  • 在对错误倾向、坏人坏事作思想斗争和组织处理的问题上,这些年来党内确实滋长了过分容忍、优柔寡断、畏难手、息事宁人的情绪,这就放松了党的纪律,甚至保护了一些坏人。
    In waging ideological struggle against negative tendencies, persons and acts and in meting out organizational sanctions, Party people have tended in recent years to be a little too tolerant, hesitant, tender-hearted and ready to gloss things over to avoid trouble. Consequently, Party discipline has been lax that some bad people have been shielded.
  • 为减少计算成本和改进应用件的开发,政府已经慢慢但稳步地从大型机计算转到客户机/服务器系统。
    To reduce computing costs and improve application development, governments have been shifting slowly but steadily away from mainframe computing to client/server systems.
  • 一种广泛分布在南非东部的小而半常绿的树,花猩红色,种子小,呈珊瑚红色,;木质轻,用作篱笆木或盖屋板。
    small semi-evergreen broad-spreading tree of eastern South Africa with orange-scarlet flowers and small coral-red seeds; yields a light soft wood used for fence posts or shingles.
  • 梅萨林丝缎一种用斜纹织法或缎织法制成的质轻、柔、有光泽的丝绸
    A lightweight, soft, shiny silk cloth with a twilled or satin weave.
  • 将面粉倒在地上,并用刀子将松剂加入进去
    Measure out the flour and use a pair of knives to cut the shortening in.
  • 侍者打黑色领带,而件业的亿万富翁却穿着短裤和印着标语的t恤衫到处走。
    Waiters wear black tie, while software billionaires trot around in shorts and T-shirts with slogans on them.
  • 组织的异常化状态。
    a state of abnormal softening of tissue.
  • 虽然在工具件中简单对象很快显现,但对大公司最终用户的调查表明,大规模的分布式对象应用项目实际上还不多见。
    Although simple components are quickly showing up in tools, surveys of corporate end-users show that large-scale distributed object projects are really not common yet.
  • 公司为避免损失也聪明地下了赌注,正在研究一种分布式操作系统,即代号叫“千年世纪项目”的研究项目。
    In a shrewd hedging of bets, Microsoft is also working on a distributed OS, a research endeavor dubbed Project Millennium.
  • 内脏,脏腑身体的柔内部器官,尤指包含于腹部和胸腔内的器官
    The soft internal organs of the body, especially those contained within the abdominal and thoracic cavities.
  • 俄国东北和西伯利亚一带的中型落叶松,圆锥形树冠,柔并且狭窄的亮绿色树叶;园林树木。
    medium-sized larch of northeastern Russia and Siberia having narrowly conic crown and soft narrow bright-green leaves; used in cultivation.
  • 卡杜斯说:"每一个手语动作大概能表示2个单词,不同人的手语表达方式不一样,手臂长和手臂短的人做出的手语也不一样,所以计算机程序需要像语音识别件那样进行校正,以适应单个的用户。"
    "There are roughly two words to a sign,"Kadous said. "In addition,people's signing styles differ and the signs made by a person with long or short arms differ so the program would need to be calibrated for an individual user in much the way that speech recognition software is,"he added.
  • 其他新闻评论员……过分殷勤地认错……他们以为作贱自己可以证明他们的坦白、诚实、谦卑。错了,这是弱的表现。
    Other commentators…are falling all over themselves to admit being mistaken… They think such self-abasement proves candor, honesty, humility. Wrong. It shows weakness.
  • 在法语影响下,古英语失去一些属折成份,增加新的拉丁语源同汇,语音化(非重音元音含糊、尾元音e最后不发音)。
    Under the influence of French, Old English lost some of its inflections, acquired new words of Latin origin, and softened its pronunciation (blurring unstressed vowels and ultimately silencing the final e).
  • 它由硅胶化合物组成,具有像广告宣传牌那样的厚度和柔性。
    It is composed of a silicon rubber compound with the thickness and flexibility of poster board.
  • 丝摸起来柔软。
    Silk feels soft and smooth.
  • 有光泽的赤褐色的头发;缎子似的栀子花瓣;又光又黑的毛皮;柔光亮的睫毛;丝绸般的布;光滑的海豹毛皮和水獭毛皮。
    glossy auburn hair; satiny gardenia petals; sleek black fur; silken eyelashes; silky skin; a silklike fabric; slick seals and otters.
  • 天鹅绒状的有短绒毛的有浓密而柔的丝状毛发覆盖的
    Covered with dense, soft, silky hairs.
  • 马海毛安哥拉山羊的长而柔的毛
    The long, silky hair of the Angora goat.
  • 英国品种,皮毛为金黄色且长而柔
    an English breed having a long silky golden coat.
  • 鼹鼠皮鼹鼠短而柔如丝的皮毛
    The short, soft, silky fur of a mole.
  • 因为其被称为马海毛的长且的毛而饲养。
    raised for its long silky hair which is the true mohair.
  • 南美洲的小绒猴,毛而滑,尾巴长但不适于盘卷。
    small South American marmoset with silky fur and long nonprehensile tail.
  • 蚕丝,棉丝一种柔的或丝般的纤维物质,例如蚕丝或棉丝
    A downy or silky fibrous substance, such as corn silk or silk cotton.
  • 西非和中非的树栖猴子,毛而长,趾短。
    arboreal monkey of western and central Africa with long silky fur and reduced thumbs.
  • 毛状物一种柔、丝质或羽毛状物质,如人初次长的胡须
    A soft, silky, or feathery substance, such as the first growth of a human beard.
  • 泥器皿,银器皿;硬件,
    Earthenware, silverware; hardware, software.
  • 清越的声音;用她那银铃一样的嗓子歌唱。
    a soft silvern voice; singing in her silvery tones.
  • 一种稀有、质的银色金属元素,在闪锌矿中少量存在。
    a rare soft silvery metallic element; occurs in small quantities in sphalerite.
  • 一种质银色的金属元素,属碱土金属,见于重晶石中。
    a soft silvery metallic element of the alkali earth group; found in barite.
  • tomray和karlsmis模拟了数字化“生态系统”,最近,jordanpollock制造了可以在真实世界中移动的件生物。
    Tom Ray and Karl Sims who simulated digital "ecosystem" and most recently, Jordan Pollock, who grew software creatures which could move in the real world.
  • 教学件通过演示某一系统或件的功能来指导系统或件的使用者
    A program that instructs the user of a system or software package by simulating the capabilities of the system or software.