  • 科技产业联交所为工业家、企业家和创业资本家提供一个科技展示及资源中心,以提升本港在创新、发明及量产面的能力;
    The Techmart, a technology showcase and resource centre for industrialists, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, promoted Hong Kong's capability in innovation, invention and industrialisation.
  • 奥运会的每个东道主都会呈献一台艺术盛会,展示其音乐,戏剧、舞蹈、美术以及文学等面的特色。
    Every host of Olympic Games would stage an accompanying arts festival, which showcases music, theater, dance, art, literature and more.
  • 虽然本周双的言词都意味着可能摊牌,但是按照法律,任何保险公司打算离开该州,必须“有条不紊地撤离”(遵守有关法令),紧张气氛因而降低。
    While the language on both sides this week has the ring of a showdown, the sense of drama is dampened by the "orderly withdrawal" required by law for any insurer wishing to leave the state.
  • 无能缺乏能力或方法
    Lack of ability or means.
  • 以表露出关心的式。
    in a manner showing concern.
  • 在地政治中,会赢得公众的注意有助於成功
    In local politics it helps to be a bit of a showman.
  • 他是一个有多面才能的人。
    He is a man of many abilities.
  • 我们在离此不远的地有个展示间,布莱克先生,您现在有空吗?
    We have a showroom not far away from here, Mr. black. Are you free now?
  • 树林上露出了一座塔。
    A tower shows above the wood.
  • 另一面,制造业占的比率则明显缩减,由一九八零年的42%下跌至一九九零年的28%,到一九九九年更进一步下跌至只有8%左右。
    On the other hand, the share of the manufacturing sector in total employment shrank visibly, from 42 per cent in 1980 to 28 per cent in 1990, and further to only about 8 per cent in 1999.
  • 驯悍有方
    Taming of the Shrew
  • 她还出演过两部重要的古典纽约舞台剧《驯悍记》和《我们的城市》,但发现由于其"荧屏女星"的名声,戏剧面的角色越来越难找了。
    Hunt also starred in two major classical New York theatre productions The Taming of the Shrew and Our Town?but found theatre work harder and harder to come by because of her reputation as a “ television” actress.
  • 有些人在其他面很机警,但在股票市场上却容易上当受骗。
    Some persons who are otherwise shrewd are mere babes in the woods where the stock market is concerned.
  • 中国监狱、劳改场所把绝大多数罪犯(包括封建清王朝末代帝和历史上的战争罪犯)改造成为守法的公民和对国家建设有用的人才面所取得的成就,在国际上受到了普遍的称赞。
    China's prisons and reform-through-labor institutions have won global acclaim for their achievements in turning the overwhelming majority of criminals, including the last emperor of the feudal Qing Dynasty and war criminals, into law-abiding citizens and qualified personnel helpful to the country's development.
  • 这个如意算盘是高明的,但是还有更高明的毛主席,他从确定自卫战争的针时起早就看清这一点。
    Although Chiang Kai-shek is shrewd in his calculations, we have our Chairman Mao, who is even wiser and saw through them as early as when he began to formulate the concept of the principle for the war of self-defence.
  • 他的讲话十分刻毒,人们认为这简直是在攻击政府。他多攻击,几乎没有一个内阁成员免遭到他的严词抨击。
    Regarded simply as an attack on the Government, his speech was virulent to a degree. He laid about him right and left; there was hardly a single member of the Gabinet who didn’t receive one or two shrewd blows.
  • 敏锐的,精明的有或显示出精明和敏锐的理解力或判断力,尤指对与其相关的
    Having or showing shrewdness and discernment, especially with respect to one's own concerns.
  • 飞机在头顶上尖声低空飞行。
    A jet plane shrieked low overhead.
  • 第30分局局长马丁虽然否认警对该地区未予重视,但是同意商人应勇于报案,并呼吁双加强沟通。
    Although denying that police gave the area short shrift, …Richard Martin, 30th Precinct commander, agreed with merchants readily reporting crimes, and urged better communication on both sides.
  • 由于关切苏联抱怨美国在外交面做得不够,白宫星期六宣布布什将于星期日首途赫尔辛基与戈尔巴乔夫商讨波斯湾情势及其他事务。
    Concerned by Soviet complaints that the U.S. has given diplomacy short shrift, the White House announced on Saturday that Bush will head to Helsinki this Sunday to discuss the gulf Situation, among other things, with President Mikhail Gorbachev.
  • 必须执行与遵守合同的规定。
    Both parties must implement and abide by it.
  • 在未来3年多时间里,我希望我们放在这些面的精力能减少75%。
    Over the next three years, I want to shrink that by 75%.
  • 第一种是向下的,表现在:几十万人的伤亡,武器和弹药的消耗,士气的颓靡,国内人心的不满,贸易的缩减,一百万万日元以上的支出,国际舆论的责备等等面。
    The first kind is a change for the worse and manifests itself in hundreds of thousands of casualties, the drain on arms and ammunition, deterioration of troop morale, popular discontent at home, shrinkage of trade, the expenditure of over ten thousand million yen, condemnation by world opinion, etc.
  • 当然,西藏的生态环境也有不尽如人意的地,如草场质量趋于下降;有些珍稀动物分布范围在逐渐缩校
    Of course, some undesirable environmental problems do sometimes arise. For example, the quality of grassland tends to deteriorate, and the habitat of some rare animals is gradually shrinking.
  • 这种模型减缩法也早在1980年出版的中国专业刊物《强度与环境》上有过专门介绍,1984年后被编进了复旦大学《结构振动与动态子结构分析法》教科书中。
    Strength and Environment, a professional Chinese publication in 1980, carried special introductions to this model shrinking method, which, after 1984, was included in the Structure Vibration and Dynamic Substructure Analysis Method, a textbook compiled by Shanghai's Fudan University.
  • 我们的津贴案,恐怕要搁置到目前这经济萧条结束之后才能实施。
    I'm afraid that our new pension scheme will have to go into abeyance until the present depression is over.
  • 掘墓工人把裹尸布扔在死人的脸上,盖上棺盖,一人一头把棺材抬起,向指定的那个向走去。
    The grave-diggers pulled the shroud back over the dead woman's face, closed up the coffin, took one end each and headed for the spot which had been pointed out to them.
  • 盆景用这种式培植出的树或灌木
    A tree or shrub grown by this method.
  • 具有一个纠正失误的金属板因此能够看到天空中更广阔的地
    has plate that corrects for aberration so that a wide area of sky can be photographed.
  • 美国西北部一种两针一束的灌木状松树;红到黄褐色树皮,小形裂纹。
    shrubby 2-needled pine of coastal northwestern United States; red to yellow-brown bark fissured into small squares.
  • 用这种法减缩之后的卫星结构和火箭模型结合后,可以进行载荷耦合计算工作。
    Once the satellite structure, shrunk through this method, is connected with the rocket model, coupled loads computation can then be conducted.
  • 近年来,通过多种式和途径迁移安置了260万贫困人口,其中已稳定在迁入地居住的达240万,使全国需要移民搬迁的贫困人口由750万减少到500万左右。
    In the recent year, about 2.6 million of the poor have been relocated in various ways and through various channels, among whom 2.4 million have already settled down. The total poor population that needs to migrate has shrunk from 7.5 million to about five million.