  • 亞歷山大·貝爾1847年生於格蘭,早年就對人類通訊方式發生了興趣。
    Born in Scotland in 1847, Alexander Bell became interested very early in the methods of human communication.
  • 聯的艾裏娜·容德娜和亞裏山大·塞夫在該項比賽中奪冠,領先於同胞瑪裏娜·契卡淑娃和塞蓋·夏剋雷。
    Irina Rodnina and Alexander zaitsev(the Soviet Union) won the pairs title ahead of compatriots Marina Cherkassova and Sergei Shakhray.
  • 斯小亞細亞東南部的一個古代城鎮,位於現在土耳其的伊斯肯德侖港附近,公元前333年,亞歷山大大帝在這裏擊敗了波斯的大流士三世
    An ancient town of southeast Asia Minor near modern-day Iskenderun, Turkey. Alexander the Great defeated Darius III of Persia here in333 b.c.
  • 我很欣賞艾爾弗雷德·澤的一段名言。
    One of my favorite quotes comes from Alfred Souza.
  • 姍和愛麗絲兩人很不一樣。
    Susan and Alice are quite different.
  • 蘇姍和愛麗絲不同。
    Susan is different from/ than/ to Alice.
  • 在馬格德堡軍訓練基地的一處垃圾存放點,幾位剋格勃軍官將汽油澆到箱子上後放火燃燒。
    On a rubbish dump in a Soviet military training ground near Magdeburg, the officers poured petrol over the cases and set them alight.
  • 阿特波斯詩人及神秘傢,其代表作百鳥會議是一篇菲派的寓言式調查
    Persian poet and mystic whose masterpiece, Conference of the Birds, is an allegorical survey of Sufism.
  • 到1995年底,中國共建動物園和公園動物展區175個、各種野生動物繁殖中心(場)227個,建立大型植物園60多個、野生植物引種保存基地255個,使大熊貓、揚子鰐、中華鱘、白暨豚、東北虎、朱䴉、銀杉、珙桐、鐵、金花茶等珍稀瀕危動植物得到保護。
    By the end of 1995 China had set up 175 zoological gardens and zoological exhibition sites in public parks, 227 artificial breeding centers for wild animals, more than 60 large botanical gardens and 255 wild plant gene and cell banks to ensure the continuation of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, including the giant panda, Chinese alligator, Chinese sturgeon, white-flag dolphin, Manchurian tiger, crested ibis, Cathay silver fir, dovetree, Cycas revoluta and camellia chrysantha tuyama.
  • 以前住在格林灣南部的威斯康星州的說族語的民族的人;梅諾米尼人的結盟者,福剋斯族和索剋族的敵人。
    a member of the Siouan-speaking people formerly living in E Wisconsin south of Green Bay; ally of the Menomini and enemy of the Fox and Sauk people.
  • 但無如西帝們要反反共,你聯它們,它們就要請你北嚮而擊,你革命也革不成。
    However, whether you like it or not, the Western imperialists are determined to oppose the Soviet Union and communism, and if you ally yourself with them, they will ask you to march northward and attack, and your revolution will come to nothing.
  • 塔什幹原聯中亞部分南部一城市,位於阿拉木圖西南偏西方。它是中亞地區最古老的城市之一,曾被阿拉伯人統治過,後又被突厥人統治至1865年,同年俄國將其並入自己的版圖。人口2,030,000
    A city of southern Central Asian U.S.S.R. west-southwest of Alma-Ata. One of the oldest cities of central Asia, it was ruled by Arabs and then Turks until1865, when it was annexed by Russia. Population,2, 030, 000.
  • 伏竜芝聯中亞南部一城市,位於阿拉木圖西南偏西的楚河岸邊。1846年建於邊塞城堡的遺址上,1862年為俄羅斯人占領,今為吉爾吉斯首府。人口604,000
    A city of southern Central Asian U.S.S.R. on the Chu River west-southwest of Alma-Ata. Built on the site of a fort established in1846, it was taken by the Russians in1862 and is now the capital of Kirghiz. Population,604, 000.
  • 戈麥爾聯歐洲部分的西部城市,在基輔的北面。1142年纔第一次有這個名字,由俄國和波蘭輪流控製,於1772年最後納入俄國版圖。人口405,000
    A city of western European U.S.S.R. north of Kiev. First mentioned in1142, it was controlled alternately by Russia and Poland, passing finally to Russia in1772. Population,465, 000.
  • 桑德貝加拿大安大略省西南部一城市,瀕臨必利爾湖西北岸的一個水灣桑德灣。是重要的港口和工業中心,1970年由亞瑟堡和威廉堡兩座兄弟城市合併而成。人口112,486
    A city of southwest Ontario, Canada, on Thunder Bay, an inlet on the northwest shore of Lake Superior. A major port and industrial center, it was created in1970 by the amalgamation of the twin cities of Port Arthur and Fort William. Population,112, 486.
  • 隨着本港經濟逐漸復,港元債務市場在一九九九年繼續增長。
    The Hong Kong dollar debt market continued to grow in 1999 amid a reviving local economy.
  • 兩國人民之間存在着深厚的友誼。
    Between the peoples of China and the Soviet Union there is a profound friendship.
  • 色芬尼希臘士兵和作傢。格拉底的門徒,在進攻波斯的戰役中加入居魯士二世的軍隊。居魯士死後,色芬尼率領着希臘軍隊到了黑海,這次嚴峻的經歷成了他遠征記的素材
    Greek soldier and writer. A disciple of Socrates, he joined Cyrus the Younger in an attack on Persia. After the death of Cyrus, Xenophon led the Greek troops to the Black Sea, an ordeal he recounted in Anabasis.
  • 你丈夫麻醉後還沒有醒.
    Your husband hasn't yet come round after the anaesthetic.
  • 葉林剛剛發現她的祖先是格蘭人,而不是愛爾蘭人。
    Erin just found out that her ancestors have come from Scotland, not Ireland.
  • 去年,《艾爾帕索時報》的前製作助理,31歲的珊·盧伊德剋在德剋薩斯大學艾爾帕索分校上學時,通過電視會議參加了安德森咨詢公司的面試。
    Last year,Susan Luedke,31,a former production assistant at the " EI Paso Times" , interviewed via videoconferencing with Andersen Consulting while attending the University of Texas at EI Paso.
  • 英國的國旗;聖喬治十字架(英國、聖安德魯十字架(格蘭)和聖帕特裏剋十字架(愛爾蘭)的合成物。
    national flag of the United Kingdom; a composite of Saint George's Cross (England) and Saint Andrew's Cross (Scotland) and Saint Patrick's Cross (Ireland).
  • 在1990年世界杯熱那亞賽場上,米盧使哥斯達黎加隊力挫安迪·羅剋斯伯勒率領的格蘭隊,實現了他們著名的1比0勝利。
    Milutinovic inspired Costa Rica to their famous 1-0 win against Andy Roxburgh's Scotland in Genoa in 1990.
  • 無力的擊球動作;毫無活力的經濟復
    An anemic attempt to hit the baseball; an anemic economic recovery.
  • 李爾王在瑞根和高納裏爾殘酷虐待下神志錯亂,在荒野上,他怒斤狂風暴雨,揮舞雙拳,咒駡天宇的冷酷無情、麻木不仁,正像飛蟲捉弄頑童一般,天神也在戲弄虛弱不堪的老人。第四幕第七場描寫的是李爾發瘋後被帶到多佛醒時的情景。他睜開雙眼,還以為看見了天使般的靈魂——他的女兒考狄莉亞。
    This is where Lear, brought to Dover after having gone mad from the Cruelties of Regan and Goneril and having raged at the howling storm on the heath, shaking his fist at the cruel indifference of the cosmos that toys with weak old men like flies to wanton boys, awakens to what he at first thinks is an angelic apparition- his daughter Cordelia.
  • 格蘭先民的艱苦勞作史與他們自古對這片貧瘠土地的眷戀,在安格斯民俗博物館裏一覽無餘。
    The history of this ancient struggle, and its people's ancient love affair with the hard land, is enclosed within the walls of the Angus Folk Museum.
  • 科尼亞土耳其中部偏西南一城市,位於安卡拉以南,建在一個古代弗裏吉亞城市的遺址上,從11世紀到13世紀,科尼亞是一個強大的塞爾柱丹帝國。人口329,139
    A city of southwest-central Turkey south of Ankara. Built on the site of an ancient Phrygian city, Konya was a powerful Seljuk sultanate from the11th to the13th century. Population,329, 139.
  • 安正在考慮與珊同去倫敦。
    Ann is considering go to london with susan.
  • 安正在考慮與珊同去倫敦。
    Ann is considering going to London with Susan.
  • 辛菲羅波爾聯歐洲部分南部一城市,位於塞瓦斯托波爾東北的剋裏米亞的南部。最初西西亞人在此定居,1784年被俄羅斯吞併。人口331,000
    A city of southern European U.S.S.R. in the southern Crimea northeast of Sevastopol. Originally settled by Scythians, it was annexed by Russia in1784. Population,331, 000.
  • 吉爾吉斯與中國西北部接壤的聯中亞部分東南部的一個地區。它大約在13世紀前由講突厥語的蒙古人居住,1864年被俄羅斯占領
    A region of southeast Central Asian U.S.S.R. bordering on northwest China. It was probably inhabited before the13th century by a Turkic-speaking Mongolian people and was annexed by Russia in1864.
  • 卡纍利河歐洲東北部一地區,主要位於聯西北部,在芬蘭灣和白海之間。該地區在9世紀時首次被提及,後來受瑞典人的統治,1721年被俄國併吞
    A region of northeast Europe mainly in the northwest U.S.S.R. between the Gulf of Finland and the White Sea. First mentioned in the ninth century, the area later came under Swedish domination and was annexed by Russia in1721.