  • 我们商议出了办法,他们建议我们买头猫鼬,并把它自由放养,还有人建议我们让头猪和响尾蛇搏斗,因为猪有层保护性的脂肪而不会受毒蛇感染。
    And we got suggestions. We were advised to buy a mongoose and turn it loose. Someone else said to get a pig, that it could combat rattlers with immunity because of its protective fat.
  • 为什么我们公司都是些古板的中年人?
    How come everyone in our company is middle-aged and stuffy?
  • 她在钢琴前坐下,轻快地弹奏了支流行曲子。
    She sat down to the piano and rattled off a popular tune.
  • 那条响尾蛇吓了我跳。
    The rattlesnake frightened me.
  • 叛徒象响尾蛇样地毒狠。
    The renegade is the first cousin to a rattlesnake.
  • "底下有一条响尾蛇。"
    "There's rattlesnake down there, "I said to my wife.
  • 中年男子在这周围窥探。
    A middle-aged man has been snooping around in the neighbourhood.
  • 就在锅炉旁边的地上有条盘成团,跃跃欲试想咬人的草原响尾蛇。
    On the floor next to the heater was a prairie rattlesnake, coiled and ready to strike.
  • 小响尾蛇种小的、色彩斑斓的响尾蛇(北美侏响尾蛇侏响尾蛇属),分布在美国、加拿大和墨西哥的某些地区
    A small, variably colored rattlesnake(Sistrurus catenatus) found in parts of the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
  • pholidota属的任何种兰花,花白色至褐色、成螺旋形、棍状、总状花序,花苞微微膨大、像响尾蛇的尾巴。
    any of various orchids of the genus Pholidota having numerous white to brown flowers in wandlike spiraling racemes clothed in slightly inflated bracts and resembling a rattlesnake's tail.
  • 避免辩论,就像避开毒蛇和地震样。
    Avoid it as you would avoid rattlesnakes and earthquakes.
  • 咔嚓声连串快速的嘎嘎声或咔嚓声
    A series of quick rattling or clicking sounds.
  • 坚硬物体碰撞时产生的连串尖锐的碰撞声。
    a rattling noise (often produced by rapid movement).
  • 叮铛声种象口袋中硬币碰撞发出轻微的金属声
    A slight, metallic sound, as of coins rattling in a pocket.
  • 个非常好听的故事
    Spin a rattling good yarn, ie tell a very good story
  • 锚立刻抛下去了,铁链哗啦啦阵响声过去。
    The anchor was instantly dropped, and the chain ran rattling through the port-hole.
  • 那窗户老是发出格格的响声,我必须敲进块楔子把它装牢。
    That window keeps rattling; I must fix a wedge in it to make it stay put.
  • 约翰是他年迈母亲唯的依靠。
    John is the sole support of his aged mother.
  • 总而言之,这是个妙极了的激动人心的凯尔特故事,中间穿插着些闪烁着智慧与机智的片断。
    All in all then, it is a rattling good Celtic yearn with a few fragments of wit-and-wisdom thrown in.
  • 前往东方诸国的奇异旅行;这场电影太棒了;巨大的成功;流珍本书籍的收藏;进行了次关于政治的生机勃勃的对话;巨大的成就。
    a fantastic trip to the Orient; the film was fantastic!; a howling success; a marvelous collection of rare books; had a rattling conversation about politics; a tremendous achievement.
  • 在那里,对老夫妻收留了他们。
    There they were taken by an aged couple.
  • 响尾蛇种西半球有毒蛇响尾蛇和响尾蛇属其尾端有串松散,连接的角质肢节,能通过震动发出格格或沉闷的响声
    Any of various venomous New World snakes of the genera Crotalus and Sistrurus, having at the end of the tail a series of loosely attached, horny segments that can be vibrated to produce a rattling or buzzing sound.
  • 爱丽丝想,但会儿就知道了,小卵石像暴雨似的从窗子扔进来了,有些小卵石打到了她的脸上,“我要让他们住手,”她对自己说,然后大声喊道:“你们最好别再这样干了!”
    thought Alice; but she had not long to doubt, for the next moment a shower of little pebbles came rattling in at the window, and some of them hit her in the face. `I'll put a stop to this,' she said to herself, and shouted out, `You'd better not do that again!'
  • 罗瑞先生已经悠闲了许久,刚带着心满意足的神情斟上最后杯。这位因喝完了足足瓶酒而容光焕发的老年绅士露出了完全满足的神态。此时那狭窄的街道上却响起了辚辚的车轮声,然后隆隆的车声便响进了院子。
    Mr. Lorry had been idle a lo and had just poured out his last glassful of wine complete an appearance of satisfaction as is ever to be found in an elderly gentleman of a fresh complexion who has got to the end of a bottle, when a rattling of wheels came up the narrow street, and rumbled into the inn-yard.
  • 象猫头鹰样沙哑的大叫声。
    a loud raucous cry as of an awl.
  • 他是个慷慨的中年人。
    He is a generous middle-aged man.
  • 笑翠鸟种大翠鸟(笑翠鸟),原产于澳大利亚,其叫声象嘶哑的笑声
    A large kingfisher(Dacelo gigas) native to Australia, with a call that resembles raucous laughter.
  • 鸦任种鸦属的大型的、亮黑色鸟类,能发出嘶哑的特有叫声,尤指生活于北美洲的短嘴鸦
    Any of several large, glossy, black birds of the genus Corvus, having a characteristic raucous call, especially C. brachyrhynchos of North America.
  • 个满是臭袜子的脏脏小室
    A raunchy closet full of dirty socks.
  • 男孩们在喝了夜的酒之後看起来很邋遢。
    The boy looks pretty raunchy after a night of drinking.
  • 一个五十岁的男人。
    A man aged fifty years.
  • 从萝芙木属植物中提取出来的用来治疗高血压的种生物碱(商标是rau-sed或sandril或serpasil)。
    an alkaloid extracted from the plant Rauwolfia serpentina (trade names Rau-Sed or Sandril or Serpasil) and used to treat hypertension.