Chinese English Sentence:
  • 我推理说她没有我回信一定是生我的气了。
    I reasoned that since she had not answered my letter she must be angry with me.
  • 我到学校以后就他打电话。
    I'll call him after I get to the school.
  • 给我讲讲你的理由。
    Tell me your reasons.
  • (二)各分散部队以明确的任务、行动的地区、行动的时期、集合的地点、联络的方法等。
    and (2) we should assign to the dispersed units clearly defined tasks, fields of operation, time limits for actions, places for reassembly and ways and means of liaison.
  • 将大使重新分配到一个新的职位上;将这项工作重新指派更有经验的工人们
    Reassigned the ambassador to a new post; reassigned the job to more experienced workers.
  • 给予信心;使放心
    To give confidence to; reassure.
  • 我再保证他说我们是安全的。
    I reassured him that we were safe.
  • 高层领导人香港的支持,加上实际的跟进措施,令港人得到最佳的保证。
    A high level of support which is backed by visible follow-up action, is most reassuring.
  • 而另一方面,“personofcolor”(意思也是有色人),指任何非欧洲种族的人,是可以被接受的,而且在某些意识形态的领域内是一个备受喜欢的词,用来指美国黑人的“negro”(西班牙语“黑”的意思),在上个世纪六十年代让位于“black”(黑人)或者“black”,只是到了80年代才又让位afro-american”(非洲裔美国人),到了90年代又让位于african-american”或者africanamerican(还是非洲裔美国人的意思)。
    On the other hand, "person of color", meaning someone of any non-European race, is acceptable and, in some ideological circles, a favored phrase. "Negro" (the Spanish word for "black") gave way to "black" or "Black" in the 1960s, only to yield in turn to "Afro-American" in the 1980s and "African-American" or "African American" in the 1990s.
  • 如果第一季度贸易量达到...我们将你方...%的特殊回扣。
    We will allow you a special rebate of...% if the business comes up to... in the first quarter.
  • 组织秘书造反派下院议员施加压力要求他们和政府一同选举。
    The whip applied pressure on the rebel mps to vote with the government.
  • 将军切断了叛军的军火供线,使其丧失力量。
    The General pulled the teeth of the rebel army by blocking its ammunition supply line.
  • 巴迪是一只漂亮聪明的海豚——但也是一个会改变动作破坏演出的叛逆者。哈伯德不喜欢它,不得不它点颜色看。
    Buddy was a beautiful, clever dolpin-but also a rebel who would change the cat and wreck the show. Hubbard hated him and had to show him who was boss.
  • 《现代启示录》的拍摄带来了困难,导演弗朗西斯·福特·科波勒被迫使用菲律宾军队的直升飞机和飞行员,拍摄期间,这些飞机常常起飞去进攻真正的反叛游击队。
    This created difficulties for Apocalypse Now, as director Francis Ford Coppola was forced to use helicopters and pilots from the Philippine army, who flew off regularly during filming to attack real-life rebel insurgents.
  • 他在被告知当权者没有他机会的时候造反。
    He rebelled when he was told that the authorities permitted him no choice.
  • 阿伦森说:“人人都希望她嫁外国的王亲贵族,但她选择了放荡不羁的生活,展示她性格中叛逆的一面”。
    Everyone" expected her to marry a foreign prince or a nobleman," says Aronson. " But she went for this bohemian world and showed the rebellious part of her nature."
  • 最后,叛军不得不把城市手交了政府军。
    At last the rebels were forced to yield the town to the government troops.
  • 我的家人甚至我唱起了生日歌,他们把这次移植手术视为我的新生。
    My family even sang " Happy Birthday"to me -- they viewed the transplant as a rebirth.
  • 她并非真的爱他,而是在失恋后才嫁他的。
    She didn't really love him, she married him on the rebound.
  • 她和保罗争吵後愤而嫁了彼得。
    She quarrel with paul and then marry peter on the rebound.
  • 他的补篮、闪电般的快攻和灵活转身我留下很深的印象。
    I was impressed with his rebound shot, his "race horse" and his quick turn.
  • 因此,我们必须一方面继续坚定地肃清“四人帮”的流毒,帮助一部分还在中毒的同志觉悟过来,并且对极少数人所散布的诽谤党中央的反动言论予痛击;
    Therefore, it is not enough for us to keep on resolutely eliminating the pernicious influence of the Gang of Four, helping those comrades who have been misled by it to come to their senses, and rebutting the reactionary statements of those who slander the Central Committee.
  • 当杜克大学的统计学教授瓦伦·约翰逊提出重新计算平均分以那些评分严格的课程更大的分量时,遭到了学生和教职员双方的激烈攻击。
    Valen Johnson, a Duke University statistics professor, came under heavy fire from both students and faculty when he proposed recalculating the grade point average to give rigorously graded courses greater weight.
  • 我记得她过我那把钥匙。
    I recall her giving me the key.
  • 柯雷吉多尔岛马尼拉湾入口处菲律宾群岛北部一个岛。1942年五月,尽管经过英勇保卫战,菲律宾和美国军队还是被迫将这个设防小岛放弃日本。1945年三月美国伞兵收回此岛
    An island of the northern Philippines at the entrance to Manila Bay. Despite a heroic defense, Filipino and U.S. troops were forced to surrender the fortified island to Japan in May1942. U.S. paratroopers recaptured the island in March1945.
  • 可以开收据给我吗?
    Can I have a receipt?
  • 给我张收据好吗?
    Could I have a receipt?
  • 请给我一张收据。
    Give me a receipt, please.
  • 麻烦开收据给我。
    I need a receipt, please.
  • 我方发正式收据。
    Please send us official receipt.
  • 可以给我收据吗?
    Can you give me a receipt?
  • 请给我收据。
    Could you give me a receipt?