  • 通过加热和过滤提纯的紫胶,常为橙色或黄色薄片,但有时也被漂
    lac purified by heating and filtering; usually in thin orange or yellow flakes but sometimes bleached white.
  • 生活在深海长有色背鳍的大鲨鱼;分布于世界各地;最危险的鲨鱼。
    large deep-water shark with white-tipped dorsal fin; worldwide distribution; most dangerous shark.
  • 色食肉型有牙齿和大型背鳍的鲸;常见于寒冷的海水中。
    predatory black-and-white toothed whale with large dorsal fin; common in cold seas.
  • 常见的欧洲雀鸟,多是黑色,喉部和胸部是红色。
    common European finch mostly black and white with red throat and breast.
  • 常见的北美洲雀鸟,喉部有色斑点,头冠为黑相间的条纹。
    common North American finch with a white patch on the throat and black-and-white striped crown.
  • 燕雀欧亚大陆北部的一种雀(燕雀燕雀属),具有黑色、色和锈褐色的羽毛
    A finch(Fringilla montifringilla) of northern Eurasia, having black, white, and rust-brown plumage.
  • 你应该把取景器举得紧靠眼睛。明吗?
    You shall hold the view - finder close to the eye. Understand?
  • 柔软的色的亚麻布。
    a finely woven white linen.
  • 细麻布精致纺出的色的麻布或棉纺织物
    A finely woven white linen or cotton fabric.
  • 长有齐整叶片和色或浅蓝色花朵的欧洲园林植物。
    European garden plant having finely cut leaves and white or pale blue flowers.
  • 黄金、金饰物的成色分析及秤重器的检定,亦是化验所日常工作的一部分。
    Fineness determination of gold and platinum articles and the verification of weighing devices are also conducted on a routine basis.
  • 此外,该处也负责保护消费者免受欺骗,防止有关货品数量及黄金和金成色方面的不公平交易。
    It also has responsibilities to protect consumers from fraudulent or unfair trading practices related to quantities of goods and the fineness of gold and platinum articles.
  • 化验所继续分析黄金和金成色并检定度量衡,协助调查不良的经营手法。
    In the investigation of other potentially fraudulent trade practices, the Laboratory continued its role in assaying the fineness of gold and platinum articles, and verifying weights and measures.
  • 他的衬衫虽不如长袜精美,却也得耀眼,像拍打着附近海滩的浪尖,或是阳光中闪耀在遥远的海上的帆。那张脸习惯性地绷着,一点表情也没有。
    His linen, though not of a fineness in accordance with his stockings, was as white as the tops of the waves that broke upon the neighbouring beach, or the specks of sail that glinted in the sunlight far at sea.
  • 杨的枝干向上生长;他伸出了一个指头
    Poplars thrusting their branches upward; thrust out his finger.
  • 由麻省理工学院研制的电流器是一种无指手套,它配有发光的二极管显示器。当你的压力荷尔蒙达到高位时,显示器会发出明亮的光。
    MIT's Galvactivator is a fingerless glove rigged with an LED display that glows bright white when your stress hormones go into high gear.
  • 由淡水鲑组成的软鳍鱼类;以前被归为鲑科。
    soft-finned fishes comprising the freshwater whitefishes; formerly included in the family Salmonidae.
  • 城市当代舞蹈团在一九九七年上演了多出本地舞蹈作品,包括"糊涂炮竹贺新年"、"革命京剧──九七封印"、"三七.三八.三九"及"胡公公和他的彩虹堡垒"。
    The City Contemporary Dance Company staged several performances by local choreographers in 1997, including The Firecracker, Revolutionary Pekinese Opera (Millennium Mix), Thirty something and Papa White-beard and his Rainbow Castle.
  • 一种色的盐(kclo),用于火柴、焰火和炸药,也用作消毒剂和漂剂。
    a white salt (KClO3) used in matches, fireworks, and explosives; also used as a disinfectant and bleaching_agent.
  • 我知道,这很难令人相信,不过我在宫里的内线(他的消息通常很可靠)告诉我:布什总统正在考虑是否应该赦免正在上州坐监的埃米·费歇尔。“如果他当初没有放温伯格一马,就不会犹豫不决,”宫消息说,“他担心瓜田李下之讥。”
    Hard to believe, I know, but my usually reliable White House insiders tell me that President Bush is trying to decide whether or not to pardon Amy Fisher, now jailed in an upstate penitentiary. "If he hadn't given a pass to Caspar Weinberger, there wouldn't be any hesitation," a White House source said, "he is worried about linkage here."
  • 他用明恰当的语言来表达他的思想。
    He expressed his thoughts in clear and fitting language.
  • 一种类似油灰的胶泥,由色和红色的铅与煮沸的亚麻油混合而成,用于封闭管道接口。
    a cement resembling putty; made by mixing white and red lead in boiled linseed oil; used as luting on pipe fittings.
  • 早在小狗断奶之前,孩子们已经偷偷地管它叫"小淘气";我还没有明过来,小狗已经像我们家壁炉似地永远固定在那儿,成为家庭不可分割的一员。
    Long before the pup was weaned,the kids secretly began calling him Scampy,and before I knew it he had become as much a fixture as the fireplace.And just as immovable.
  • 水手们日用旗,夜晚用灯,发信号。
    Sailors signal with flags by day and with lights at night.
  • 美国东部的一种高大的,具片状树皮的落叶栎树,叶裂片比其他栎少;木材坚硬,用于建筑;易于在湿地生长。
    large flaky-barked deciduous oak of the eastern United States with leaves having fewer lobes than other white oaks; yields heavy strong wood used in construction; thrives in wet soil.
  • 色的闪电划破了天空;上千把火炬……突然把浓重的黑暗变成一个苍色的、不可思议的昼——e·a·坡。
    livid lightning streaked the sky; a thousand flambeaux...turned all at once that deep gloom into a livid and preternatural day- E.A.Poe.
  • 杜塞尔多夫城南耸立着本拉特皇宫,它是一座粉相间的宏伟的避暑宫殿。室内设计师们狂热地追求艳丽壁画、精雕细琢的石膏造型和饰有金叶的绘画作品。
    To the south of Dusseldorf lies Schloss Benrath, a magnificent pink and white summer palace where interior designers went rather overboard with flamboyant frescoes, ornate plasterwork and gold-leaf paint.
  • 一种能反射出橙色、黄色和红色光的蛋石。
    an opal with flaming orange and yellow and red colors.
  • 电视文字广播中的一种设施,它可将广播型可视数据检索系统数据库中的一项信息叠映在电视机所显示的广播画面上。通常它是以矩形黑底字的方式显示,给人以方盒子的效果,经常用于新闻短讯或副标题。
    In teletext, a facility whereby an item of information from the teletext database is superimposed on the broadcast picture displayed on the television set. It is usually displayed as white characters on a rectangular black background, giving a boxed effect, often used for news flashes or subtitles.
  • 那辆色的汽车超速行驶,警车闪亮着大光灯紧追不舍。
    The white car was traveling at well over the speed limit and the police car made after it with its lights flashing.
  • 淡灰色鱼肉的比目鱼。
    grayish-white flesh of a flatfish.
  • 她对受到邀请访问宫感到很荣幸。
    She is greatly flatter by an invitation to visit the white house.