  • 能夠把聲波轉成電能的置。
    a device for converting sound waves into electrical energy.
  • 把信號的一種頻率轉換為另一種頻率的電訊置。
    (telecommunication) for converting a signal from one frequency to another.
  • 通過特殊設置把電源能量供應轉化為必須的電壓的置。
    a device for converting a power supply to a voltage required by particular equipment.
  • 轉換電力信號到聲音信號的置;插到耳朵上。
    a device for converting electric signals into sounds; it is held over or inserted into the ear.
  • 深槽在飾綫條的上部凸起部分與下部之間的一條縱嚮槽
    A lengthwise groove on a molding between the convex upper part and the soffit.
  • 凸圓綫腳飾一個圓的凸圓體塑模,通常為一圓或橢圓的四分之一部分
    A rounded convex molding, often a quarter section of a circle or an ellipse.
  • 珠緣常為一串小圓球連成的飾綫,用於凸形邊緣上
    A decoration consisting of a usually continuous series of small spherical shapes, as on a convex molding.
  • (運輸工具)滯留,延期船、貨車或其他運輸工具在卸貨物期間超過了規定的離開時間而滯留
    Detention of a ship, freight car, or other cargo conveyance during loading or unloading beyond the scheduled time of departure.
  • 把貨物從一個運輸工具轉到另一個來貨。
    transfer from one conveyance to another for shipment.
  • 機動車輛;汽車一種有輪胎的自行驅動的交通工具;機動車輛
    A self-propelled conveyance that runs on tires; a motor vehicle.
  • 將某物入把載物入一個結構、置或傳送器
    To put or place a load into or onto a structure, device, or conveyance.
  • 電動搬運車備有電動機的帶輪平臺,用於倉庫或貨場運送貨物
    A wheeled platform, sometimes equipped with a motor, for conveying loads in a warehouse or freight yard.
  • 你的新廚房不下這套爐具.
    The cooker won't fit in/into your new kitchen.
  • 此公寓裝有電炊竈。
    The flat is equipped with an electric cooker.
  • 存放餅幹的罐子(有時候也錢)。
    a jar in which cookies are kept (an sometimes money is hidden).
  • 涼爽的秋天;涼爽的房間;涼爽的夏;涼爽的飲料;涼爽的微風。
    a cool autumn day; a cool room; cool summer dresses; cool drinks; a cool breeze.
  • 冷卻、分發飲用水的置。
    a device for cooling and dispensing drinking water.
  • 中間冷卻器用於多級熱層間冷卻流體的
    A device for cooling a fluid between successive heating stages.
  • 備部負責組織領導全軍的武器備建設工作,設有綜合計劃、軍兵種備、陸軍備科研訂購、通用備保障、電子信息基礎、備技術合作等部門。
    The General Armaments Department organizes and directs the weaponry and equipment construction work of the armed forces. Under it there are departments in charge of planning; armaments for Navy, military aviation and strategic equipment; Army equipment research, development and procurement; general equipment support; electronics and information infrastructure, equipment and technology coop-eration, etc.
  • 與其他服相搭配的鞋子
    Shoes that coordinate with the rest of the outfit.
  • 一種用於協調和控製若幹臺輸入輸出設備(例如工作站)正常工作的置[設備],並使這些置[設備]的操作和係統的操作同步,如同一個整體。
    A device that coordinates and controls the operation of one or more input/output devices(such as work stations) and synchronizes the operation of such devices with the operation of the system as a whole.
  • 2001年,軍隊進行了後勤備成建製、成係統形成綜合保障能力的配套試驗,發展了海上傷員快速救治、岸灘保障、野戰機場保障、導彈部隊機動保障、空投物資保障、單兵保障和野戰後勤指揮等七個方面的後勤備,完成了86種新備的論證、研製和試驗。
    In2001, it carried out coordinative experiments in the overall support capability of logistical equipment organically and systematically; developed logistical equipment in seven aspects --rapid maritime rescue and treatment of the wounded, shore party support, air field support, mobility support for missile units, air-dropped material support, individual support and field logistics command; and completed the demonstration, R&D and testing of 86 kinds of new equipment.
  • 當你安windows95時,所有的自述文件被都被拷貝到此目錄。
    When you install Window95, all the readme files is cop to the directory.
  • 飛行員與副飛行員復式操縱置;有雙排氣管的汽車
    Dual controls for pilot and copilot; a car with dual exhaust pipes.
  • 墻上挂着飾性的銅盤。
    Ornamental copper pans hung on the wall.
  • 用繩索裝備或製成的
    Furnished with or made of cords.
  • 葉形飾模仿這種植物的葉片而設計的圖案,尤其是用在科林斯柱的柱頭圖案
    A design patterned after the leaves of one of these plants, used especially on the capitals of Corinthian columns.
  • 康奈爾係統的一個特點是提供類似atm的功能,但無須為該大學局域網的每部機器購買和安atm卡。
    One feature is the Cornell system's delivery of ATM-like functionality without requiring the purchase and installation of ATM cards in every machine on the college's LAN.
  • 象徵豐收之羊角;飾羊角
    A horn of plenty; a cornucopia.
  • microsoft、netscape和novell都提供其軟件的緩存工具,但專用置更易於安和管理。
    Microsoft Corp., Netscape Communications Corp. and Novell Inc. all offer caching tools for their software, but the dedicated appliances are easier to install and manage.
  • 甲兵(坦剋兵)以坦剋及其他甲車、保障車輛為基本備,遂行地面突擊任務。
    The armored corps (tank corps), equipped basically with tanks and other armored vehicles and support vehicles, carries out ground assaults.
  • 建設農民武另有一個新的方面,即農會的梭鏢隊。
    A new way is through the setting up of spear corps under the peasant associations.