  • 海尔蒙特,j.b.van
    Jan Baptist van Helmont (1580~1644)
  • 昧时代、野蛮时代、文明时代
    stage of savagery, stage of barbarism, stage of civilization
  • 嗯,那么,这次吃古烤肉如何?
    Well, then, how about a Mongolian Barbecue this time?
  • 几年前,由于这种直接统计方法还没有实施,资深人口统计学家巴里.埃德斯顿在指导美国科学院全国研究会所做移民研究时,便利用复杂的数学模型来计算异族婚姻是如何改变美国面貌的。
    In the absence of such a direct method, a few years ago veteran demographer Barry Edmonston used sophisticated mathematical modeling techniques to calculate how intermarriage is changing the face of the United States as part of an immigration study he directed for the National Research Council of the American Academy of Sciences.
  • 中国自1979年起先后签署了《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》、《国际捕鲸管制公约》、《关于保护臭氧层的维也纳公约》、《关于控制危险废物越境转移及其处置的巴赛尔公约》、《关于消耗臭氧层物质的特利尔议定书(修订本)》、《气候变化框架公约》、《生物多样性公约》、《防治荒漠化公约》、《关于特别是作为水禽栖息地的国际重要湿地公约》、《1972年伦敦公约》等一系列国际环境公约和议定书。
    Since 1979 China has signed a series of international environmental conventions and agreements, including the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, Basel Convention on Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer (revised version), Framework Convention on Climate Change, Convention on Biological Diversity, Convention on Combating Desertification, Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat, and 1972 London Convention.
  • 因为这些曲曲折折的行为可说是蛇走路的方法,蛇是不用脚而是很卑贱地用肚子走路的。没有一件恶德能和被人发现是虚伪欺诈一般使人羞的。
    which goeth basely upon the belly, and not upon the feet There is no vice, that doth so cover a man with shame, as to be found false, and perfidious.
  • 浴室里蒸气蒙蒙。
    The bathroom get steamy.
  • 几种四足食草性长角的恐龙,巨大的颅骨呈鸟嘴状;生活在后白垩纪的北美和古。
    any of several four-footed herbivorous horned dinosaurs with enormous beaked skulls; of the late Cretaceous in North America and Mongolia.
  • 玛莉泪眼胧,在黑暗中蹒跚而行。
    With her eyes bedimmed with tears, Mary stumbled along in the darkness.
  • 10月23日,美国哥马利县警方召开新闻发布会,警察局长查尔斯·穆斯在会上提到凶手曾用一个关于"绳套里的鸭子"的神秘传说暗示警方,并把自己比喻成故事中的"鸭子"。
    At a news conference Wednesday, Montgomery County, Md., police Chief Charles Moose made reference to a "duck in a noose," a cryptic comment made, according to Moose, at the behest of the person presumed to be the Washington-area sniper.
  • 厚爱,十分感激。
    I am greatly beholden to you for your kindness.
  • 厚爱,不胜铭感。
    I am much beholden to you for your kindness.
  • “是的,可是美塞苔丝,——美塞苔丝呢,只要你碰破她心爱的爱德一层皮,她就会痛恨你的呀!”
    "Yes, and Mercédès! Mercédès, who will detest you if you have only the misfortune to scratch the skin of her dearly beloved Edmond!"
  • 野蛮迷信的蒙昧时代
    benighted ages of barbarism and superstition
  • 他把南美有名的守门员托亚比作意大利生产的菲亚特廉价汽车,而把自己比作德国生产的豪华奔驰。
    He compares Montya, famous South American goalkeeper as an Italian made cheap car Fiat. However, he compares himself as a German made luxury Benz.
  • 他把南美有名的守门员托亚比作意大利生产的菲亚特廉价汽车,而把自己比作德国生产的豪华奔驰。
    He com- pares Montya, famous South American goalkeeper as an Italian made cheap car Fiat. However, he compares himself as a German made lux- ury Benz.
  • 伯克和他的助手已经证实,观看一部有趣的电影,或者是听到一则令人捧腹的笑话而开怀大笑都能促使体内有关压力的荷尔含量得到有效控制并降低血压。
    Berk and others had already shown that actually watching a funny video, or just laughing at a joke, could make healthful changes in the levels of hormones involved in stress and lower blood pressure.
  • 伯克利大学的卡罗尔-莱特教授说:"没有证据可以证明古埃及人使用过风筝,也没有证据证明埃及人拥有和我们今天使用的一样的滑轮。"
    "There's absolutely no evidence for kites in ancient Egypt," said Professor Carol Redmount of UC Berkeley. "There's no evidence of pulleys as we know them today."
  • -伯纳德-派鲁斯(bernardperusse),特利尔英文日报thegazette(montreal),二零零二年三月二十六日.
    During her interview with The Gazette, Liu proved the point most eloquently when she removed her plpa from her case and began to play..." - BERNARD PERUSSE, The Gazette (Montreal), Tuesday, March 26, 2002.
  • 途中,他遇到了美丽的金克斯(奥斯卡奖得主哈莉·贝里饰)和米兰达(罗莎德·派克饰)。她们都将在他这次最新的冒险中起到至关重要的作用。
    On his way,he crosses paths with the beautiful Jinx (Oscar winner Halle Berry) and Miranda(Rosamund Pike),who will play vital roles in his latest adventure.
  • 途中,他遇到了美丽的金克斯(奥斯卡奖得主哈莉·贝里饰)和米兰达(罗莎德·派克饰)。她们都将在他这次最新的冒险中起到至关重要的作用。
    On his way,he crosses paths with the beautiful Jinx (Oscar winner Halle Berry) and Miranda (Rosamund Pike),who will play vital roles in his latest adventure.
  • 特别是近年来,法轮功组织在各地煽动和骗信徒,骚扰、围攻党政机关和新闻单位,多次组织大规模非法聚集。
    Especially in recent years, some Falun Gong organizations have instigated and hoodwinked their followers in various places to harass and besiege Party and government department and media institutions. They have also organized a number of large-scale illegal gatherings.
  • 橄榄山,奥利韦特位于耶路撒冷的东面的西岸丘陵地带的一狭长高地。它的西山脚是《圣经》中的耶稣难地,客西马尼花园
    A ridge of hills in the West Bank east of Jerusalem. At its western foot is the biblical site of the Garden of Gethsemane.
  • 让我们来看一看这幅画,肖像本身很简单娜·丽莎坐在椅子里转身向左,带着那个微笑看着观赏者,用16世纪美术史家和传记作家乔尔乔·凡萨里的话来说这个微笑“…是如此令人愉悦,与其说它真实还不如说它神圣。”
    Let's look at the painting itself. The figure itself is simple. Mona Lisa turns to her left in her chair to look at the viewer with that smile, a smile that 16th-century art historian and biographer Giorgio Vasari said ... was so pleasing it seems divine rather than real.
  • 让我高兴的是,我发现哈丁--西斯大学阿比林分院的格雷格·坎特雷尔教授新近完成了一本这位得克萨斯之父的绝妙传记。
    To my delight, I discovered that Professor Gregg Cantrell at Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene has just finished a superb biography of the Father of Texas.
  • 其后10年中她很快学会了法语,在一系列的修道院中生活过,她的两位保护人和同龄人--埃凯夫人和苏格兰律师詹姆斯·伯内特(后来的博多勋爵)--还为她写了传记。
    She learned French rapidly over the next 10 years, lived in a series of convents, and her biography was written by two patrons and contemporaries: Madame Hequet and the Scottish lawyer James Burnett, later Lord Monboddo.
  • 国家级自然保护区有99处,其中加入国际人与生物圈保护区网的自然保护区有10处,包括:吉林长白山、四川卧龙、贵州梵净山、湖北神农架、福建武夷山、新疆博格达峰、广东鼎湖山、内古锡林郭勒、江苏盐城和云南西双版纳自然保护区。
    There are 99 national-level reserves, of which ten -- Jilin's Changbai Mountains, Sichuan's Wolong, Guizhou's Fanjing Mountains, Hubei's Shennongjia, Fujian's Wuyi Mountains, Xinjiang's Mt.Bogda, Guangdong's Dinghu Mountains, Inner Mongolia's Xilingol, Jiangsu's Yancheng and Yunnan's Xishuangbanna -- have been listed in the International Network of Men and Biosphere Reserves.
  • 国家级自然保护区有99处,其中加入国际人与生物圈保护区网的自然保护区有10处,包括:吉林长白山、四川卧龙、贵州梵净山、湖北神农架、福建武夷山、新疆博格达峰、广东鼎湖山、内古锡林郭勒、江苏盐城和云南西双版纳自然保护区。
    There are 99 national-level reserves, of which ten -- Jilin's Changbai Mountains, Sichuan's Wolong, Guizhou's Fanjing Mountains, Hubei's Shennongjia, Fujian's Wuyi Mountains, Xinjiang's Mt. Bogda, Guangdong's Dinghu Mountains, Inner Mongolia's Xilingol, Jiangsu's Yancheng and Yunnan's Xishuangbanna -- have been listed in the International Network of Men and Biosphere Reserves.
  • 他以为他把那名掮客骗了,但我告诉他当心不要到头来自己上当受骗。
    He thought he had fooled the broker, but I told him he had better take care it didn’t turn out to be a case of the biter bit.
  • 大拿一家医院的特别护理室昏迷了六天,最终还是留下神经损伤和右眼失明的后遗症。
    He'd been rescued by a Blackfoot Indian,had lain unconscious for six days in a Montana hospital's intensive care unit,and ended up with neurological damage and a blind right eye.
  • 那场意外事故使我们的幸福生活上了一层阴影。
    The accident cast a blight on our happiness.
  • 那场事故给这一个家庭上了一层阴影。
    The accident cast a blight on the family.