  • 贴布告在共场所贴(布告)
    To display(an announcement) in a place of public view.
  • 颁布通过正式的开地宣布使(法律)生效
    To put(a law) into effect by formal public announcement.
  • 结婚告,尤指由教堂布的
    An announcement, especially in a church, of an intended marriage.
  • 宣告者,播音员宣告者,尤指连续提供节目,发布新闻告或对体育赛事进行追踪评论的广播或电视播音员
    One that announces, especially a radio or television employee who provides program continuity, delivers announcements, or gives running comments on sports events.
  • (正式地)传达告的官员。
    (formerly) an official who made public announcements.
  • 广告活动诸如通过已出版的或正在广播的有偿启事吸引共对产品或企业注意力的活动
    The activity of attracting public attention to a product or business, as by paid announcements in print or on the air.
  • 通过传媒加强蒥民对民责任、祖国及《基本法》的认识,这类宣传运动包括电台宣传声带和电视宣传短片、电视节目、报章特刊和其他户外媒体的宣传工作;
    media campaigns including radio and television announcements in the public interest, television programmes, newspaper and other forms of advertisement to enhance public awareness of civic responsibilities, the nation and the Basic Law;
  • 通过200多台多媒体计算机提供登记、查询、交易撮合等各种服务,在室内外大型显示屏播放告、广告及当日国内外重要新闻。
    More than 200 multi-media computers will provide registration, consulting, and business matching services. Huge display screens will show announcements, advertisements and major international and domestic news in and out of the Exhibition Hall.
  •  第五十七条国务院专利行政部门对专利告、专利文件中出现的错误,一经发现,应当及时更正,并对所作更正予以告。
    Rule 57 The Patent Administration Department under the State Council shall correct promptly the mistakes in the patent announcements and documents issued by it once they are discovered, and the corrections shall be announced.
  • 这些活动包括定期举办大型众研讨会、举行保障资料主任联会会议、在电视及电台播送宣传短片和声带,以及发行署通讯《私潮》。
    These activities included holding regular large-scale open seminars, Data Protection Officers' Club meetings, broadcasting Announcements in the Public Interest on television and radio, and issuing of Private Thoughts, the PCO's newsletter.
  • 年内,委员会举办了多项活动,向市民宣传民教育各项主题,其中包括各类型宣传运动,例如电台宣传声带和电视宣传短片、电视节目、资讯聆热线故事、《基本法》研讨会及多类型的广告制作。
    Major activities organised during the year included a wide range of publicity campaigns involving Announcements in the Public Interest, television programmes, telephone hotline stories, seminars on the Basic Law and advertisements to promote various civic education themes.
  • 在这里工作有一件伤脑筋的事,就是在办处附近很难停车。
    One of the annoyances of working here is the difficulty of parking near the office.
  • 他在办室里老是目不转睛地盯著我,真把我气坏了。
    I'm extremely annoyed at the way he always stares at me in the office.
  • 她心情不好,懒洋洋的而且不切实际;一个……懒洋洋的、无精打采的花花子——p·g·沃德豪斯。
    she was annoyingly lackadaisical and impractical; a...lackadaisical, spiritless young man-about-town- P.G.Wodehouse.
  • 这家司的年营业额为7500万英镑.
    The firm has an annual turnover of 75 million.
  • 司的年销售额是多少?
    What are the company's annual sales figures?
  • 此外,亦每年刊印《幼稚园概览》,介绍各所幼稚园的主要特色,供众人士参阅。
    Profiles on key features of kindergartens are also published annually for public reference.
  • 这个国家的许多司在老年雇员退休后发给他们养老年金。
    Many company in this country grant their old employee annuities after they retire.
  • 1984年5月11日第六届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第五次会议批准、1984年5月13日国务院布的《中华人民共和国消防条例》同时废止。
    Meanwhile, the "Regulations on Fire Control of the People's Republic of China" approved by the fifth meeting of the Standing Committee of the 6th National People's Congress on May 11, 1984 and promulgated by the State Council on May 13, 1984 shall be annulled simultaneously.
  • 这家司招聘职员,年薪为20000。
    Salary: The company is offering a salary of 20000 per annum.
  • 他与众不同,是司里唯一的兼职人员。
    He is in an anomalous position as the only part-time worker in the firm.
  • 共汽车司机应对旅客的安全负责。
    The bus driver should answer for the safety of the passengers.
  • 我要向司承担使用这一设备的责任。
    I am answerable to the company for the use of this equipment.
  • 开敌对中达到高潮的习惯性对抗
    Habitual antagonism that culminated in open hostility.
  • 弗洛里奥的主要政敌海泰安发表声明说,“[新泽西]州长弗洛里奥的所谓汽车保险‘改革'法,彻底失败,”不但惩罚违规的驾驶人,同时“使保险业简直无法在新泽西得到平待遇。”
    Chuck Haytaian, Mr.Florio's chief political antagonist, issued a statement in which he said. "[New Jersey] Governor Florio's so-called auto insurance 'reform' law is a fiasco" that penalizes drivers with traffic violations at the same time that it "makes it virtually impossible for the insurance industry to get a fair shake in New Jersey."
  • 如果萨达姆开拒绝最后通牒,两年以前在海弯战争中与萨达姆作战的反伊拉克盟国可能轰炸他的导弹以为报复――或提高赌注攻击伊拉克空军基地或战机。
    If Saddam defies the ultimatum, the anti-Iraq allies who fought Saddam in the Gulf War two years ago could retaliated by bombing his missiles?Cor up the ante and go after Iraqi air bases or was planes.
  • 我们增加预付金额,这样一来就只有那些资金最雄厚的司才能和我们竞争这份合同。
    We raised the ante so that only the richest companies could compete with us for the contract.
  • 收容女犯的惩教机构设有产前及产后护理,但当局通常安排孕妇在立医院分娩。
    Ante-natal and post-natal care is provided in institutions for female inmates, but babies are normally delivered in public hospitals.
  • 中国的科举制度,可以说是这种有效的奖学金计划的前身。奖学金计划不断被改进,以应付资讯科技时代的新挑战。这个制度,使我们得以维护共部门选贤任能的政策。
    This effective scholarship network, which has antecedents in the Chinese examination system but has been continually refined to meet the challenges of the information and technological era, has enabled Singapore to uphold meritocracy in its public administration.
  • 雄性动物成年的雄性动物,如雄鹿、羊、猎兔等
    The adult male of some animals, such as the deer, antelope, or rabbit.
  • 各种成体雄性哺乳动物(特别是雄鹿或羊)。
    mature male of various mammals (especially deer or antelope).
  • 他处理共关系有一种特殊的敏感。
    he had a special antenna for public relations.