  • 但任何一种天气对谁来说更“糟糕”呢?对沐日光浴的人?对滑雪者?对西红柿?对鸭子?显然,不管哪种天气对某人和某目的是有利的,所以为什么要标明某种天气是好是坏呢?对人人有害的天气是没有的。
    But for whom is any weather "worse"? Sunbathers? Skiers? Tomatoes? Ducks? Obviously any weather is good for some people and purposes, so why label it? It's an ill wind.
  • 我最近看了一材料,屡教屡犯的多得很,劳改几年放出来以后继续犯罪,而且更熟练、更会对付公安司法机关了。
    Recently I have read some relevant documents, from which I understand there are a great many habitual criminals who, on being released after a few years' remoulding through forced labour, resume their criminal activities, each time becoming more skilful and more experienced in coping with the public security and judicial organs.
  • 她巧妙地避开了那不好回答的问题。
    She fended off the difficult questions skilfully.
  • 他懂得怎样巧妙地把这意思讲清楚。
    He knew how to put over the ideas skilfully.
  • 仗打起来,开始可能吃亏,经过一段时间情况就会变化,有勇敢这一条,我们就能学会打仗。
    In a war, we may suffer some reverses to start with. But things will change after a period of time since, being brave, our men can learn to fight skilfully.
  • 不过那航海行家们一眼就看出,假如的确发生了什么意外事情的话,那一定与船的本身无关。因为从各方面来看,它并无丝毫失去操纵的迹象。领港员正在驾驶着动作敏捷的法老号通过马赛港狭窄的甬道进口。在领港员的旁边,有一青年正在动作敏捷地打着手势,他那敏锐的眼光注视着船的每一个动作,并重复领港员的每一个命令。
    However, those experienced in navigation saw plainly that if any accident had occurred, it was not to the vessel herself, for she bore down with all the evidence of being skilfully handled, the anchor a-cockbill, the jib-boom guys already eased off, and standing by the side of the pilot, who was steering the Pharaon towards the narrow entrance of the inner port, was a young man, who, with activity and vigilant eye, watched every motion of the ship, and repeated each direction of the pilot.
  • 织锦帘子很漂亮。
    These brocade curtains are beautiful.
  • 作者将一片断巧妙地合并成有连贯性的整体。
    The author skillfully fuses these fragments into a cohesive whole.
  • 玛丽以往表演中的一缺点都被巧妙地掩饰过去了。
    The cracks and flaws in Mary's old performance have been skillfully varnished over.
  • 如果你的某位同事善于应付老板的情绪,那你就向他请教一下你怎么做才能更为有效,不妨借用他的一手段。
    If one of your coworkers manages your boss's moods skillfully, ask him what you could be doing more effectively, then borrow a few of his moves.
  • 请看看这昆虫掠过水面的方式。
    Look at the way those insects skim over the water.
  • 你注意过那昆虫掠过水面的样子吗?
    Have you ever noticed the way those insects skim over the water?
  • 我只是大体翻了翻这小说,还满有趣。
    I only had time to skim through the novels, but it seemed very interesting.
  • 肉汁太油腻了;端上去以前先要把油脂撇去一
    The gravy is too greasy; skim off some of the fat before you serve it.
  • 肉汁太油腻了:端上桌之前要撇掉一油。
    The gravy is too greasy: skim off some of the fat before you can serve it.
  • 诚然,巴勒斯坦民族权力机构存在腐败现象,我手下的许多人时不时捞取几千块钱,但跟贵国闹得沸沸扬扬的那事情相比是小巫见大巫了。
    Sure, we have corruption in the PA -- many of my people skim off the top a few thousands here and there -- but nothing on the scale of what's been making the news on your side of the world.
  • 事实上,过度地暴露于太阳光之下,特别是对那白此肤的人们来说,易患皮肤癌。
    It is a matter of fact that excessive exposure to the sun's rays, especially in fair-skinned people, can cause skin cancer.
  • 他缺了课。勉强通考试。
    He missed some lectures. He only skinned through.
  • 他的信中有微妙的暗示。
    There were subtle hints in his letter.
  • 他们也可能用过木头和皮子,但这东西都烂掉了。
    They may also have used wood and skins, but these have rotted away.
  • 那些玫瑰已经霉烂。
    Those roses have been ruined by mildew.
  • 他一连好几个小时呆在图书馆里仔细翻阅那发霉味的文献资料。
    He had spent several hours in the library poring over those musty documents.
  • 书对儿童身心健康有害。
    Those books are unwholesome to children.
  • 小学生们喜欢作弄他们的老师。
    Those schoolboys like to play pranks on their teachers.
  • 树长着非常漂亮的白色树皮。
    Those trees have very beautiful white bark.
  • 不要穿那有花边或饰带的东西(除非是套服内的上衣)--也不要穿鲜红的超短连衣裙。
    Skip anything with frills or lace (except for a top under a suit)--and skip the bright red minidress.
  • 我不得不买白色的乳状漆来粉刷墙壁。
    I have to buy some white emulsion paint to freshen the walls.
  • 让我们略过这枝节来谈主要问题吧。
    Let's skip over these details and come to the main point.
  • 他正忙于移植一卷心菜秧。
    He is busy pricking out some cabbage seedlings.
  • 从废物堆里往往能捡到一挺好的旧家具。
    You can often scavenge nice bit of old furniture from skip.
  • 医生让我服用这药片。
    The doctor put me on these tablets.
  • 阅读小说时,他总是把那冗长的描写统统跳过去不看。
    In reading a novel, he generally skips over all the long descriptive passages.