  • 幹部要順着臺階上,一般的意義是說,幹部要有深入群衆、熟悉專業、積纍經驗和經受驗鍛煉的過程。
    Generally speaking, promoting cadres step by step means that they should go through the process of learning their profession, tempering themselves, working among the masses, and accumulating experience.
  • 每項重要改革方案的製定和實施,都充分慮國傢財政、企業和群衆的承受能力,把握出臺的時機、節奏和力度,並根據實施過程中出現的新情況、新問題,及時加以調整和完善。
    In conceiving and implementing a major reform, we will fully consider if the country's financial resources, the enterprises and the people are able to sustain its impact, weigh carefully its timing, tempo and intensity, and be ready to make timely adjustments as may be needed in response to new developments and problems in the course of implementation.
  • 時間感覺;處於過去和將來之間的;現在存在、發生或被慮的。
    temporal sense; intermediate between past and future; now existing or happening or in consideration.
  • 他想誘使我在試中作弊。
    He tried to tempt me to cheat in the examination.
  • 這裏有我久經驗的朋友。如果你想引誘我去別處工作,你得出好幾倍的薪水纔行。
    I have tried and true friends here. It would need more than twice the salary you offer to tempt me to move elsewhere.
  • 男士在愛情上傾嚮於浪漫,比女士更易墜入情網。女士的擇偶傾嚮則側重於許多實際的慮。
    Men tend to be romantics, often falling in love more quickly than women, who tend to focus on practical considerations in choosing a mate.
  • 請電告交涉進展如何。此地當局似有答應之意,前景樂觀茲僅作參
    Telegraph how negotiation proceeding information prospect our side brightly as authorities appear inclined to tentative
  • 我的試成績到今天上午才能知道。昨天一整天我老想着這事,坐立不安。
    My examination results are going to arrive this morning. I was on tenterhooks all day yesterday thinking about them.
  • 這個學期期末有試嗎?
    Are there any exams at the end of this term?
  • 在學期中我們有幾次試。
    During term, we have examinations.
  • 阿爾瓦雷茨很好地為三疊紀/白堊紀的大碰撞提出了證據,但當慮它的結果時,卻留下了很多要思的問題。
    Alvarez did well in pro viding evidence for a Cretacious / Tertiary impact but left much to be desired when considering its results.
  • 你這次試的結果如何?
    How did you do on your test?
  • 麥剋爾先生通過第二次努力終於通過了駕駛執照試。
    Mr Michal passed the driving test at the second attempt.
  • 長距離比賽驗了遊泳者們的持久力。
    The long race tested the swimmer's endurance.
  • 我想父親的話此刻面臨最嚴峻的驗了。
    Here, I thought, is the test of all tests for Father's advice.
  •  (十一)根據安全和重大公共利益的慮,决定政府官員或其他負責政府公務的人員是否嚮立法會或其屬下的委員會作證和提供證據;
    To decide, in the light of security and vital public interests, whether government officials or other personnel in charge of government affairs should testify or give evidence before the Legislative Council or its committees;
  • 一時間,我甚至還冒出了這樣的想法:這是一種測試,老婦人是公司總部派來的,驗我是否忠於職守。
    For a moment, I even entertained the idea that this ws some sort of test, and that this woman was someone from the head office, testing my loyalty.
  • 這時他在認真慮競選得州州長。
    He was thinking hard about running for Governor of Texas.
  • 我看教科書也無法回答這些慮。
    I can not even answer these question with the textbook.
  • 望認真慮您方商業信譽,立即開證,否則由此帶來的損失由您方承擔。
    We hope you will take your commercial reputation into account and open the L/C at once. Otherwise, you will be responsible for all the losses arising therefrom.
  • 這位流行學派的創立者在這裏所表示的是一種雙重觀點;國傢經濟同各個人的私人經濟一樣,是應當在這種雙重觀點下來察的。
    The founder of the prevailing economical school has therein indicated the double point of view from which the economy of nations, like that of private separate individuals, should be regarded.
  • 這位作傢主要所努力的是就亞當·斯密所提供的材料形成一個體係。他在他的《實用政治經濟學》第六捲(第288頁)裏坦率說明:“我們慮的範圍可以是屬於以族長為首的一個傢族的經濟利益,有關這方面的觀察和原則所構成的是私人經濟。
    This writer, whose efforts were mainly restricted to the formation of a system out of the materials which Adam Smith had brought to light, says explicitly in the sixth volume (p. 288) of his 'Economie politique pratique'. 'We may take into our consideration the economical interests of the family with the father at its head; the principles and observations referring thereto will constitute private economy.
  • 在討論熱力係統時,這種內能的任何變化,人們都必須仔細慮。
    In discussing thermodynamic systems, one must be careful to take account of any changes in this internal energy.
  • 剋林頓的政府官員檢測了剋斯委員會的“證據”,這使他們得以重新審視在1998年就應該嚮委員會指出對w-70和“微型熱力原子彈”的一些命令是多麽的可笑。
    The Clinton Administration officials who were examining the Cox Committee "evidence" as it was being submitted to them for review in 1998 ought to have pointed out to the Committee how ridiculous those charges about the W-70 and the "miniaturized thermonuclear bomb " were.
  • 首先,我們必須慮生物體是由什麽組成的,不論是動物還是植物。其次,要慮生物體的生存需要什麽樣的條件。
    First we must consider what goes to make a living thing, whether plant or animal, and then what conditions living things need in order to go on living.
  • 時間驗一切。(諺)
    Time tries all things.
  • 慮將來可能從事的活動
    About Things In The futur
  • 我在慮下步怎麽辦。
    I'm thinking what to do next.
  • 你做那事之前應慮一下。
    You should think before doing that.
  • 你必須仔細慮怎麽答復。
    You must reflect on what answer to give.
  • 陪審團認真慮那個案子。
    The jury deliberated on the case.
  • 慮過準備做什麽工作了嗎?
    Have you thought about what job you are going to do?