  • 如果带什么袋子、盒子什么的,被警察看见了都要被叫住。
    Anyone seen carrying boxes, bags, or whatever, was stopped by the police.
  • “他是?”“唔,他什么事情都干过—当过兵,做过民谣歌手,干过流浪补锅匠,而现在却是个乞丐。”
    "Who is he?" "Why, he has gone the vole—has been soldier, ballad-singer, traveling tinker and is now a beggar."
  • 谁是这儿的头儿?
    Who is the top banana here?
  • 将为前东德的经济恢复提供资金。
    Who will bankroll the restoration of the former East German economy?
  • 过去是打“四人帮”的旗帜,现在打的旗帜?
    They used to wave the banner of the Gang of Four. What about now?
  • 巴巴拉和吉姆吵了好长时间,也不肯让步。
    Barbara and Jim had been quarrelling for a long time, and neither of them backed down.
  •  对荒山、荒沟、荒丘、荒滩水土流失的治理实行承包的,应当按照承包治理受益的原则,签订水土保持承包治理合同。
    Where the rehabilitation of soil erosion on barren hills, waste valleys, barren hillocks or desolated beaches are contracted out, contracts for the rehabilitation of soil erosion shall be concluded according to the principle of the benefits derived there from to be enjoyed by the contractors for the rehabilitation.
  • 吉姆善于说服人,他今后无论和打交道都会无往而不胜的。
    Jim bas such a way with him, he'll get on in life whoever he has to deal with.
  • 这个篮球是谁的呢?
    Whose basketball is this?
  • 把我的篮球拿走了?
    Who has taken my basketball?
  • 这个篮球是给你的?
    Who did give the basketball to?
  • 把我们的建议带给老板?
    Who was pricked down to take our suggestion to the bass?
  • 在中央大门的正中又开凿了那道新的独扇门呢?
    who has cut, in the very middle of the central portal, that new and bastard arch?
  • 问题是谁第一批去。
    The problem is who are to go in the first batch.
  • 我们现要决定的是第一去。
    What we have to decide now is who are to go the first batch.
  • 你肯定他是谁吗?
    Be you certain who he be?
  • 我从几个了解她临终情况的朋友那里听说,玛格丽特在她长达两个月的无比痛苦的病危期间,都没有到她床边给过她一点真正的安慰。
    Indeed Marguerite, as I had learned from friends informed of the circumstances of her final moments, had seen no true consolation settle at her bedside during the two months when she lay slowly and painfully dying.
  • 使你产生这种(狂热的)想法?
    Who put a bee in your bonnet?
  • 谁刚才来过?
    Who has been here?
  • 任命谁了?
    Who has been nominated?
  • 狄克就是这样一个人,把他当朋友,他就一心眼儿向着他。
    Dick is the man to die dog for those that befriend him.
  • 坟墓里王子、贫儿知是
    Who's a prince or beggar in the grave?
  • 坟墓里王子、贫儿知是?
    Who 's a prince or beggar in the grave?
  • 他问他的朋友们那个星期在贝尔法斯特有多少宗谋杀案。也说不准。
    He asked his friends how many murders there had been in Belfast during the week. Nobody knew for certain.
  • 这支牙刷是谁的?
    Who belongs to this toothbrush?
  • “这些钱是谁的?”
    "Whom does this belong to?"
  • 果然不出他所料,娘儿们一听此说,一个个都大这惊异,尤其是班纳特太太,比都惊异得厉害;
    The astonishment of the ladies was just what he wished; that of Mrs. Bennet perhaps surpassing the rest;
  • 除了她以外还有会说那种话?
    Who besides her would say that?
  • 这两个小孩子过去常为该由洗餐具一事而争吵。
    The two children used to bicker about who should do the washing-up.
  • 这是谁的自行车?
    Whose bicycle is this?
  • 把我的自行车骑走了?
    Who's taken my bicycle?
  • 把我的自行车偷走了?
    Who has taken my bicycle?