 在由此而确立的欧洲社会的新格局中,每个国家的民可以认为是由两个不同的民族或种族、即征服者和被征服者以不同的比例组成的。前者是土地的所有者,后者是土地的耕种者。
    In the new frame in which European society was now cast, the population of each country may be considered as composed, in unequal proportions, of two distinct nations or races, the conquerors and the conquered: the first the proprietors of the land, the latter the tillers of it.
  • 蒂姆然相信那桩事,真是蠢透了。
    Tim must be soft in the head to have believed that story.
  • 一些独的男人宁肯靠罐头食品过日子,也不愿自己烧饭吃。
    Some men on their own will live out of tins rather than cook meals for themselves.
  • 他身斗室,感到很不自在。
    He feels boxed in, living in that tiny flat.
  • 我的邻把落叶从墙头上倒进我的花园里了
    My neighbour has been tipping dead leaves over the wall into my garden
  • 一个多哥土著或民。
    a native or inhabitant of Togo.
  • 黄兴故居、墓
    Home and Tomb of Huang Xing
  • 汤加人汤加的土著或
    A native or inhabitant of Tonga.
  • 我们可以听见邻大吵大闹的声音。
    We could hear the neighbours going at each other hammer and tongs.
  • 我们可以听见邻大吵大闹的声音。
    We can hear the neighbour go at each other hammer and tongs.
  • 我们可以听见邻大吵大闹的声音。
    We can hear the neighbour going at each other hammer and tongs.
  • 希克逊先生和太太回到家里时,激烈地争吵起来。他们的争吵把邻们全吵醒了。
    Mr and Mrs Hickson went at it hammer and tongs when they got home. They woke all their neighbours with their quarrelling.
  • 杰克逊先生和太太回到家里时,激动争吵起来。他们的争吵把邻们全吵醒了。
    Mr and Mrs Jackson went at it hammer and tongs when they got home. They woke all their neithbours with their quarrelling.
  • 迈克和我苦苦哀求,说我们已经快攒够了,只等一对邻夫妇用完他们的牙膏后,我们就可以马上开始生产了。
    Mike and I pleaded and begged, explaining that we would soon have enough and then we would begin production. We informed her that we were waiting on a couple of neighbors to finish using up their toothpaste so we could have their tubes.
  • 小时候,她觉得自己的声音听起来很滑稽。邻的小孩们对此也无异议,他们挖苦她,以至她干脆不讲话。唱歌看起来压根儿是不可能的事。
    When she was young,she thought that her voice sounded funny-- no arguments there from the neighborhood kids,who tormented her to the point where she simply stopped talking.
  • 沙龟一种穴龟属的穴龟,特指产于美国东南部的穴陆地龟类
    Any of several burrowing tortoises of the genus Gopherus, especially G. polyphemus of the southeast United States.
  • 年末储蓄余额3536.3亿元,比年初增加613.1亿元,其中城镇民储蓄存款余额3253.9亿元,比年初增加590.6亿元。
    At the end of 2001, saving deposits of Beijing totaled 353.63 billion yuan, 61.31 billion yuan more than that at the beginning of the year. Of this total, those of urban residents were 325.39 billion yuan, 59.06 billion yuan more than that at the beginning of the year.
  • 旅游期间, 我把房子托给邻照管。
    I confided my house to the neighbor while I was touring.
  • 香港基督教协进会每周均举办"福利游"节目,为访客和民介绍该会在本港提供的各项服务。
    The council runs weekly 'Alternative Tours', which give visitors and residents an opportunity to see how the church serves the community.
  • 一些小城镇的民不喜欢异乡人的到来。
    Some people in small towns do not like the out - of - town come to their towns.
  • 一些小城镇的民不喜欢异乡人的到来。
    Some people in small town do not like out-of-towny come to their town.
  • 我一直胡乱想著移国外好不好。
    I've been toying with the idea of moving abroad.
  • 老往户历来瞧不起新来的民。
    The older residents have traditionally looked down their noses at the newcomers.
  • 此外,该处又与房屋署合作,为公屋的屋?管理谘询委员会成员安排"训练训练员"课程,受训完毕后,他们会为公共屋?的民提供防火训练。
    Arrangement was also made with the Housing Department to conduct 'Train-the-trainer' courses for members of the Estate Management Advisory Committee, who will then provide training to the residents of various public housing estates.
  • 作用指一人下意识将适应于某一特定个人或人群的感受转移到另一不同个人或人群之上的过程
    An unconscious process by which a person transfers the response appropriate to a particular person or group to a different person or group.
  • 临时住在旅馆的旅行者。
    a traveler who lodges in hostels.