  • 赫柏春天和青春女神,奥林匹亚神中的斟酒女神
    The goddess of youth and spring, cupbearer to the Olympian gods.
  • 很奇怪,南昌方面传来消息,说蒋介石、张静江位先生的意见,颇不以湖南农民的举动为然。
    Curiously enough, it is reported from Nanchang that Chiang Kai-shek, Chang Ching-chiang and other such gentlemen do not altogether approve of the activities of the Hunan peasants.
  • 这位顾客将为此恶劣服务诉法律。
    The customer will go to law for the bad service.
  • 格林菲尔德美国马萨塞州西北的一个城镇,位于北安普敦的北部。19世纪早期,美国的第一家刀剪业工厂建立于这里。人口18,666
    A town of northwest Massachusetts north of Northampton. The first cutlery factory in America was established here in the early1800's. Population,18, 666.
  • 马什菲尔德美国马萨塞州东南部的一个城镇,位于波士顿东南的马萨塞湾。该镇是丹尼尔·韦伯斯特的埋葬地,现在是一个度假社区。人口21,531
    A town of southeast Massachusetts on Massachusetts Bay southeast of Boston. The burial place of Daniel Webster, it is now a resort community. Population,21, 531.
  • 如电话筛选法之类的面试方法包括互动式语音问答,就是戴维斯遇到的情况,以及电脑辅助筛选法。
    Interviewing methods such as telephone screening include interactive voice response, as in Davis'case, and computer assisted candidate screening.
  • 经长时间辩论后,议院将该问题付表决。
    After a long debate , the House divided.
  • 好几位较年轻的从政者似乎决心以强烈批评部长项计划的方式激起争论。
    Several of the younger politicians seemed determined to make the sparks fly by their strong criticisms of the minister's plans.
  • 随着美国人的富裕程度日益提高,消费也变得越来越复杂,人们开始把更多的钱花在服务方面——看电影、旅游、抵押买房、为房屋保险、偶尔到豪华饭店度个奢侈周末。经济学家称这种现象为需求变化;《财富》杂志则认为这是本年度评出的100家最大公司中有64个是服务业公司的主要原因。在未来几年,10种发展最快的职业中只有3种(软件工程、护士和电脑支持)能够提供中等收入,其余的都可称作沃尔玛式的职业——收银员、售货员、食品服务,以及如此类的职业。总之,同过去相比,服务业正在提供更多相当不错的就业机会。
    As America got richer consumption got more complicated.With more income to throw around,people started spending more on services -- movies and travel,mortgages to buy houses,insurance to protect those houses,the occasional decadent weekend at a luxury hotel.Economists call this a shift in the demand pattern;Fortune calls it the main reason that 64 of this year’s top 100 are service companies.Over the next few years,only three of the ten fastest-growing occupations(software engineers,nurses,and computer support)pay middle-class salaries.The rest could be called,well,Wal-Mart kinds of jobs -- cashiers,retail assistants,food service,and so on.In short,the service economy is delivering more good jobs than ever before.
  • 美国政府日前开始致力于消除虚假的减肥广告,督促电视、报纸和杂志停止刊登如"想吃就吃,照减不误"、"在睡眠中减肥"等误导性广告标语。
    The government is urging television, newspapers and magazines to stop carrying deceptive advertising with promises like "eat all you want and lose weight" or "lose weight while you sleep."
  • 甲胺一种有毒易燃气体,ch3nh2,通过分解有机物来制造,合成后用做溶剂,也用在许多产品中,如颜料与杀虫剂的制造中
    A toxic flammable gas, CH3NH2, produced by the decomposition of organic matter and synthesized for use as a solvent and in the manufacture of many products, such as dyes and insecticides.
  • 抗议者支持德国路德教候国对恢复天主教特权的法案提出的抗议的人
    One who supported the protestation presented by the German Lutheran states against the revocation of the decree of the Diet of Speyer(1529).
  • 历史英雄即神说一种认为神话中位神祗是源自历史上神化的英雄人物的理论
    A theory attributing the origin of the gods to the deification of historical heroes.
  • 他正在读一本关于古希腊神的故事书。
    He is reading a storybook on the deities of ancient Greece.
  • 在举行人囗调查以前,各州得按照下列数目选举众议员:新罕布什尔三人、麻萨塞八人、罗德岛及普罗维登斯垦殖区一人、康涅狄格五人、纽约州六人.新泽西四人、宾夕法尼亚八人、特拉华一人、马里兰六人、弗吉尼亚十人、北卡罗来纳五人、南卡罗来纳五人、乔治亚三人。
    and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three.
  • 在字(词)处理技术中,一种增强显示屏上字符亮度的功能,通常在文本操作,如删除、复制以及移动字(词)或字符时,使操作者能完全了解执行命令时文本中哪些部分受影响。
    In word processing, a facility which intensifies the characters on the display screen. Usually used in such text operations as deleting, copying and moving words or characters, to make the operator fully aware of which portions of the text will be affected when the command is executed.
  • 不论共和党或民主党,谁能反对如强势对付恐怖行为,“高薪的优良工作”,基本医药保险,以及彻底缉毒等目标呢?可是对那些政客来说,不算什么实质问题——不过从另一方面看,问题就在于此。
    Who, Republican or Democrat, could object to goals like staying strong against terrorism, "good jobs at good wages," basic health insurance and a real war on drugs? Not much red meat for partisans there—and again, that's just the point.
  • 伊蚊一种伊蚊属传播如黄热病和登革热等疾病的蚊子,包括埃及伊蚊
    A mosquito of the genus A雂es, including A. aegypti, which transmits diseases such as yellow fever and dengue.
  • 达赖在出国后的三十多年里,不顾事实,编造了大量如“‘十七条协议’是武力逼迫下强加给西藏的”;“汉人屠杀了120万藏人”;“由于汉人移民,藏族在西藏成了少数”;“共产党在西藏强行对妇女实行计划生育、堕胎”;政府反对宗教自由,迫害宗教人士;藏族传统文化艺术遭到灭绝危险;西藏自然资源受到严重破坏;西藏环境受到污染等等谎言,蓄意挑拨民族关系,煽动西藏群众反对中央政府。
    Ignoring facts, the Dalai Lama fabricated numerous lies to sow dissension among the various nationalities and incite the Tibetan people to oppose the central government during his 30-year self-exile abroad. He said that "the 17-Article Agreement was imposed on Tibet under armed force"; "the Hans have massacred 1.2 million Tibetans"; "owing to Han immigration, the Tibetans have become a minority in Tibet"; "the Communists in Tibet force women to practice birth control and abortion"; the government opposes religious freedom and persecutes religious people; traditional Tibetan culture and art are in danger of extinction; the natural resources in Tibet have been seriously depleted; there is severe environmental pollution in Tibet, etc.
  • 为达到这一目的,有些聪明的大人物总是让别人替自己抛头露面,从而使本会降到自己身上的嫉妒降到他人身上,这种他人有时候是侍从仆役,有时候是同僚伙伴或如此类的角色;
    For which purpose, the wiser sort of great persons, bring in ever upon the stage somebody upon whom to derive the envy, that would come upon themselves; sometimes upon ministers and servants; sometimes upon colleagues and associates; and the like;
  • 成员可规定商标权的有限例外,如对说明性词汇的合理使用之类,只要这种例外顾及了商标所有人及第三方的合法利益。
    Members may provide limited exceptions to the rights conferred by a trademark, such as fair use of descriptive terms, provided that such exceptions take account of the legitimate interests of the owner of the trademark and of third parties.
  • 这在万维网上漫游是很快的,但对如桌面型会议一类的大量使用多媒体的应用是不够的。
    That's fine for World Wide Web surfing but not for heavy multimedia applications such as desktop conferencing.
  • (四)在情况不利于撤退的时候,分别固守京、沪、杭点,以图顽抗。
    4) Desperately defend Nanjing, Shanghai and Hangzhou if circumstances do not favor a retreat.
  • 钟回忆道,她在马萨塞的威里士里读四年级的时候,非常渴望拥有一盒120色的铅笔。
    When she was in fourth grade in Wellesley, Mass., Jung recalls, she desperately wanted a box of 120 colored pencils.
  • 尽管如此类的荣誉蜂拥而至,"命运之子"却陷入日益加剧的危机中。
    Even as such accolades were rolling in,however,Destiny's Child was in the midst of a burgeoning crisis.
  • 癌症的发病率主要由以下多因素引起,包括不适当的饮食、不好的保健习惯以及没有及早发现。
    The incidence rate of cancer mainly stems from several factors , including inappropriate diets , poor healthcare practices and the lack of early detection .
  • 虽然全球变暖这一长期的问题确实很严重,但考虑到如环境的迅速恶化和不可更新资源的普遍滥用等当前的问题,它的重要性就有所降低了。
    While the long-term problem of global warming is indeed serious , its significance diminishes somewhat when considering immediate problems such as rapid environmental deterioration and the rampant misuse and abuse of nonrenewable resources.
  •  承认保护知识产权的国内制度中被强调的保护公共利益的目的,包括发展目的与技术目的;
    Recognizing the underlying public policy objectives of national systems for the protection of intellectual property, including developmental and technological objectives;
  • 算命天宫图根据如上星位置情况制成的星座图
    A diagram of the signs of the zodiac based on such an aspect.
  • 他对困难付诸一笑。
    He scoffs at the difficulty.
  • 愿诸公深思熟虑之。
    These are words for you gentlemen to digest and ponder.
  • 造成这一结果的原因可能就是接触如二氧芑之类的毒素(这些毒素会影响男性的生殖系统),及生活压力所致。
    Exposure to toxins such as dioxin, which can affect the male reproductive system, and stress have been suggested as possible causes.