  • 他被隔开了,因为他得了传染病。
    He was set apart because he suffered an infectious disease.
  • 这些人患有传染病,应将他们隔开来。
    These people should be put as they are suffering from an infectious disease.
  • (八○)主动是和战争力量的优势不能分的,而被动则和战争力量的劣势分不开。
    80. Initiative is inseparable from superiority in capacity to wage war, while passivity is inseparable from inferiority in capacity to wage war.
  • 当恒星的密度达到无穷大时,因为光也逃不了它,此时的恒星就叫做黑洞。
    Because no light escapes after the star reaches this infinite density, it is called a black hole.
  • 教条主义的空谈理论的,脱实际的,教条主义的
    Of, relating to, or characteristic of a person inflexibly attached to a practice or theory.
  • 这是由于出生人数比死亡人数多28100人,以及到港人数较港人数多167700人。
    This was due to 28100 more births than deaths and a net inflow of 167700 persons.
  • 用以防止被驱动电路对驱动电路的影响的一种隔电路。
    An isolating circuit used to prevent a driven circuit from influencing the driving circuit.
  • 他们所感染的病毒与从香港市场家禽身上取得的化验样本分出的h9n2流感病毒有密切的关系。
    These viruses were closely related to H9N2 influenza viruses isolated from poultry in Hong Kong markets.
  • 难民逃港人数最多时,大约有50万人流失所,露宿街头。
    It was thought that at the height of the influx, about 500000 people were sleeping in the streets.
  • 开(很不正式的做法)。
    leave (very informal usage).
  • 警察匆匆赶到检举人所提供的地址,不料得到的消息是他们要缉拿来的罪犯于大约半小时前逃该处。
    The police hurried to the address supplied by their informant, only to learn that their bird had flown about half an hour before.
  • 她是最后一个开的。
    he was the last to leave; he finished an inglorious last.
  • 给予所有深受苦难的人们的礼物的价值还将用并必须用我们国家全体人民的幸福和福利来衡量。他们将推倒那些将他们隔的非人道之墙。
    The value of that gift to all who have suffered will and must be measured by the happiness and welfare of all the people of our country, who will have torn down the inhuman walls that divide them.
  • 他们无视于《可兰经》的教义,即“不要因为憎恨他人的心理,犯下背正义的罪行。”
    They showed a shallow understanding of Islam when they disregarded the Qur'anic injunction that says: “O you who have attained faith! …Never let hatred of anyone lead you to the sin of deviating from justice. ”
  • 我朋友暗示他有意开这家公司。
    My friend gave an inkling of his intention to leave the company.
  • 朝向大海、海岸或者位于远内陆区域并且朝向大海、海岸的地方。
    directed or situated away from inland regions and toward the sea or coast.
  • 优良的工作条件和优厚的待遇使许多大学生开了内陆地区。
    Better working conditions and higher wages have drained many university students away from the inland areas.
  • 然而一切这些,不开动员老百姓。
    But all these are inseparable from the mobilization of the common people.
  • (五)与人民打成一片,同人民建立血肉不可分的关系。
    5) To become one with the people, as inseparable as flesh and blood.
  • 国内政治的改进,是和抗战的坚持不能分的。
    Political progress at home and perseverance in the War of Resistance are inseparable.
  • 因此,党的团结和统一,也不能开不同程度的党内斗争。
    Therefore, Party solidarity and unity are inseparable from inner-Party struggle of varying degrees.
  • 将来的被解放了的新中国,是和将来的被解放了的新世界不能分的。
    The liberated new China of the future will be inseparable from the liberated new world of the future.
  • 实际上,新加坡原本就是由世界各地的移民组成的社会。它的发展根本就不开许许多外来人才的贡献。
    In fact, being a society of immigrants, the growth of Singapore has been inseparable from the contributions of numerous talented people from abroad.
  • 敌后的经济战线,包含了两个不能分的环节,一是对敌展开经济斗争,一是在根据地展开经济建设。
    The economic front behind enemy lines consists of two inseparable factors--the economic struggle with the enemy and economic development in the base areas.
  • 这样说来,问题是很清楚的,我们要革除的那种中华民族旧文化中的反动成分,它是不能开中华民族的旧政治和旧经济的;而我们要建立的这种中华民族的新文化,它也不能开中华民族的新政治和新经济。
    Thus it is quite clear that the reactionary elements of the old national culture we want to eliminate are inseparable from the old national politics and economics, while the new national culture which we want to build up is inseparable from the new national politics and economics.
  • 我们的经验是:第一,敌后的一切不开对敌的尖锐斗争,我们每一点经济建设的果实,都是用血换来的。
    First, everything that goes on in the enemy's rear area is inseparable from the intense struggle against the enemy; all our achievements in economic development have been paid for in blood.
  • 抗日战争是全民族的革命战争,它的胜利,不开战争的政治目的——驱逐日本帝国主义、建立自由平等的新中国,不开坚持抗战和坚持统一战线的总方针,不开全国人民的动员,不开官兵一致、军民一致和瓦解敌军等项政治原则,不开统一战线政策的良好执行,不开文化的动员,不开争取国际力量和敌国人民援助的努力。
    The anti-Japanese war is a revolutionary war waged by the whole nation, and victory is inseparable from the political aim of the war -- to drive out Japanese imperialism and build a new China of freedom and equality -- inseparable from the general policy of persevering in the War of Resistance and in the united front, from the mobilization of the entire people, and from the political principles of the unity between officers and men, the unity between army and people and the disintegration of the enemy forces, and inseparable from the effective application of united front policy, from mobilization on the cultural front, and from the efforts to win international support and the support of the people inside Japan.
  • 保持阵地和发展阵地是不可分的。
    Holding our ground and extending it are inseparably connected.
  • 在一片基片上或基片中,将相关的不可分的元件连接在一起的组合电路,用以实现某种电子电路功能。
    A combination of connected elements inseparably associated on or within a single continuous substrate to perform an electronic circuit function.
  • 他手指上戴着好几个戒指,其中有一枚是沉甸甸的图章戒指,这枚戒指是始终不身的。从他的西装背心上垂下一条精致的金表链,表链那一头垂挂着兄弟会的秘密徽章。
    His fingers bore several rings--one, the ever-enduring heavy seal--and from his vest dangled a neat gold watch chain, from which was suspended the secret insignia of the Order of Elks.
  • 他竟然无礼地叫我开房间。
    He had the insolence to tell me to leave the room.
  • 她立即离去了。
    She left on the instant.