  • 要花去好多钱的航行
    A cruise that cost an arm and a leg.
  • 生米碾碎,这样奶奶才能吃点。
    Crumble the peanuts up so that Granny can have some.
  • 罂粟任一种罂粟属植物,生有下垂的苞,四片瓣紧挨在一起,开红色、桔黄色或白色朵,有奶状果汁,其蒴果会通过气孔而开裂
    Any of numerous plants of the genus Papaver, having nodding buds with four crumpled petals, showy red, orange, or white flowers, a milky juice, and capsules that dehisce through terminal pores.
  • 别把这只箱子压坏,它里边装的是
    Do not crush this box , it has flowers in it.
  • 人造铺地石用岗岩碎屑和水泥造的铺路石
    A paving stone of crushed granite and cement.
  • 花园急需雨水。
    The garden is crying out for rain.
  • 季的16岁,而我觉得只想哭。
    Sweet 16, and I felt like crying.
  • 属于或关于隐植物。
    of or relating to a cryptogam.
  • 任何种类的隐有机体,主要由叶状体组成,根茎叶无区别。
    any of a group of cryptogamic organisms consisting principally of a thallus and thus showing no differentiation into stem and root and leaf.
  • ,雪片一片小而透明的雪
    A small crystalline bit of snow.
  • 一种火成岩,由富含稀有元素的岩浆结晶而成的极粗的岗岩构成。
    a form of igneous rock consisting of extremely coarse granite resulting from the crystallization of magma rich in rare elements.
  • 她只了一个星期就为装璜确定了设计方案
    It only took a week for her to crystallize her design for the decorations.
  • 一种白色的晶体杀虫剂,对哺乳动物有轻量毒性,用于家庭园,从毛鱼藤和鱼藤的根部提取。
    a white crystalline insecticide that has low toxicity for mammals; is used in home gardens; extracted from the roots of derris and cube.
  • 给您一小碟油炸生米和一小碟腌黄瓜,您喝茶时可以吃一吃
    Here is a small dish of fried peanuts and a small dish of pickled cucumber to go with your tea.
  • 有上位的被的子房顶部有被的,如苹果,黄瓜或水仙
    Having floral parts attached to or near the summit of the ovary, as in the flower of the apple, cucumber, or daffodil.
  • 柬埔寨人、中国人、日本人、萨尔瓦多人以及埃塞俄比亚人把当地的菜肴带入美国,为本已令人心醉的美国烹调品种锦上添
    Cambodians Chinese,Japanese, El Salvadorians, and Ethiopians bring their native dishes to add to the United States, already heady culinary stew.
  • 色呈黄或橙黄的金盏菊属一年生草本植物;经常入药或作为调味品。
    any of numerous chiefly annual herbs of the genus Calendula widely cultivated for their yellow or orange flowers; often used for medicinal and culinary purposes.
  • 视贫穷如园中之草而像圣人一样耕植它吧!
    Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage.
  • 造园开辟(一小片土地)作为
    To cultivate(a plot of ground) as a garden.
  • 美洲主要的野,有膨大、囊状的一个唇;很难在园中栽植。
    any of several chiefly American wildflowers having an inflated pouchlike lip; difficult or impossible to cultivate in the garden.
  • 一种春天开的多年生林地植物;现被广泛种植。
    perennial woodland spring-flowering plant; widely cultivated.
  • 欧洲羽扇豆属植物,黄色,用于饲料。
    yellow-flowered European lupine cultivated for forage.
  • 或因其开而养殖的植物。
    a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms.
  • 中国花卉栽培史
    history of flower cultivation in China
  • 卉和观赏植物的栽培
    The cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants.
  • 中国有五十多个机构进行棉栽培的研究工作。
    China now has over 50 organizations doing research on cotton cultivation.
  • 虽然“文化园”还没达到,但园已规划设计好,启动工作已顺利展开,基础设施(如较高文化层次的人民)也已开始形成。
    Although we are still far from being a "cultural garden", the plans for this garden have been drawn up, the groundwork is already laid and the infrastructure (like having a more cultured populace) is starting to take shape.
  • 大城市具有自身种种诱人的招,并不亚于那些教人学坏的男男女女,当然人比社会微小得多,也更富于人情味。
    The city has its cunning wiles, no less than the infinitely smaller and more human tempter.
  • 莪术一种印度植物(莪术姜黄属),有黄色的、紫色的苞和含淀粉的块茎状根茎
    An Indian plant(Curcuma zedoaria) having yellow flowers, purple bracts, and starchy tuberous rhizomes.
  • 姜黄一种产于印度的被广泛种植的热带植物(姜黄姜黄属),黄色,有一个芳香多肉的根茎
    A widely cultivated tropical plant(Curcuma domestica) of India, having yellow flowers and an aromatic, somewhat fleshy rhizome.
  • 烘炉烘啤酒或麦芽或烘烤加工烟草的干窑
    A kiln for drying hops or malt or drying and curing tobacco.
  • 我只是出于好奇,请问你买这辆车了多少钱?
    Just to satisfy my curiosity, how much did you pay for your car?