综Chinese English Sentence:
| - 第十三条 开发利用水资源,应当服从防洪的总体安排,实行兴利与除害相结合的原则,兼顾上下游、左右岸和地区之间的利益,充分发挥水资源的综合效益。
Article 13: The development and utilization of water resources shall conform to the overall arrangement for flood control, follow the policy of deriving benefits while mitigating damages, and take into account the interests of both upstream and downstream, both left and right bank as well as all involved regions, so as to fully realize the comprehensive benefits of water resources. - 扩大和恢复草地植被,开展小流域综合治理。
Comprehensive harness of drainage areas should be carried out. High-quality man- made grassland should be constructed. - 努力实现中国体育事业的全面协调发展。大力提高中国竞技体育科研管理水平,加快建立和培养一支高素质的竞赛组织管理人才队伍,造就一批在科学选才和科学训练方面的优秀研究员和教练员,培养出一批况技运动的新尖子人才;争取参加2008年奥运会所有大项和更多小项的比赛,力争金牌总数有新的突破,综合实力有明显增强;认真实施《全民健康计划纲要》,不断提高全体国民的身体素质和健康水平;加强体育法制建设,不断深化改革,加快体育社会化和产业化,促进体育事业持续、快速、健康发展。
Striving for an all-round and concerted development in China's China will endeavor to drastically upgrade the management skills and the scientific research work of its competitive sports, creating a strong team of organizers and managers for sports activities, a large number of researchers and coaches who excel in selecting and training athletes, and a large number of outstandeing and promising athletes. While aiming at participating in all the sports and more events at the 2008 Olympic Games, China will make efforts for a breakthrough in the total number of gold medals and a noticeable improvement in the overall strength of the country's sports. China will implement the "National Sports For All Program" to improve the physical quality and fitness of the whole population. China will enhance sports legislation, further promote the reform of its administration and speed up its socialization and industrialization so as to achieve a sustainable, speedy and heal thy development of sports. - 大中城市不断调整工业布局,加强技术改造,开展三废综合利用,对污染严重的企业限期治理或关、停、并、转、迁,还建设了一批污水处理厂,控制新污染源,减少了陆源污染物入海量。
Large and medium-sized cities have paid constant attention to readjusting the distribution of industries, improving technical transformation, and recovering waste gas, waste water and industrial residue (the "three wastes") for multipurpose use. Enterprises creating serious pollution are required to take effective measures to control it within a definite period of time; otherwise they have to close down, suspend operations, merge with other plants, change their products or move to other places. Besides, a number of sewage treatment plants have been built to control new pollution sources and reduce the amount of land-sourced pollutants dumped into the sea. - 对音乐有所选择的品味;以综合各派的方式来处理经济事务
An eclectic taste in music; an eclectic approach to managing the economy. - 城镇生态环境综合整治工作历来是西藏生态建设和环境保护工作的重点之一。
The comprehensive management of the ecological environment in cities and towns has always been stressed in ecological improvement and environmental protection work in Tibet. - 中国将继续加强生态农业建设,开展大规模的水土保持,综合治理小流域水土流失,防治土地荒漠化和草场退化,努力提高森林植被覆盖率。
China will continue to promote agricultural construction in an ecologically friendly way, start large-scale water and soil conservation, control soil erosion in small river valleys in a comprehensive way, prevent desertification and grassland deterioration, and strive to increase the coverage rate of forests. - 在经济发展相对落后的贫困地区,八十年代以来,中国政府制定了人口、粮食、生态、资源全面规划、综合治理、协调发展的总体战略,开展了大规模的扶贫开发活动,并把扶贫开发与计划生育结合起来,有力地促进了这些地区的经济、社会发展。
As for poverty-stricken areas where the economy is relatively backward, since the 1980s, the Chinese government has formulated a comprehensive strategy in regard to the overall planning, comprehensive management and coordinated development in population, grain, ecology and resources. It has carried out extensive activities to help the poor in their development and integrated these activities with family planning, vigorously accelerating the economic and social development in these areas. - 地区经济综合发展
integrative development of areal economy - 加快塔里木河生态和水资源综合治理,优先在新疆安排资源开发和基础设施建设项目;
comprehensive control of the ecosystem and water resources of the Tarim River be accelerated, with priority given to Xinjiang when arranging projects for exploiting resources and infrastructure construction; - 培养人才并授予学位的高等教育机构;综合大学的一部分。
an institution of higher education created to educate and grant degrees; often a part of a university. - 内德·赫尔曼是一位优秀的教育家。他发展了几种大脑活动模式,并已将它们综合起来应用于教学和管理学。
Ned Herrmann is an educator who has developed models of brain activity and integrated them into teaching and management training. - 错综复杂的具有许多排列复杂的成份的;复杂精细的
Having many complexly arranged elements; elaborate. - 开发利用水资源和防治水害,应当全面规划、统筹兼顾、综合利用、讲求效益,发挥水资源的多种功能。
In developing and utilizing water resources and in controlling water disasters, planning should be performed in a comprehensive and systematic manner with all aspects taken into account and with emphases on multiple purpose uses and achieving maximum benefits so as to allow full play to the multiple functions of water resources. - 用于某些分类中,包含倍足纲节动物和蜈蚣;以前是包含x和综合纲的一个大类;现在多足超类通常用作多足超类同义词,且仅限于倍足纲节动物。
used in some classifications to encompass the millipedes (Diplopoda) and centipedes (Chilopoda); formerly a large taxon including also the Pauropoda and Symphyla; the term Myriapoda now usually used synonymously with Diplopoda and limited to the millipedes. - 发展经济和科技,增强综合国力,是各国的主要战略趋向。
Economic development, scientific and technological progress, and the enhancement of overall national strength are the main strategic trends of all countries. - 当局亦增设了1298个护理安老院宿位、一所长者活动中心、两所长者综合服务中心、两所日间护理中心和两支长者支援服务队,大大加强为长者提供的正式护理服务。
There was also significant enhancement in the provision of formal care services for the elders, with an addition of 1298 care-and-attention home places, one social centre, two multi-services centres, two day care centres and two support teams for elders. - ——搞好社会治安综合治理,维护社会稳定。
--Improving all facets of public security to ensure social stability. - 错综复杂的局面一种困难的或复杂的情况;纠纷
A difficult or intricate situation; an entanglement. - 韦斯顿太太仍然认为奈特利先生爱慕简·费尔法克斯,这就使纷繁不清的鸳鸯谱更加错综复杂。
The matrimonial entanglement was further complicated because Mrs. Weston continued to believe that Mr. Knightley was becoming attached to Jane Fairfax. - 环境污染综合防治
integrated control of environmental pollution - 全年新增供水日综合生产能力870万立方米,人工煤气日生产能力104万立方米,天然气储气能力757万立方米,城市道路长度5400公里,城市污水日处理能力714万立方米,城市生活垃圾无害化日处理能力20262吨/日。
The newly increased capacity of the comprehensive production of daily water supply is 8.7 million m3. The daily capacity of artificial coal gas production is 1.04 million m3. The storage capacity of natural gas is 7.57 m3. The urban road length is 5400 km. The daily capacity of urban sewage treatment is 7.14 m3. The environmentally sound treatment of the urban domestic garbage is 20262 t/d. - 作为政府的官方机构,瑞典辐射保护研究所从美国马里兰州罗克维尔的国际流行病研究所请来了约翰·d·布瓦斯·jr和约瑟夫·k·麦克劳克林两位教授,对目前研究这一课题的众多出版物进行了综合性评估。
The governmental agency asked Dr. John D. Boice Jr. and Dr. Joseph K. McLaughlin of the International Epidemiology Institute in Rockville, Md., to evaluate published epidemiological research on the subject. - 综合治理水土流失面积4万多平方公里。
Comprehensive land recovery program was applied to over 4 million hectares of once eroded areas. - 新增综合治理水土流失面积5万平方公里。
Comprehensive land recovery program was applied to about 50,000 square kilometers of once eroded areas. - 综合进化论
synthetic theory of evolution - 综合性医院,多科联合诊所治疗各种类型的疾病和创伤的诊所、医院或保健设施
A clinic, hospital, or health care facility that treats various types of diseases and injuries. - (b)进行可行性研究有关设立一所「金融学院」为综合发展银行业、保险业及证券业提供所需人力资源及专材;
to explore the feasibility of establishing a Financial Institute to provide the manpower and expertise necessary for the growing and increasingly integrated development of banking, insurance and securities in Hong Kong; - 今后几年,将重点推广优良新品种、水稻旱育稀植及抛秧、地膜覆盖、精量半精量机械化播种、病虫害综合防治、科学用肥、节水灌溉和旱作农业等重大适用技术。
In the next few years China will concentrate on spreading the following important agricultural techniques: improved new varieties, paddy rice nurture in dry nursery and thin planting by throwing rice seedlings, plastic mulching, precise and semi-precise mechanical seeding, the integrated pest management, scientific fertilization, water-saving irrigation, and dry land farming. - 要避免结疤产生就要使身体重新长出受伤前那种有错综结构的纤维状组织。
Avoiding this scar tissue means getting the body to rebuild the complex fibrous structure of the original. - 该理论是他研究结果的综合。
The theory integrates his research findings. - 给予渔民的协助包括向975名受影响的渔民发放4,660万元低息贷款,根据综合社会保障援助计划向符合资格的申请人发放财政援助款项,以及提供其他服务。
Assistance given to the fishermen included the issue of $46.6 million low-interest loans to 975 affected fishermen, the provision of financial assistance under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme to eligible applicants and other services.