  • 边防管理职能部门积极开展对广大边民的国界意识、边防观念、边防政策和法规的宣传教育,大力开展反走私、缉毒等专项斗,依法打击各种跨国、跨境犯罪行为。
    Border control departments conduct publicity and education activities aimed at enlightening the people of the frontier areas as to the nature of the boundaries, the concept of frontier defense, and border policies and laws. They also wage special battles to crack down on smuggling and narcotics, and hit hard at transnational, trans-border criminal activities in accordance with the law.
  • 他们可能取得全市半数的居民的支持,共同与市政参议会作斗
    They could enlist half the population of the town in their fight against the council.
  • 如果保罗的父亲真认为保罗打算参军的话,那一定会发生一场大吵的。
    If his father really thought Paul was intending to enlist in the Army, it would be a battle royal.
  • 取英、美、法同情我们抗日,在不丧失领土主权的条件下取他们的援助。
    Enlist the sympathy of Britain, the United States and France for our resistance to Japan, and secure their help provided that it entails no loss of our territory or our sovereign rights.
  • 阿拉伯和以色列之间的敌对预示着任何时候都可能爆发公开的战
    E-between Arabs and Israelis threatened to break into an open war at any time.
  • 世代结仇,长期斗继续或加长互相怨恨的不和或敌对状态
    To carry on or perpetuate a bitter quarrel or state of enmity.
  • 我刚才是问,那些政府为什么不能停止战
    I am just enquiring why the government is unable to stop the war.
  • 我刚才是问,那些政府为什么不能停止战
    I was just enquiring why the governments are unable to stop the war.
  • 我刚才是问,那些政府为什么不能停止战
    I was just enquiring why the government is unable to stop the war.
  • 那些在上一代已经发财致富的家庭,现在都转来夺官职和荣誉。
    The families that had enriched themselves in the previous generation now scrambled for official posts and honours.
  • 今后战的新阶段,我们相信,将使这样的路线,根据新的环境,更加发展、充实和丰富起来,达到战胜民族敌人之目的。
    We believe that from now on, in the new stage of the war, these lines will be further developed, filled out and enriched in new circumstances, so that we can attain our aim of defeating the national enemy.
  • 亨利在战结束退伍时是一个海军少尉。
    At the end of the war Henry was mustered out as an ensign.
  • 从鸦片战起,中国由于清王朝的腐败,受列强侵略奴役,变成了一个半殖民地半封建国家。
    Starting from the Opium War, because of the corruption of the Qing Dynasty, China was subjected to aggression and enslavement by foreign powers and reduced to a semi-colonial, semi-feudal status.
  • 这是中国革命战的根本规律,许多规律都是从这个根本的规律发生出来的。
    This is the fundamental law of China's revolutionary war, from which many other laws ensue.
  • 军事观察家们担心,美国有可能陷入又一次越南战中。
    Military observer fear that the U.S. can get entangle in another Vietnam.
  • (六)在完全的民族革命战或全面抗战中,必须执行共产党提出的抗日救国十大纲领,必须有一个完全执行这个纲领的政府和军队。
    6. In a national revolutionary war in the full sense, in a war of total resistance, it is essential to put into effect the Ten-Point Programme for Resisting Japan and Saving the Nation proposed by the Communist Party, and it is essential to have a government and an army that will enforce this programme in its entirety.
  • 然而,如果这项“翻新工程”成功,新加坡就不仅可以保住“经济建设模范生”的地位,还可以取到“人文精神建设优等生”的荣誉。
    But if the overhaul was successful, in addition to our enviable reputation as an “economic model”, we would also stand to bag the honour of being an “excellent example for developing humanity”.
  • 那些因其轻薄和自负而想在各方面都胜过他人者亦常嫉妒,因为他们绝不会缺少嫉妒的对象,在他们想胜的诸多方面之某一方面,不可能没有许多人会胜过他们。
    They that desire to excel in too many matters, out of levity and vain glory, are ever envious. For they cannot want work; it being impossible, but many, in some one of those things, should surpass them.
  • 没有人能想像出全面核子战的後果.
    Nobody can envisage the consequences of total nuclear war.
  • 但是人反对人的竞不是象生物学中所想象的那种简单过程。
    But the competition of man against man is not the simple process envisioned in biology.
  • 使节给我们带回了战的消息。
    The envoy bore back to us tidings of war.
  • (印度教)古代印度梵文史诗主要描写两家族之间的斗
    (Hinduism) a sacred epic Sanskrit poem of India dealing in many episodes with the struggle between two rival families.
  • 虽然她们居住的小镇远离海洋(玛吉的家乡在纽约州北部,而埃琳来自伦敦北部),但这两个性格相似的姑娘在模特界白热化的生存竞中结成了深厚友谊。
    And even though their towns are an ocean apart (Maggie is a native of upstate New York and Erin is from north of London), these two kindred spirits have formed a friendship that's surviving the ultracompetitive world of modeling.
  • 中国的竞优势看来不会显着减弱,特别是在国际间的贸易壁垒仍未撤除的情况下,中国的出口订单将不会大幅转移至亚洲其他经济地区。
    It is difficult to see this dominant position being significantly eroded particularly with the existence of international trade barriers which limit the extent of the possible shift of export orders from China to other Asian economies.
  • 东南亚的金融风暴没有动摇我们对香港美好前景的信心,特区政府将在未来五年,投资2,350亿元,建设一系列包括铁路、公路及教育方面等等的大型基建项目,为香港的长远发展及为增强香港的竞力打下更加稳固的基础。
    Our confidence in Hong Kong's prosperous future has not been eroded by the Asian financial turmoil. In the coming five years, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will invest HK$235 billion in a wide range of large-scale infrastructural projects, including the construction of railways, highways and educational facilities, to consolidate further the foundation for the long term development of Hong Kong and for the enhancement of Hong Kong's competitiveness.
  • (八)战问题中的唯心论和机械论的倾向,是一切错误观点的认识论上的根源。
    8. Epistemologically speaking, the source of all erroneous views on war lies in idealist and mechanistic tendencies on the question.
  • 工人阶级的反日反卖国贼的英勇斗,现在是在深刻地酝酿着,看样子离爆发的时候已不远了。
    A heroic working-class struggle against the Japanese and the traitors is now in intense ferment and, judging by the situation, it will erupt before long.
  • 土籍的本地人和数百年前从北方移来的客籍人之间存在着很大的界限,历史上的仇怨非常深,有时发生很激烈的斗
    A very wide rift has long existed between the native inhabitants and the settlers whose forefathers came from the north several hundred years ago; Their traditional feuds are deep-seated and they sometimes erupt in violent clashes.
  • 1937年,“七·七卢沟桥事变”爆发,抗日战全面展开。
    On 7 July 1937 shots fired around Marco Polo Bridge west of Beijing heralded the eruption of the Sino-Japanese War. Within a year, the Japanese had penetrated to most of eastern China.
  • 事实上,如果要找史例的话,必须追溯到4500年前才能找到真正“为水而战”的唯一例子,即底格里斯河-幼发拉底河流域的拉加什和乌姆马这两个城邦国之间的端。
    In fact, one has to go back 4,500 years to find the single historical example of a true "water war" – a dispute between the city-states of Lagash and Umma on the Tigris-Euphrates.
  • 在邮递速度和效率上我们比不上欧洲的竞对手。
    In speed and efficiency of delivery we can't hold a candle to our European competitors.
  • 吵结束,人就散去了。
    When the fight was over the crowd evaporated.