  • 坐于两凳之间,你会落于地;脚踏两只船,迟早要落水。
    A person who cannot decide which of two courses to follow, or who tries to follow two courses at the same time, may fail to follow either; one may miss two chances through hesitance or indecision; in dividing one’s trust between two supports one is likely to lose both.
  • 他跌倒时伤着了吗?
    Did he hurt himself when he fell?
  • 假设股价到年底时了50%,他仍可以拿着7000美元走人--比起他没有分期出货所能剩下的,要多出40%。
    Assume that the stock drops by 50% at the end of year one. If he bails entirely at that point, he'll still walk away with $ 7,000 -- 40% more than he would have been left with if he hadn't been paring his holdings all along.
  • 第31届美国总统(1874-1964);在1929年股票市场落经济崩溃,胡佛在二次竞选中被富兰克林罗斯福击败。
    31st President of the United States; in 1929 the stock market crashed and the economy collapsed and Hoover was defeated for re-election by Franklin Roosevelt (1874-1964).
  • 她在匆忙中跌倒。
    In her hurry she tumbled over.
  • 投资者落入谷底假象和熊市止回升的陷阱久已有之。
    False bottoms and bear market rallies have trapped investors since time immemorial.
  • "这男从窗口下来,被篱笆刺伤了。"
    The boy fell out of the window and was impaled on the fence.
  • 1995年到1997年,出口率持续稳定增长之后,1998年,价格稳步下,预计这一趋势会无限期地持续下去。
    The steady three-year annual rise in the export rate between 1995-1997 has been followed by steadily failling prices during 1998 and the trend is expected to continue indefinitely.
  • 所有迹象表明,目前市场价格已落低谷。
    Every indication show market get near bottom now.
  • 股票价格一落,我就开始察觉到情况有些不妙。
    The first inkling I have that all were not well when the share price began to fall.
  • 股票价格一落,我就开始察觉到情况有些不妙
    The first inkling I have that all is not well being when the share price begins to fall
  • 他晕倒在跌倒的地方
    Lay insensible where he had fallen.
  • 这位体育教员一直要我们练习到几乎要倒为止。
    The PE instructor kept us doing exercises until we were fit to drop.
  • 在商品价格下时,海琴能够帮助他们抵补存货价的损失。
    Hedge can help them offset inventory loss when commodity price fall.
  • 当道琼工业指数大130点时,投资者陷入恐慌。
    The investor panic when dow-jones industrial average plunge 130 points on Monday.
  • 当道琼工业指数大130点时,投资者陷入恐慌。
    The investor panic when dow jones industrial average plunge 130 point on monday.
  • 卖空者,做空头者抛售股票或商品希望造成价格下的人,如某位投资者
    One, such as an investor, that sells securities or commodities in expectation of falling prices.
  • 公布许多核机密被视为这一战略基本的一个部分,因为这表明了一个全新的全球格局,在这样一个格局中,核技术突然间无可挽回地价了,真正的安全在于这样一个集体认识:没有人可以将武器的研制推到人类知识界限之外。
    Releasing many of America's nuclear secrets was seen as an essential part of this strategy.,since it would signal a new global order in which nuclear know-how was suddenly and irreparably devalued and real security would lie in the collective knowledge that nobody was able to push weaponry beyond the known boundaries.
  • 娃娃跌倒摔伤了。
    The baby tripped and hurt itself.
  • 他这一,背部 得很厉害
    He gave his back a nasty jar when he fell.
  • 他这一,背部 得很重。
    He jarred his back badly when he fell.
  • 他这一,背部 得很厉害。
    He give his back a nasty jar when he fall.
  • 我试图恢复平衡,但我却从栈桥上了下来,掉进了水里。
    I tried to regain my balance but I fell off the jetty and into the drink.
  • 之后,吉尔撞撞地来了。
    and Jill came tumbling after.
  • 他为示意碰了一下女招待的胳膊,结果使她手中沉重的托盘落在地。
    He jogged the waitress's arm and she dropped the heavy tray she was carrying.
  • 他喝了两杯酒後就倒在地了。
    After a couple of drinks he just keel over on the floor.
  • 他喝了两杯酒後就倒在地了.
    After a couple of drinks he just keeled over on the floor.
  • 汤姆倒时,他的额头撞在路边的镶边石上。
    Tom hit his forehead against the kerb when he fell.
  • 他从梯子上跌下来。
    He fell off the ladder.
  • 股票猛的时候,就有许多证券投机商破产。
    When stocks fall suddenly, there are many lame ducks.
  • 摔倒倒,尤指绊倒并跛。常用于指马
    To stumble, especially to stumble and go lame. Used of horses.
  • 她绊了一下在水潭里。
    She tripped over and landed in puddle.