  • 年老,但仍精神矍铄。
    Although old he is still very much alive.
  • 房子旧旧,倒还干净。
    Although the house is old, it is clean.
  • 然作业难做,他还是完成了。
    He finished his homework although it is difficult.
  • 然作业难做,他还是完成了。
    He finished his homework although it was difficult.
  • 现在已会说话,然有时表达不清楚。
    Michael now talks incessantly although not always coherently.
  • 疲劳但仍继续工作。
    She kept on working although she was tired.
  • 他们然很疲劳,还是继续工作。
    They kept on although they were very tired.
  • 然很生气,但他耐心听我说。
    Although he was angry he listened to me patiently.
  • 然我们丢了饯,但我们得到了教训。
    Although we lost our money we learnt our lesson.
  • 但我的两个孩子都很顽皮,然很可爱。
    But both my children are quite naughty although lovely.
  • 然薪金不高,戴维还是接受了聘任。
    David accepted the position although the salary was inadequate.
  • 然他生病了,但仍坚持不懈地学习。
    He keeps at his studies although he is ill
  • 然有病,仍坚持学习。
    He kept at his studies although he was ill.
  • 然我不困,我还是睡觉去了。
    I went to bed although I was not tired.
  • 然我们功课不好,可老师还是让我们通过了。
    The teacher passed the student although we was weak.
  • 然"免下车"的餐馆和影院寿命不长,但"免下车"的服务窗口却站住了脚。
    Although drive-ins didn't last,drive-thru windows have.
  • 一般电话然说价格贵些,我还是更为喜欢。
    I'd prefer the latter although it's more expense.
  • 然发了财,却还保持从前俭朴的习惯。
    Although he's become rich, he's kept his frugal habits.
  • 然他只是个业余爱好者,但却是一流的高手。
    Although he's only an amateur he's a first-class player.
  • 然很疼痛,但还是硬把眼泪抑制住了。
    Although in pain, she bravely blinked back her tears.
  • 然觉得身体不舒服,但仍然去上班了。
    Although she felt ill, she still went to work.
  • 价钱然贵,质量却很好。
    Although the price is high, the quality is good.
  • 然他只有十二岁,他举止却很象大人。
    He has a very adult manner although he's only12.
  • 然亚瑟·纳斯先生已去世,这家公司还是欣欣向荣。
    It is still thriving, although Mr. Nash has gone.
  • 这种人发财观念极重,对赵公元帅(8)礼拜最勤,不妄想发大财,却总想爬上中产阶级地位。
    Such people want to get rich and are devout worshippers of Marshal Chao[8] very much,while they have no illusions about amassing great fortunes, they invariably desire to climb up into the middle bourgeoisie.
  • 然他只是个业馀爱好者,但却是一流的高手.
    Although he's only an amateur he's a first class player.
  • 很不专业的工作;不熟练但很尽责的工作;业余水平的画儿。
    a very amateurish job; inexpert but conscientious efforts; an unskilled painting.
  • 大方向在一个时期中是不变更的,然而大方向内的小方向则是随时变更的,一个方向受了限制,就得转到另一个方向去。
    Though the main direction does not change in a given period of time, within its ambit the secondary directions may shift at any moment; when we find ourselves checked in one direction, we must turn to another.
  • 虽说我是美国人。
    Though I'm an american.
  • 在烟雾弥漫,弹片横飞之中,而我们还是镇定不乱。
    Amid all the fumes and hurtling missiles we kept our heads.
  • 眼前然仍是一片纷乱喧闹和新奇的世界,她感觉到冰冷的现实抓住了她的手。
    Amid all the maze, uproar, and novelty she felt cold reality taking her by the hand.
  • 因为,爱情底报酬永远是这样,要不是回爱,就是一种内心的隐藏的轻蔑,这条定理是真的。由此可见人们更应当如何提防这种情欲,因为它不但使人失去别的事物,简直连自己也保不住。至于其他的损失,古诗人的故事表现得极好;就是喜爱海伦的人是舍弃了攸诺和派拉斯底赏赐的。因为无论何人若过于重视爱情,则自将放弃财富与智慧也。这种情欲泛滥的时候正是在人心力极弱的时候;那就是在一个人最繁荣或最困厄的时候——然困厄是不甚受人注意过的。这两个时候都是燃起爱火并使之更为热烈的,由此足见“爱”是“愚”之子也。有些人,即在心中不能不有爱的时候,仍能使它受约束,并且把它与人生底要务严格分开,这些人可算做事极当;因为“爱”若是一旦参与正事,就要扰害人们底福利,并且使他们无术坚守自己底目的。我不懂为什么,可是武人最易堕入爱情。我想这也和他们喜欢喝酒一样;因为危险的事业多需要娱乐为报酬也。人性之中有一种隐秘地爱他人的倾向和趋势,这种倾向若不消耗在一个人或少数人身上,将很自然地普及于众人,并使人变为仁慈的,例如在僧侣之中有时就看得到这样的情形。
    For it is a true rule, that love is ever rewarded, either with the reciproque, or with an inward and secret contempt. By how much the more, men ought to beware of this passion, which loseth not only other things, but itself. As for the other losses,the poet's relation doth well figure them; that he that preferred Helena, quitted the gifts of Juno, and Pallas. For whosoever esteemeth too much of amorous affection,quitteth both riches, and wisdom. This passion hath his floods in the very times of weakness;which are, great prosperity; and great adversity; though this latter hath been less observed. Both which times kindle love, and make it more fervent, and therefore show it to be the child of folly. They do best, who, if they cannot but admit love, yet make it keep quarter:and sever it wholly from their serious affairs, and actions of life: for if it check once with business, it troubleth men s fortunes, and maketh men, that they can no ways be true to their own ends. I know not how, but martial men are given to love:I think it is, but as they are given to wine; for perils commonly ask to be paid in pleasures. There is in man's nature, a secret inclination, and motion, towards love of others; which, if it be not spent upon some one, or a few, doth naturally spread itself towards many; and maketh men become humane, and charitable; as it is seen sometime in friars.