  • 伦敦区议员阁下也许还清楚地记起他选区的形势。
    The hon. member for london east will do well to remember the condition in his constituency.
  • 与此同时,李资政亲身出马,到义顺替这个单选区做了一场“手术”。
    Meanwhile, Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew visited Nee Soon East to perform a “surgery” for the single-member constituency.
  • 马克思列宁主义、毛泽思想,是我们党的指导思想。
    Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought constitute the guiding ideology of our Party.
  • 然而,哪些西构成知识管理产品却没有正确定义。
    However, what constitutes a knowledge management product is ill-defined.
  • 毛泽思想是个体系,是发展了的马克思主义。
    It constitutes an integral system and is a further development of Marxism.
  • 他们的宪法也好,总统也好,都是假西。
    Both the constitution and the presidents were fakes.
  • 他们的宪政,是骗人的西。
    Their constitutional government is a swindle.
  • 威尼斯是方重要的贸易中心。
    Venice was an important center of trade with the East; they are accused of conspiring to constrain trade.
  • 税务局:据我们了解,方大厦工程是你公司承建的?
    Tax official: We heard that your company contracted to construct the East Building project. Is that right?
  • 这些西在被消费掉以前也是财富。
    These things also are wealth until they have been consumed.
  • 通过接触反面意见, 我们可以学到很多西。
    We can learn much by being brought into contact with opposing opinions.
  • 中国同南亚、南亚及中亚地区国家的军事交往保持了发展势头。
    China's military contacts with countries in Southeast, South and Central Asia have maintained their momentum.
  • 里面是什么东西?
    What does it contain?
  • 决议稿中阐述毛泽思想的这一部分不能不要。
    It must contain a section expounding Mao Zedong Thought.
  • 液体基本上为固态的西所含的液体
    The liquid contained in something that is chiefly solid.
  • 容器用来盛物体的西
    A container for holding items.
  • 一盒之物一个容器与其所盛的西
    A container with its contents.
  • 罐装物此种容器内所装的西
    The contents of such a container.
  • 解开包裹拿出东西
    To unpack objects from a container.
  • 没有装西或者不含有西。
    holding or containing nothing.
  • 空的没有西的;空的
    Containing no matter; empty.
  • 一九九七年底,沙洲另一个空置采海砂坑正式启用,供密封式卸置污泥用途。
    An empty marine sand borrow pit in East Sha Chau for contained disposal of contaminated mud came into operation in late-1997.
  • 对于脏西或污染产生病态恐惧。
    a morbid fear of dirt or contamination.
  • 这个盒子里的西掉到地上了。
    The contents of the box fell onto the floor.
  • 知足吧,当你把想要的西都弄到手里的时候。
    Be contented, when you have get all you want.
  • 知足吧,当你把想要的西弄到了手里的时候。
    Be contented, when you have got all you want.
  • 服务员都很镇定、脾气好;思想上满足、精神上镇定——安尼·特罗洛普。
    the waiters were unflurried and good natured; with contented mind and unruffled spirit- Anthony Trollope.
  • 手提箱裂开了,里面的西纷纷落在地板上。
    The suitcase burst open and its contents rained on the floor.
  • 他打开盒子, 露出里面的西(给观众看).
    He opened the box, disclosing the contents (to the audience).
  • 衣橱里存放的东西
    The contents of a wardrobe.
  • 不用手工可以把西倾倒干净的车。
    contents can be emptied without handling.
  • 一碗西碗中所盛之物
    The contents of such a vessel.