  • 尽管下雨太阳还是在那些灰蒙蒙雨点的上方。
    The sun is still there above the gray raindrops even it is raining.
  • 很久以前,地球上生活巨大的动物。
    Long ago enormous animals lived on the earth.
  • 雨点吻大地,微语道:“我们是你的思家的孩子,母亲,现在从天上回到你这里来了。”
    The raindrops kissed the earth and whispered,---"we are thy homesick children, mother, come back to thee from the heaven."
  • 车行不久,小孩眼睛闪烁光亮,转过头说:“先生,你能开到我家门口吗?”
    After a short ride, the boy turned and with his eyes aglow, said, "Mister, would you mind driving in front of my house?"
  • 真正让黛比迷的是那盒亚马逊雨林的录相带,它令黛比那强壮的身躯里渴望回归家园的心激荡不已。
    What Debbie enjoyed to the point of obsession was a video of the Amazonian rainforest. It seemed to stir an atavistic chord in her stout breast.
  • 乌云预示暴风雨即将来临。
    The dark clouds forebode a rainstorm.
  • 约翰·安德鲁博士的目光避开梅格德雷那冰山闪耀的光,向达姆德弗山望去。那座山像一堵黑色的石墙一直向上延展到怪石嶙峋的山顶。在最远处的山顶上,风卷积雪宛如蔚蓝天幕上的一条白链。
    Dr. John Andrews looked across the Magdelena Glacier, aglitter with sparkling needles of light,to the Dame de Fer,which rose in a wall of black rock to a craggy summit, from the uttermost point of which a plume of windblown snow made a white stain on the blue sky.
  • 号角上灿烂的水珠;闪烁的眼睛;闪闪发光的水;他那闪闪发光的眼睛中充满了冷漠和恶毒;满是闪烁的圣诞树的商店橱窗;闪闪发光的人造珠宝;闪耀的云母;闪烁的星星;金属片闪烁的裙子;‘glistering’是古旧用法。
    bugle beads all aglitter; glinting eyes; glinting water; his glittering eyes were cold and malevolent; shop window full of glittering Christmas trees; glittery costume jewelry; scintillant mica; the scintillating stars; a dress with sparkly sequins; `glistering' is an archaic term.
  • 当她从暴风雨中走进来时,她象穿衣服洗了个淋浴。
    When she came in from the rainstorm, she looked as if she had taken a shower with her clothes on.
  • 闪耀智慧之光的面容
    faces agleam with intellectual light
  • 沿屋顶或屋檐的一个沟;它能把水集起来并排走。
    a channel along the eaves or on the roof; collects and carries away rainwater.
  • 、自制,特别是在有压力的时候没有焦虑。
    serenely self-possessed and free from agitation especially in times of stress.
  • 阴雨的黄昏,风无休止地吹
    This rainy evening the wind is restless.
  • 战斗缓慢地进行,雨季又开始了。
    The battle dragged and the rainy season set in.
  • 他带雨伞因为下雨了。
    He is carried an umbrella because it be rainy.
  • 他带雨伞因为下雨了。
    He is carrying an umbrella because it is rainy.
  • 他正被抬着。
    He is just being raised.
  • 的不纷乱的,不激动的;未被打扰的
    Free of turmoil and agitation; untroubled.
  • 头巾的男子们在停放在旅馆外面的卡车和军车当中激动地交谈。
    Turbaned men talked agitatedly outside among parked pick - up trucks and military vehicles.
  • 这个老人举帆布衣服。
    The old man raises duck.
  • 爱德蒙于是拿回手,仔细看了看这边正在焦急为难的美塞苔丝,又看了看那边怀阴郁敌意的弗尔南多。
    Edmond then cast his eyes scrutinizingly at the agitated and embarrassed Mercédès, and then again on the gloomy and menacing Fernand.
  • 寒冷的疾风吹过后紧接就下起了雨。
    A cold and agitated wind come hurrying ahead, and close on its heels came the rain.
  • 玛格丽特吃糖渍葡萄不再理我了。
    Marguerite ate her raisins without paying any further attention to me.
  • 他们正抬着他。
    They are just raising him.
  • 她打开了房门,用手指一个衣柜。
    Raising the trapdoor she pointed a flight of steps.
  • 变性特定的组织、细胞或器官随受伤、疾病或年老而导致的相应的功能的削弱或丧失,而形成的逐渐的变质
    Gradual deterioration of specific tissues, cells, or organs with corresponding impairment or loss of function, caused by injury, disease, or aging.
  • 进行性坏死随年龄的增长细胞或组织的正常死亡,有别于坏死或由于疾病的死亡
    The natural death of cells or tissues through aging, as distinguished from necrosis or pathological death.
  • 当这位老年女演员告别演出时,剧场内充满热情洋溢的气氛
    The air was charged with emotion when the aging actress made her final appearance on stage.
  • 这些动作,拉尔夫·斯宾塞消失了,取而代之的是基米·范林丁。
    With that act Ralph D.Spencer passed away and Jimmy Valentine took his place.
  • 在走的时候,他似乎听到一个他曾经熟悉的恍惚的声音在喊:“拉尔夫,”但他没有停下来。
    As he went it seemed to him he heard a faraway voice that he once knew call “Ralph”. But he didn’t stop for an instant.
  • 最深的思想或感情就如同深睡的矿藏,在等待同样深沉的头脑与心灵去发现和开采。              --爱默生
    The profoundest thought or passion sleeps as in a mine until an equal mind and heart finds and publishes it.                 --Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “然后拉尔夫回到屋里取出一个盛食物用的牛皮纸袋,”她说。“他把纸袋放在厢形货车里。紧随拉尔夫之后塔温娜拿一个购物袋和一只手提包走来。”
    "Then Ralph went back into the house and came out with a grocery bag," she said. "“He put that in the van and right on his heels came Twana with a shopping bag and a purse."