  • 味的,的醋一样的味道的;味的
    Having an acetic taste; sour-tasting.
  • 关于或含有乙、醋的。
    relating to or containing acetic acid.
  • 的或与之相关的。
    or or related to acetic acid.
  • 醋中含有醋酸。
    Vinegar contains acetic acid.
  • 铜由碱性的醋铜构成的一种蓝色或绿色粉末,用作颜料和杀真菌剂
    A blue or green powder consisting of basic cupric acetate used as a paint pigment and fungicide.
  • 聚醋乙烯和聚乙烯醇是经过无数次筛选的理想修补材料。
    The polyvinyl acetate and polyvinyl alcohol used are ideal restoring materials obtained by numberless screening.
  • 一种由砷铜和醋铜形成的有毒复盐。
    a toxic double salt of copper arsenate and copper acetate.
  • 由醋纤维素制成的纤维。
    a fabric made from cellulose acetate fibers.
  • 用醋纤维素涂上一层的唱盘。
    coated with cellulose acetate.
  • 纤维素醋纤维素或其多种制品,尤指从中提取的纤维质
    Cellulose acetate or any of various products, especially fibers, derived from it.
  • 铀盐和草反应产生的一种盐。
    a salt obtained by the reaction of uranium salts with oxalic acid.
  • 一种黄色的盐,由铀盐与硝反应产生。
    a yellow salt obtained by the reaction of uranium salts with nitric acid.
  • 甜的,的,咸的,辣的。
    Sweet, sour, salty, hot / spicy.
  • 中国菜以五味为主,这五味是、辣、苦、甜、咸。
    The Chinese cuisine is based on five tastes - sour, hot, bitter, sweet and salty.
  • 他们甚至有关于五味的一套理论;甜,,辛辣芳香,咸或苦。
    They even havea theory about the"five tastes": sweet, sour, spicy, salty, and bitter.
  • 他们甚至有关于五味的一套理论;甜,,辛辣芳香,咸或苦。
    They even have a theory about the "five tastes": sweet,sour, spicy, salty , and bitter.
  • 他们甚至有关于五味的一套理论;甜,,辛辣芳香,咸或苦。
    They even have a theory about the"five tastes": sweet, sour, spicy, salty, and bitter.
  • 死海海水中蕴含大量碳钾;同时还是旅游胜地,吸引众多游客来此泡盐水浴。但是照此发展下去,未来50年内死海将会永远消失。
    A goldmine for potash extractors and a magnet for tourists who come to bathe in its salty waters, the Dead Sea could disappear in 50 years.
  • 很多硫盐有形成复盐的趋势。
    Many sulphates have a tendency to form double salts.
  • 含有两个一价金属原子的盐类或类的,或者有关盐类或类的,它通过两个一价金属原子形成盐类
    Or or relating to salts or acids forming salts with two atoms of a univalent metal.
  • 聚合期待和批判的周刊,完全掌握了读者好奇的心理,以港式尖却不刻薄,大胆而不卖帐的风格,在台湾引发旋风和效应,相信要一段时日才能看出影响的方向。
    The magazine has a masterly grasp of readers’ sense of curiosity and stands out with its Hong Kong-style sarcasm that is not too mean and its daring and never-bow-to pressure stance. It has no doubt created a stir in Taiwan, but it will take a while to see the effect of the impact.
  • 用菝葜根提取物或白桦油和擦木调味的碳饮料。
    carbonated drink flavored with an extract from sarsaparilla root or with birch oil and sassafras.
  • 一种饱和脂肪,天然存在于动物和植物脂肪中。
    a saturated fatty acid occurring naturally in animal and vegetable fats.
  • 一种蜡质饱和脂肪,作为甘油脂广泛存在于动物和植物脂肪中。
    a waxy saturated fatty acid; occurs widely as a glyceride in animal and vegetable fats.
  • 一种饱和脂肪,广泛存在于植物和动物油脂和脂肪中的棕榈甘油脂。
    a saturated fatty acid; glycerides of palmitic acid occur widely in plant and animal oils and fats.
  • 伴随酮体积累的毒症。
    acidosis with an accumulation of ketone bodies; occurs primarily in diabetes mellitus.
  • 各种性染料,能将毛织品染成猩红色。
    any of various acid dyes; used for dying wool scarlet red.
  • 失败者对奖品的轻视纯粹是吃不到葡萄说葡萄
    The loser's scorn for the award is pure sour grape.
  • 失败者对奖品的轻视纯粹是吃不到葡萄说葡萄
    The loser 's scorn for the award is pure sour grapes
  • 豆岩一种小的圆形沉积岩,常为碳钙,比鲕状岩大且不规则
    A small rounded accretionary mass, usually of calcium carbonate, larger and less regular than an oolite.
  • 讥嘲的言辞,讥嘲的行为蔑视的、尖刻薄的言辞或行为
    A scornful, bitterly mocking comment or act.
  • ,尖刻,嘲讽尖、尖刻或嘲讽的特性
    The quality of being sarcastic, bitter, or scornful.