  • 小偷所有的马放了缰绳。
    The thief gave all the horses a bridle.
  • 一匹未驯服的马戴龙头实不容易。
    It is not easy to bridle a horse that is not well broken.
  • 公司已将案件委托最好的律师进行辩护。
    The company has briefed a top lawyer to defend it.
  • 这是我给他的指令。
    It's my brief to instruct him.
  • 我们谈完后,我走到我的公文包旁,拿出我获得的第一枚金牌,他戴在脖子上。
    When we finished talking,I went to my briefcase and pulled out the first gold medal I won and put it around his neck.
  • 开会之前,秘书长先代表们简单地说了一下情况。
    Before the meeting, the general secretary gave the representatives a briefing.
  • 开会之前,我先你简单说一下情况。
    Before the meeting, let me give you a briefing.
  • 然后他们带到一个房间,简单介绍了一下情况。
    Then they were shown into a room for a short briefing.
  • 于是她简单地我们谈了谈她的情况。
    Then briefly she told us about herself.
  • 他们发这个旅每个成员一套棉衣。
    They allowed each member of the brigade one cotton-padded suit.
  • 除了卖国家的余粮外,这个大队还建立了自己的粮食储备。
    Above the surplus grain sold to the state, the brigade built up a good grain reserve of its own.
  • 照明,照亮予光亮或用光使发亮
    To provide or brighten with light.
  • 如果我的名字和他的一起出现,则会我的日子带来光彩,让我觉得自己终于成为了家庭中的一员。
    If my name appeared along with his, it would brighten my day and make me feel like I was part of their family unit after all.
  • 恢复光彩…以新鲜或光采;使复原
    To give new freshness or brightness to; restore.
  • 闪烁的,炫耀的人以短暂或表面印象的光彩或才华的
    Giving a momentary or superficial impression of brilliance.
  • 奥林波斯山上的众神都来庆贺他们的婚礼。伏尔甘送了新娘一串他亲手制作的项链,精美绝伦。
    The gods left Olympus to honor the occasion with their presence, and Vulcan presented the bride with a necklace of surpassing brilliancy, his own workmanship.
  • 她倒满一杯茶我喝。
    She brim the cup with tea and offer it to me.
  • 腌汁用于保存或食物调味的盐或醋溶液,常加有香料
    A solution of brine or vinegar, often spiced, for preserving and flavoring food.
  • 你去邮局时能不能我带些邮票回来?
    When you go to the post office, will you please bring some stamps back for me?
  • 请把锯子带回来我。
    Please bring me back the saw.
  • 拿个灯给我。
    Bring me a light.
  • 请给我来份通心面。
    Bring me a pasta.
  • 我会给您拿些过来。
    I'll bring you some.
  • 把它捎给我兄弟。
    Bring it to my brother.
  • 给我带点咖啡回来。
    Bring me back some coffee.
  • 请把帐单给我。
    Bring me the account, please.
  • 请把帐单给我。
    Bring me the bill, please.
  • 这样一位总裁能够处于生存边缘的公司注入新的希望吗?
    Was this the man to breathe new life into a company on the brink?
  • 每当食人族濒于饿死的边缘之际,上天就会本着大慈大悲为怀,他们送来一个又肥又大的传教士。
    Whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, Heaven in its infinite mercy sends them a nice plump missionary.
  • 每当食人族濒于饿死的边缘之际,上天就会本着的大慈大悲为怀,他们送来一个又肥又大的传教士。
    Whenever cannibal is on the brink of starvation, heaven in its infinite mercy send them a nice plump missionary.
  • 这是第一次参加贵方交易会,我印象最深的是你们这种轻松友好的贸易气氛。
    This is my first visit to your fair. What impress me most is your brisk and friendly trade atmosphere.
  • 英国现在的石油可以自自足。
    Britain is now self-sufficient in oil.