Chinese English Sentence:
  • 医师帮助那位妇分娩。
    The doctor delivered the woman.
  • 我本来该看出双方的年龄相差太大,不像是夫妻。一个大概四十了,正是精力健壮的时期,男人在这时期很少会怀着孩子们是由于爱情而嫁给他的妄想。那种梦是留给我们到老年聊以自慰的。
    I might have seen there was too great a disparity between the ages of the parties to make it likely that they were man and wife. One was about forty: a period of mental vigour at which men seldom cherish the delusion of being married for love by girls: that dream is reserved for the solace of our declining years.
  • 孩问道:“我的妈妈在哪里?”
    “Where is my mother ?” demanded the little girl.
  • 这个孩子的态度娴静而谦逊。
    The girl has a quiet, modest demeanor.
  • 这个孩子的态度娴静而谦逊。
    The girl has a quiet, modest demeanour.
  • 紧随民主党的普罗克斯迈尔退休之后,共和党的州参议员英格莱特——仅有的两位性参议员候选人之一——即与对手政坛新人百万富商科尔展开竞选。
    In the wake of Democrat William Proxmire's, GOP state Sen. Susan Engeleiter, one of the only two women Senate candidates, is running against millionaire businessman Herbert Kohl, a political newcomer.
  • 半夜巫施行魔法和魔术;中世纪时被认为是恶魔的狂欢。
    a midnight meeting of witches to practice witchcraft and sorcery; in the Middle Ages it was supposed to be a demonic orgy.
  • 戏里的一个角色猪八戒双腿被妖怪锯掉后不得不用一名子的双腿取而代之,他于是大声哀嚎自己变成了“阿倌”〔闽南语:即性化的男人〕。我在惊讶之余,也不禁莞尔。
    But I was stumped and at the same time tickled when one of the characters, Pigsy, lamented loudly that he had become an "Ah Guan"(Fujian for an effeminate man) after attaching a girl's legs to his body as his own legs had been sawed off and thrown away by demons.
  • 十年来,全国有2000万妇脱盲,近亿名妇掌握了1至2门实用技术,1500万妇进农函大、农广校学习,60万妇获农民技术员职称,以妇为主体的科技示范户迅速增长到924万个。
    Over the past ten years, 20 million women have become literate, about 100 million women have learned one or two practical skills, 15 million women attended correspondence colleges and schools and more than 600,000 women obtained the title of farm technician. The number of demonstrative households of science and technology dominated by women has snowballed to 9.24 million.
  • 她看上去像一个矜持的少
    She looks like a very demure young lady.
  • 江湖侠一些美国人对亚洲性的看法是,她们纤弱、顺从、娴静而又神秘。
    WOMAN WARRIORS Fragile,submissive,demure and mysterious.That's how some Americans think of Asian women.
  • 个子高高的、端庄漂亮的兵迅速地瞥了她一眼。
    the army girl, tall and demurely pretty, threw a quick side-glance at her.
  • 这位作家闭门谢客。
    The writer denied herself to visitors.
  • 丹麦、英国、美国、加拿大和其他国家的有关报道表明,在过去的数十年中,男婴和婴的比率有所降低。
    Observational studies from Denmark, Britain, the United States, Canada and other countries have shown a decline in the male to female ratio of children during the past few decades.
  • 丹尼斯对办公室的孩子太放肆了。
    Dennis makes too free with the girls in the office.
  • 结局出人意表, 她当修了.
    In a surprising denouement, she becomes a nun.
  • 但即便是最可怕的事例也无法吓退21岁的约兰达。她现在的工作是佣和美发师。
    But even the most horrible tales seem to do little to dent the hopes of Yolande, 21, who works as a maid and hairdresser.
  • “到20世纪末,大学教育将对每个男人和人都免费,会建立起几所全国有名的大学,孩子们会学习简单英语语法以适应简化英语,在拉丁医学视察人员定期检查之后,公立学校都会给贫穷的小孩免费配眼镜,免费看牙医,以及提供各种免费的医疗护理。”
    "A university education will be free to every man and woman [by the end of the 20th Century]. Several great national universities will have been established. Children will study a simple English grammar adapted to simplified English and not copied after the Latin Medical inspectors regularly visiting the public schools will furnish poor children free eyeglasses, free dentistry, and free medical attention of every kind."
  •  第二年,我的丈夫、儿和我从丹佛搬到圣路易去,我们在伊利诺州的石瀑布市我爸妈家停车,搬一些家具。
    The next year, my husband, daughter and I moved from Denver to St. Louis and we stopped at Mom and Dad's house in Rock Falls, Illinois, to pick up some furniture.
  • 老年人可以找自己的朋友而不会在情感上太依赖他们的子
    Older people may seek their own friends rather than become too emotionally dependent on their children.
  • 她花的钱完全靠从她儿那里得到。
    She is completely dependent on her daughter for money.
  • 人常常被描写成不如男人。
    Women are constantly depict as inferior to men.
  • 人常常被描写成不如男人。
    Women is constantly depict as inferior to men.
  • 达赖在出国后的三十多年里,不顾事实,编造了大量诸如“‘十七条协议’是武力逼迫下强加给西藏的”;“汉人屠杀了120万藏人”;“由于汉人移民,藏族在西藏成了少数”;“共产党在西藏强行对妇实行计划生育、堕胎”;政府反对宗教自由,迫害宗教人士;藏族传统文化艺术遭到灭绝危险;西藏自然资源受到严重破坏;西藏环境受到污染等等谎言,蓄意挑拨民族关系,煽动西藏群众反对中央政府。
    Ignoring facts, the Dalai Lama fabricated numerous lies to sow dissension among the various nationalities and incite the Tibetan people to oppose the central government during his 30-year self-exile abroad. He said that "the 17-Article Agreement was imposed on Tibet under armed force"; "the Hans have massacred 1.2 million Tibetans"; "owing to Han immigration, the Tibetans have become a minority in Tibet"; "the Communists in Tibet force women to practice birth control and abortion"; the government opposes religious freedom and persecutes religious people; traditional Tibetan culture and art are in danger of extinction; the natural resources in Tibet have been seriously depleted; there is severe environmental pollution in Tibet, etc.
  • 这个班上的孩举止娴雅。
    The girls in this class deport themselves gracefully.
  • 对于那些来自视离婚为耻辱的国度的妇来说,被驱逐出境对她们尤其艰难。
    Deportation is especially hard on women from societies that stigmatize divorce.
  • 以前要上仪态课。
    Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment.
  • 性生活缺乏:有一些士纯粹是为了性而卷入婚外恋的。
    Sexual Deprivation: There are women who get involved in extramarital relationships purely for sex.
  • 她缺乏自信,对她来说就是担心失去工作,这就使他不用为此事的后果担忧,他认识的许多人大都是因为她们缺乏自信才被弄到手的。
    Her diffidence,the feeling of deprivation in the point of view, promised to protect him from any consequence. Most of the many women he had known had been picked for their lack of self-esteem.
  • 一个不象人的低沉的声音。
    an unfeminine depth of voice.
  • 按照惯例这一领导人的副职总是由子担任.
    By convention the deputy leader is always a woman.
  • 王每年都将马送去参赛的马赛
    The monarch raced her horses in the derby each year.