  • 我坚持保全他们,并希望用最少的时间、最小的牺牲体面地结束这场野蛮的冲突。
    It was my constant effort to preserve them and end the savage conflict honorably and with the least loss of time and in minimum sacrifice of life.
  • 不错,有些程序是有自动保存功,有些程序甚至还恢复你没保存过的材料。
    Yes,some programs have an auto save feature,and some programs can even recover material you never saved.
  • 他对那男人说:“由于你听你的妻子的话,偷吃了我禁吃的树上果实,土地也因你而受累,你要在它上面辛劳一辈子才勉强糊口。”
    And to the man he said: "Because you have listened to your wife and have eaten from the tree which I forbade you, accursed shall be the ground on your account. With labour you shall win your food from it all the days of your life."
  • 泵站节能技术
    energy saving technique for pumping station
  • 节能、环保产业。
    Energy-saving, Environmental Protection Industry.
  • 我相信你救他的命。
    I credit you with saving his life.
  • 科学家准确地计算出太空船什么时候抵达月球。
    The scientists are able to calculate accurately when the spaceship will reach the moon.
  • 我们要学会把我们的思想尽可地用精确的言语表达出来。
    We should learn to put our ideas into words as accurately as possible.
  • 只有一个办法能救他.
    There is just one way of saving him.
  • 李洪志宣扬“世界末日就要来临”、“地球就要爆炸”,自称他是当今唯一的救世主,只有练法轮功才消灾避难,要求练习者绝对服从他,只按照他的说教规范言行,不准在思想、行动上遵从别的理论,从精神上控制修炼者。
    He has predicted that the end of the world is coming and the earth is going to blow up. He has styled himself as the only Savior of the world and alleged that disasters and sufferings can be avoided only by practicing Falun Gong. He has asked practitioners to obey him blindly and regulate their behavior with his so-called teachings. He has forbidden them from following other theories in mind and in action so as to mentally control them.
  • 这些难题用计算机又快又准确地计算出来。
    These difficult problems may be calculated on computer both quickly and accurately.
  • 大炮必须事先固定炮位,方准确轰击目标。
    Heavy guns have to be bedded in before they will fire accurately.
  • 例如,你精确地描叙5个好朋友的面貌吗?
    For instance can you describe accurately the faces of five good friends?
  • 但是,要尽情地生活,我们只一天一天地生活下去,品味各种小小成功的喜悦、领悟生活是一个自我发现和自我充实的漫长旅程。
    But to live with abandon, we must live one day at a time, savoring the little victories, realizing that life is an endless journey in self-discovery and personal fulfillment.
  • 精确地描述政府的政策,并且全心全意地支持它。
    I've accurately described the Administration policy and I support it wholeheartedly.
  • 近视眼的人不准确地调整眼睛看清远处的物体。
    A near - sighted person cannot focus accurately on distant objects.
  • 该证据不正确地确定死亡的时间。
    The evidence cannot fix the time of death accurately.
  • 而在那人被处死时,生长在法兰西和挪威森林里的某些树木很可已被“命运”这个樵夫看中,要砍倒它们,锯成木板,做成一种在历史上以恐怖著名的可以移动的架子,其中包含了一个口袋和一把铡刀。
    It is likely enough that, rooted in the woods of France and Norway, there were growing trees, when that sufferer was put to death, already marked by the Woodman, Fate, to comedown and be sawn into boards, to make a certain movable framework with a sack and a knife in it, terrible in history.
  • 一个近视的人不够正确地调节眼睛看远处物体。
    A nearsighted person cannot focus accurately on distant objects.
  • 你能准确地量吗?
    Can you measure accurately?
  • “为了我的职业名誉,”萨克斯顿先生说,“我在接案子时特别谨慎。越是有可导致窘境的案子,我越不想接手。”
    "For the sake of my professional reputation," said Mr Saxton, I am very careful about accepting a case. The more it looks like a Queer Street, the more I an inclined to leave it alone.
  • 先用尺在纸上划出方格,这样你就把图精确地摹绘下来了。
    Square the page off with your ruler, then you'll be able to copy the drawing accurately.
  • 工程技术人员尤其必须够迅速而准确地将自己的想法传达给别人。
    The engineer in particular must be able to communicate his ideas to others rapidly and accurately.
  • 准确流利地说英语。
    He can speak English fluently and accurately.
  • 告诉我这些数字是否正确吗?
    Can you tell me whether these figures is accurate?
  • 告诉我这些数字是否正确吗?
    Can you tell me whether these figures are accurate?
  • 这种绷带也可导致皮肤发炎,而炎症将会影响无疤痊愈的效果。”
    The scaffolds could also cause inflammation, which would interfere with scarless healing.
  • 刘博士研究人造子宫的过程是:从子宫内膜上剥离细胞,然后在起生物降解作用的物质支架上培育这些细胞。
    Liu's work involves removing cells from the endometrium, the lining of the womb, then growing layers of these cells on scaffolds of biodegradable material.
  • 生物降解绷带在疗伤药品竞争中不敢说首屈一指,如果其功真如广告所宣传的那样,那么至少治愈的伤口不会留下疤痕是指日可待的。
    Biodegradable scaffolds might not win the healing race, but if they live up to their promise, at least there won't be a scar in sight.
  • 曼彻斯特大学创伤专家马克·费尔古森指出:“在新细胞在其之上生长,繁殖之前,人体的免疫系统有可毁坏或吸收掉这一布状纤维绷带。
    "A person's immune system can demolish and reabsorb the scaffold before the cells have a chance to migrate on it", he says.
  • 细心的;严谨的;有力的;稳健的
    careful and accurate; competent
  • 可被攀登的;攀登的。
    capable of being scaled; possible to scale.