  • 拉尔夫因为我帮他搬了些家具而要谢我,但我却对他不用谢。
    Ralph tried to thank me for helping him move some furniture but I told him it was nothing.
  • 巴克写信给爱默生,希望爱默生些有关他自己的事:---这个原来在「西联」机构传信的童役,不久便和国内那些著名的人物通信,像爱默生、布罗斯、臭利弗、郎菲洛、林肯夫人、休曼将军、和台维斯等。
    Soon our Western Union messenger boy was corresponding with many of the most famous people in the nation: Ralph Waldo Emerson, Oliver Wendell Holmes,Longfellow, Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, Louisa May Alcott,General Sherman and Jefferson Davis.
  • “然后拉尔夫回到屋里取出一个盛食物用的牛皮纸袋,”她。“他把纸袋放在厢形货车里。紧随拉尔夫之后塔温娜拿着一个购物袋和一只手提包走来。”
    "Then Ralph went back into the house and came out with a grocery bag," she said. "“He put that in the van and right on his heels came Twana with a shopping bag and a purse."
  • 然而,速度更快的ram对制造来是更大的挑战,因而只有顶尖的几家公司能供货。
    The faster RAM is much more challenging to manufacture, however, so availability may be limited to top RAM vendors.
  • 我怎样才能向你强调明严守时刻的重要性呢?
    How can I ram home to you the importance of punctuality?
  • 施瓦茨科夫将军坚持他决心在下令发动地面攻击以前,要从容不迫。有人问他是否受到炎热天气的来临以及三月间穆斯林度拉玛丹斋月的限制,他回答:“我不觉得有过分的压力。显然这些都重要,都在考虑中。但有一件事比什么都重要:就是以最少的人命损失来达成我们的目标。”
    General Schwarzkopf insisted he was determined to take his time before ordering a ground attack. Asked whether he was constrained by the approach of hot weather and of the Islamic religious observances of Ramadan in March, he replied:"I feel no hot breath down my neck. All of those things are important, obviously, and we're taking all of them into consideration. But the one thing that's more important than anything else is that we accomplish our objectives with a minimum loss of human life."
  • 基思:“我们回家吧,别再到处逛了。”
    "Let's return home, "said keith, "no longer ramble about from ceca to Mecca."
  • ,抖落他衣服上的雪片,“我奇怪你为什么要挑这么个大雪天出来逛荡。
    he said, shaking the white flakes from his clothes; `I wonder you should select the thick of a snowstorm to ramble about in.
  • 话的,絮聒的喜欢谈话的,通常是有关琐屑或漫无目的的话题;健谈得让人厌恶
    Given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk; tiresomely talkative.
  • 有时她会与人闲聊,话速度快得像闪电,据她她能同时参与三组对话。
    She rambles at times, speaking at the speed of lightning and, as she puts it, takes care of three conversations at once.
  • 在对妇女时尚的抨击时可笑的偏离到其他问题上了;一本离题、枝蔓的书;他那离题的评论;这也那也的漫谈。
    amusingly digressive with satirical thrusts at women's fashions among other things; a rambling discursive book; his excursive remarks; a rambling speech about this and that.
  • 他与我在他办公室里遇见的那个东一榔头西一锤话不着边的小布什判若两人。
    He had become the precise opposite of the rambling scatter? shooter I had met in his office.
  • 而对于喜欢宁静与平和的游者来,新西兰还有更多田园式风格的美景--漫无边际的乡村、壮丽的海岸线以及众多可以坐下来享受美景的静谧之地。
    For more homely Hobbit types, NZ has many other attractions to enjoy--rambling countryside, a glorious coastline and plenty of sedate places to sit and enjoy the amazing views.
  • 据日本的研究人员,适度饮用葡萄酒会增进老年人的智商,并可能促使他们思维敏捷。
    Drinking wine in moderation improves the IQ and may boost mental agility in old people, according to Japanese researchers.
  • 正是由于威慑理论的强制要素,你才敢话。我们的国家很先进,可以在你的国家上撑开一把信息伞,这对你的国家的影响非同小可。
    It is because of the very strong element of deterrence theory that you are able to say, our country is so smart we will be able to take this information umbrella over your country and it has enormous ramifications for your country.
  • 汤姆森他从来不跟妇女们胡闹。
    Thomson said he never ramped about with the women.
  • 应该,我们党内、国内本来就有一些非社会主义思想,由于林彪、“四人帮”十年横行和其他种种原因,加上我们同资本主义国家存在着外交关系、外贸关系,并且还在发展这些方面的关系,所以,资产阶级思想影响的渗透是不可避免的。
    I should point out that some infiltration of bourgeois ideology is inevitable because of the non-socialist ideas that already exist in our Party and country, the 10-year rampage of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, and the fact that we maintain and are developing diplomatic and trade relations with capitalist countries, among other factors.
  • ??29岁的高桥真身的父亲:“光天化日之下,我女儿在东京最繁华的地段遇害,‘日本是安全的’这一神话在那一刻被打破了。”1999年9月,高桥真身在人潮涌动的商业区被一个狂暴冲撞的陌生人刺死。
    "My daughter died in Tokyo, which is supposed to be the safest city in the world, at the busiest place in the city, in the broad daylight," said the farther of Mami Takahashi, 29, who was stabbed to death by a stranger who rampaged through a crowded shopping district in September. "The myth that Japan is safe was destroyed at that moment."
  • 主要出没于巴利阿里群岛的体型中等、瘦长而敏捷的猎狗;传最初由古埃及的法老驯养。
    breed of slender agile medium-sized hound found chiefly in the Balearic Islands; said to have been bred originally by the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.
  • 传说如此。
    So the story ran.
  • 鲍恩接着,“熊冲向季奚,季奚赶紧跑开,但是跑的时候,他把一个小圆球扔在冰地上,熊停下来嗅嗅,然后把圆球吃了下去。
    Bawn, the other hunter said, “The bear began to run toward Keesh. Keesh ran away. But as he ran, he dropped a little round ball on the ice. The bear stopped an d smelled the ball, then ate it.
  • 蒂姆,“我在后面追他,在103大道与120号街交口处把他按住。他跑得几乎喘不过气来。”
    "I ran after him and held him down at 103rd Ave. ad 120th St. He was just about out of wind from running," Tim said.
  • 玛丽不停地跟在她哥哥后面跑,抓他头上戴的帽子。当她笑着跑开时,哥哥:“哟,你别瞎胡闹好不好!”
    Mary kept running up behind her brother and seizing his cap from his head. As she ran away laughing, he said, "Oh, can't you stop playing silly buggers!"
  • 更确切地,他是跑而不是走。
    He ran rather than walked.
  • 至于在看到她之后,我是不是会像朗塞先生那样成为一个苦修士,那要等到以后再了。”
    but even if I have to become a Trappist monk first to manage it, then like Monsieur de Rance, once I have seen, I shall see.'
  • 她来了将近两个月的时候,开始抱怨她觉得身体更糟了,从那时起,她成了牧场上的负担。
    Nearly two months after her arrival she began to complain that she felt worse. It was then that she became ranch's old man of the sea.
  • “嗨,我的农场大极了,”他,“如果我想绕它一圈,一早就在农场上开拖拉机,晚上才能回到家。”
    "Why, my ranch is so big," he said, "that if I start out in my truck in the morning to drive around it, it's night by the time I get home."
  • 他对自己的穿着很是得意,总是穿得干干净净,连干活的时候也不例外。这对一天到晚在牧场上干活的人来可不容易。
    He was proud of the way he dressed. He always wore clean clothes, even when he worked: that is very difficult for a rancher who works outside on a horse farm.
  • 对牧场主来这可不是好年成。
    It was a bad year for ranchers.
  • 在我生命将逝之年做这个告别演,无仇无怨,在我心中只有一个目的:为我的祖国服务。
    I address you with neither rancor nor bitterness, in the fading twilight of life, with but one purpose in mind: to serve my country.
  • "那么,在这样的精神下,我对当选总统布什,我们一定要将党派之争结下的仇恨抛诸脑后,愿主保佑他好好管理这个国家。
    Well,in that same spirit,I say to president? elect Bush that what remains of partisan rancor must now be put aside,and may God bless his stewardship of this country.
  • 不要信口胡说。
    Don't talk at random.