  • 贫民窟中拥挤的居民
    the teeming population of the slum
  • 听到布什在《国情咨文》中向世界宣称伊朗是"恐怖之源"后,25岁的内达·卡西米在德黑兰家中的起室接收记者采访时说,她怀疑西方国家将永远不会对伊朗有正确的认识。
    Sitting in a Tehran living room just days after Bush told the world her country exports terror, 25-year-old Neda Ghasemi said she wondered if the West would ever get the picture right.
  • 光缆传输网络扩大,已拥有用户177.7万户,全市46%的民可以收看到40个频道的电视节目。
    The network of optic-fiber transfer was expanded, covering 1.777 million subscribers. 46 percent of Beijing inhabitants could teleview programs of 40 channels.
  • 邻居要来看电视。
    The neighbours will see television.
  • 当一个人住在公寓里,离开了土地的时候,最优越的艺术脾性又有什么用处呢?
    What can one do with the best artistic temperament, when one lives in anapartment and away from the soil?
  • 寄宿暂时居于某地
    To live in a place temporarily.
  • 在别人家住的房客。
    a tenant in someone's house.
  • 没有出租给租客或者没有被租客住。
    not leased to or occupied by a tenant.
  • 每年,数以万计移海外的香港人回流香港,他们为顺利回归而感到自豪。
    Tens of thousands of Hong Kong people who have previously migrated overseas are returning home each year.
  • 民(职员,会员),老手在一定的地方有相当多土地财产的人或在一定的职位上或活动有相当阅历、经验的人;老年人
    A person with considerable tenure or experience in a given place or activity; a veteran.
  • 未知的未来正向我们走来,这是我第一次怀着希望去面对她,只因一部机器——一位“终结者”,然也会明白生命的价值,或许我们同样能做到。——《终结者Ⅱ:审判之日》(1991)
    The unknow furture rolls toward us, I face it for the first time with sense of hope, because of a machine--a terminator, can learn the value of human life, maybe we can too.
  • 奥克兰美国加利福尼亚州西部的一座城市,在旧金山对面金山湾附近。西班牙殖民者于1820年1月在此始建定点,是一港口和铁路终点,通过桥梁、隧道和高速运输系统与旧金山地区其他社区相连。人口372,242
    A city of western California on San Francisco Bay opposite San Francisco. Founded on a site settled by Spanish colonists in1820, it is a port and rail terminus connected with other communities in the Bay Area by bridge, tunnel, and rapid transit. Population,372, 242.
  • 非洲草原上夜间活动的穴哺乳动物,以白蚁为食;现存的仅有品种。
    nocturnal burrowing mammal of the grasslands of Africa that feeds on termites; sole extant representative of the order Tubulidentata.
  • 在蜜蜂、蚂蚁和白蚁等的群昆虫部落中唯一有繁殖能力的雌性;它的作用是产卵。
    the only fertile female in a colony of social insects such as bees and ants and termites; its function is to lay eggs.
  • 居庸关云台
    Cloud Terrace at Juyongguan
  • 奥林匹亚美国华盛顿州首府,在华盛顿州的西部,普吉特海峡的南端。1845年开始有人在此住,1853年成为地区首府。人口33,840
    The capital of Washington, in the western part of the state on the southern end of Puget Sound. Settled in1845, it became the territorial capital in1853. Population, 33,840.
  • 对邻来说他是个讨厌的人。
    He was a terror to his neighbour.
  • 大多数澳门民是佛教徒,约占7%的天主教徒和宗教故址证明这里是东西方文化特殊的交汇点。
    While the majority of Macau's inhabitants are Buddhist, some seven per cent are Catholic and the religious sites of Macau testify to the special mix of eastern and western cultures here.
  • 属于或关于德克萨斯、德克萨斯民的,或有其特点的。
    of or relating to or characteristic of Texas or its residents.
  • 泰国人泰国的国民或
    A native or inhabitant of Thailand.
  • 属于或有关泰国,泰国民,语言,文化的
    Of or relating to Thailand or its peoples, languages, or cultures.
  • 这本新出版的书将不会引起轰动。但对身要职者的思想会产生影响。
    This newly published book won't set the Thames on fire, but it should influence thinking people in important position.
  • 切尔西英国伦敦西部街区,在泰晤士河北岸,自18世纪以来为作家和艺术家聚
    A district of western London, England, on the north bank of the Thames River, popular since the18th century with writers and artists.
  • 们以偷窃罪对他提起诉讼。
    The neighbors proceeded against him for theft.
  • 他们正在卖光家具,因为他们就要迁澳大利亚了。
    They're selling off their furniture because they're moving to Australia.
  • 人口持续地增长,伴随着生活水平的提高,不仅使美国受到资源枯竭的威胁,而且对环境的污染也已达到了如此严重的程度,以致民稠密地区的工业生产不损害当地民健康就不能存在。
    Continued population increase, accompanied by a rise in the level of living standards, not only threatens to exhaust American resources but pollutes the environment to such an extent that production in the thickly settled area is impossible without damaging the health of the local residents.
  • 旅鼠一种体形短小但很健壮的啮齿目动物,尤指旅鼠属动物。它住在北方地区,以其有时以淹死来结束生命的季节性群体迁徙而闻名
    Any of various small, thickset rodents, especially of the genus Lemmus, inhabiting northern regions and known for periodic mass migrations that sometimes end in drowning.
  • 汤姆正在考虑移国外。
    Tom is thinking of emigrating.
  • 另一件讨厌的事就是过桥费。塔布里迪先生说民平均每人每星期要付40美元的过桥费。最近的超级市场和其他服务业在罗卡维。
    Another thorn in their side is the toll at the bridge. It costs residents an average of $40 a week, Mr.Tubridy said. The closest supermarkets and offices are in the Rockaways.
  • 你带花来真是太体贴了;体贴、关心的邻
    it was thoughtful of you to bring flowers; a neighbor showed thoughtful attention.
  • 你带花来真是太体贴了;体贴、关心的邻
    it was thoughtful of you to bring flowers; a neighbor showed thoughtful attention.
  • 你太粗心了,然连你妈妈的生日也忘了。
    It was thoughtless of you to forget your mother's birthday.