  • 我記得年輕時讀過不少新馬華人作傢的遊記、散文與譯作品(我通過華文讀《馬來紀年》),不少報刊與青年讀物更刊載了來自東南亞其他國傢的華文作品,促進了我對鄰國社會人文的認識。
    I remember reading many travelogues, essays and translated works (I read "The Malay Annals" in Chinese) by Singaporean and Malaysian Chinese writers in my youth. Many newspapers and young people's magazines also published Chinese works from other countries in Southeast Asia. This promoted my understanding of other societies in the region.
  • 中華人民共和國成立五十多年來,新疆各民族人民團结協作,努力開拓,共同書寫了開發、建設、保衛邊疆的輝煌篇章,新疆的社會面貌發生了天覆地的變化。
    In the more than 50 years since the People’s Republic of China was founded, the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, with concerted and pioneering efforts, have jointly written brilliant pages in the annals of its development, construction and frontier defense, causing earth-shaking changes in the social outlook of the region.
  • 我記得年輕時讀過不少馬華作傢的遊記、散文與譯作品(我通過華文讀《馬來紀年》),不少報刊與青年讀物更刊載了來自東南亞其他國傢的華文作品,促進了我對鄰國社會人文的認識。
    I remember reading many travelogues, essays and translated works (I read "The Malay Annals" in Chinese) by Singaporean and Malaysian Chinese writers in my youth. Many newspapers and young people's magazines also published Chinese works from other countries in Southeast Asia. This promoted interaction and understanding among the different societies in the region.
  • 這種掌握,就象掌握外國語一樣,是通過譯的。
    This annexation took place in the same way in which a foreign language is appropriated, namely, by translation.
  •  (五)使用權和獲得報酬權,即以復製、表演、播放、展覽、發行、攝製電影、電視、錄像或者改編、譯、註釋、編輯等方式使用作品的權利;以及許可他人以上述方式使用作品,並由此獲得報酬的權利。
    the right of exploitation and the right to remuneration, that is, the right of exploiting one's work by means of reproduction, performance, broadcasting, exhibition distribution, making cinematographic, television or video production, adaptation, translation, annotation, compilation and the like, and the right of authorizing others to exploit one's work by the above-mentioned means, and of receiving remuneration therefor.
  • 如果你到田野裏去開幾塊大石頭,你可能會揭開一個蟻"民"的城市。
    If you go into the fields and turn over a few big stones, you may uncover a city of ant " ant "people" ant "people".
  • 如果你到田野裏去開幾塊大石頭,你可能會揭開一個蟻"民"的城市。
    If you go into the fields and turn over a few big stones, you may uncover a city of ant"ant" people".
  • 但是,共産黨一分鐘也不忽略教育工人盡可能明確地意識到資産階級和無産階級的敵對的對立,以便德國工人能夠立刻利用資産階級統治所必然帶來的社會的和政治的條件作為反對資産階級的武器,以便在推德國的反動階級之後立即開始反對資産階級本身的鬥爭。
    But they never cease, for a single instant, to instil into the working class the clearest possible recognition of the hostile antagonism between bourgeoisie and proletariat, in order that the German workers may straightaway use, as so many weapons against the bourgeoisie, the social and political conditions that the bourgeoisie must necessarily introduce along with its supremacy, and in order that, after the fall of the reactionary classes in Germany, the fight against the bourgeoisie itself may immediately begin.
  • 然而西安事變後和平實現是事實,這種情況是由多方面促成的(日本進攻的基本方針,蘇聯和英美法的贊助和平,中國人民的逼迫,共産黨在西安事變中的和平方針及停止兩個政權敵對的政策,資産階級的分化,國民黨的分化等等),不是蔣介石一個人所能决定和推的。
    But the fact is that peace was attained after the Sian Incident and was the product of several factors (Japan's fundamental policy of invasion, the favourable attitude of the Soviet Union and also Britain, the United States and France towards internal peace in China, the pressure of the Chinese people, the Communist Party's peace policy during the Sian Incident and its policy for ending the antagonism between the two regimes, the differentiation within the bourgeoisie, the differentiation within the Kuomintang, and so on); peace cannot be made or unmade by Chiang Kai-shek alone.
  • 滾吧!走路看清楚--你差點反我的飲料潑了。
    Get lost! I do not want to see you anymore!
  • 一合法進行的上訴人去高一級的法院為了獲得對低一級法院裁决的回審和推低一級法院判决或者獲得一次新的審訊。
    a legal proceeding in which the appellant resorts to a higher court for the purpose of obtaining a review of a lower court decision and a reversal of the lower court's judgment or the granting of a new trial.
  • 譯,導遊講阿拉伯語、土耳其語或波斯語的國傢的譯或導遊
    An interpreter or guide in countries where Arabic, Turkish, or Persian is spoken.
  • weidner提供了把英語譯成法語,西班牙語,德語,葡萄牙語和阿拉伯語的直接法譯係統
    Weidner offers direct - method system that translate English into French, Spanis, German, Portuguese and Arabic
  • 有關蹦床和筋鬥的描繪可以上溯至古代中國、埃及和波斯的壁刻畫。
    Trampoline and tumbling can be traced to archaeological drawings in ancient China, Egypt and Persia.
  • 終於,他們加入排山倒海的改革浪潮,推了極權,隨即選出新的政府俯順民意,再次讓中華文明在千島之國恢復生機。
    They rose to join the unstoppable reform movement to overthrow the totalitarian regime. A new government was soon elected, giving Chinese culture in the archipelago a ray of hope.
  • 三、皇帝和貴族的專製政權是被推了,代之而起的先是地主階級的軍閥官僚的統治,接着是地主階級和大資産階級聯盟的專政。
    The autocratic rule of the emperors and nobility has been overthrown, and in its place there have arisen first the warlord bureaucrat rule of the landlord class and then the joint dictatorship of the landlord class and the big bourgeoisie.
  • (乙)小資産階級的社會主義封建貴族並不是被資産階級所推的、其生活條件在現代資産階級社會裏日益惡化和消失的唯一階級。
    B. Petty-Bourgeois Socialism The feudal aristocracy was not the only class that has ruined by the bourgeoisie, not the only class whose conditions of existence pined and perished in the atmosphere of modern bourgeois society.
  • 周伊特,本傑明1817-1893英國古典學者,以譯柏拉圖和亞裏士多德的作品著名
    British classical scholar known for his translations of Plato and Aristotle.
  • 最佳實例就是今年1月發生的推前總統埃斯特拉達的第二次“人民力量”,和5月1日發生的欲推阿羅約政府的暴動。
    The second “people power” which ousted former President Joseph Estrada in January and a coup that attempted to topple President Gloria Arroyo on May 1 are excellent examples.
  • 司法宮宏偉的峨特式③正面的中央有一道高大的臺階,兩股人流不停上上下下,這是因為人流在居中的臺階底下碎散後,又以波濤騰之勢,嚮兩側斜坡擴散開來。
    In the centre of the high Gothic facade of the Palais was the great flight of steps, incessantly occupied by a double stream ascending and descending, which, after being broken by the intermediate landing, spread in broad waves over the two lateral flights.
  • 寫成ascii文本文件的程序說明;必須由匯編程序或解釋程序在執行前譯成特定計算機的目標碼。
    program instructions written as an ASCII text file; must be translated by a compiler or interpreter or assembler into the object code for a particular computer before execution.
  • 河豚一種魚,尤指車魨或刺魨,具有或能夠膨脹形成球形
    Any of various fishes, especially the ocean sunfish or puffer, having or capable of assuming a globular shape.
  • 他們調轉船頭,船尾起一片水花。
    They brought the ship round with a wash of water astern.
  • 哥白尼,尼科勞斯1473-1543波蘭天文學家,他提出地球及其它行星繞太陽運動的日心說,推了托勒密的天文學理論即地心體係
    Polish astronomer who advanced the theory that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun, disrupting the Ptolemaic system of astronomy.
  • 紅軍革命軍事委員會特慎重地嚮南京政府諸公進言,在亡國滅種緊急關頭,理應然改悔,以‘兄弟鬩於墻外禦其侮’的精神,在全國範圍、首先在陝甘晉停止內戰,雙方互派代表磋商抗日救亡的具體辦法。
    The Revolutionary Military Commission of the Red Army hereby solemnly advises the gentlemen of the Nanking government at this critical juncture, when our country and people are threatened with imminent destruction, to make a determined effort to atone for past misdeeds and end the civil war in the whole country, to join forces against attacks from without in the spirit of brothers quarrelling at home, and first of all end the civil war in Shensi, Kansu and Shansi, whereupon both sides should appoint delegates to discuss specific measures for resisting Japan and saving the nation.
  • 奶油面糊在一層甜水果上邊,然後一下鍋,甜水果就在上邊了。
    batter baked atop a layer of sweetened fruit then turned upside down so fruit is on top.
  • 我一整天都在閣樓上找(舊照片).
    I spent the day ferreting (about) in the attic (for old photographs).
  • 誰在小閣樓上動東西?
    Who is that poking about in the attic?
  • 一個雨天,薩利開始在閣樓裏騰,發現了父親的一些舊照片。
    On a rainy day, Salley got to looking round in the attic and round some old pictures of Father.
  • 我很快推了我每個周末都是不典型的事實;舉止完全不具有職業的代表性(或非典型性)。
    I soon tumbled to the fact that my weekends were atypical; behavior quite unrepresentative (or atypical) of the profession.
  • 如果紐西蘭的奧剋蘭大學能設一個譯係的話,那我們新加坡這個多元文化、多元語言的大都會總不能落在人後吧。
    If the University of Auckland in New Zealand can have a Department of Translation Studies, surely Singapore, with our claims of being a multi-cultural and multi-lingual cosmopolitan city, do not want to be left behind, do we?
  • 北京電臺、電視臺要提升雙語、多語播出能力,北京電信開設電話譯臺,為外語學習者和以外語為主要交流工具的社會各界人士服務。
    The bilingual and multi-lingual programming capabilities at Beijing Radio and TV stations will be augmented. Beijing Telecom will set up a telephone translation number to serve foreign language learners and people relying on foreign languages for most of their communications.