  • 糖皮质激素一类皮质激素,如皮质酮,由肾腺皮质产生,含有碳水化合物、蛋质和脂肪代谢作用,具有抗炎症的特性
    Any of a group of steroid hormones, such as cortisone, that are produced by the adrenal cortex, are involved in carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism, and have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • 与喜鹊相似的黑色鸣鸟。
    black-and-white oscine birds that resemble magpies.
  • 反过来,你的伴侣察觉到你的愤懑便也开始为自己辨
    In turn, your partner senses your resentment and becomes defensive.
  • 的毫无保留地说的;坦率的
    Spoken without reserve; candid.
  • 预订了今天天的戏票。
    I have ticket reserved for today's matinee.
  • 在我们意识到这一点之前,我们就已经离开了好莱坞的演艺世界,搬到了加州首府萨克拉曼多的州长官邸。然后,不可思议地,我们住进了宫——这是做梦也没想到的。在宫的岁月里,里根让世界变得更加美好,而他自己也成为了我们时代最受爱戴的总统之一。
    Before we knew it, we had left our peaceful lives in Hollywood to reside in the governor's mansion in Sacramento, and then, incredibly, in the White House, where Ronnie changed the world for the better and became on the most beloved presidents of our time.
  • 他明表示辞职的决心。
    He made known his decision to resign.
  • 新西兰的一种小乔木,叶大,具树脂质,花绿色,圆锥花序。
    small round-headed New Zealand tree having large resinous leaves and panicles of green-white flowers.
  • 西印度群岛的一种树,有开芳香花的总状花序,产一种经久耐用木材和含树脂的汁液。
    West Indian tree having racemes of fragrant white flowers and yielding a durable timber and resinous juice.
  • 各种松属树木木料,直纹、耐用,通常含树脂,色到黄色。
    straight-grained durable and often resinous white to yellowish timber of any of numerous trees of the genus Pinus.
  • 裂榄一种(烈榄属苦樗裂榄)属的芳香、含树脂的树木,生有羽状复叶,开色的小花,产于美国佛罗里达,中美洲和西印度群岛
    An aromatic, resinous tree(Bursera simaruba) of Florida, Central America, and the West Indies, having compound leaves and small white flowers.
  • 被告对所有让他坦的企图进行抵抗。
    The accused resist all attempt to make him confess.
  • 色的南方人抵抗黑人解放运动的秘密组织。
    a secret society of white Southerners to resist Black emancipation.
  • 我弄不开门链,就跳进去,顺着两边种着蔓延的醋栗树丛的石路跑去。我地敲了半天门,一直敲到我的手指骨都痛了,狗也狂吠起来。
    Being unable to remove the chain, I jumped over, and, running up the flagged causeway bordered with straggling gooseberry bushes, knocked vainly for admittance, till my knuckles tingled and the dogs howled.
  • 小型抗干旱高粱具有大而黄或发的种子。
    small drought-resistant sorghums having large yellow or whitish grains.
  • 一种多价金属元素,坚硬、易碎、蓝色,防腐防锈。
    a hard brittle blue-white multivalent metallic element; resistant to corrosion and tarnishing.
  • 他承认了自己的罪行(含坦之意)。
    He has confessed his crime.
  • 一出伊丽莎时期的允许喜剧场面的悲剧。
    an Elizabethan tragedy admissive of comic scenes.
  • 怎样才能获准进入金汉宫?
    How does one gain admission to the Buckingham Palace?
  • 我们很快又将小册子出了个自由版,红、、蓝三色装饰得漂漂亮亮,并以一句响亮的“主救吾王”作为结束语。
    We speedily produced a liberal edition of the pamphlet, tricked out prettily in red, white and blue, and ending with a resounding "God Save the King".
  • 他们羡慕她那润光滑的肌肤。
    They admire her alabaster complexion.
  • 他非常敬重科学家,更敬重无知识的人,在双方并重之下,每当夏季黄昏,他总提着一把绿漆铁喷壶去浇他的花畦。
    He respected learned men greatly; he respected the ignorant still more; and, without ever failing in these two respects, he watered his flower-beds every summer evening with a tin watering-pot painted green.
  • 文件上说,中央情报局局长凯西、司法部长米斯、宫幕僚长里甘,以及海军将官波因戴克斯特本人“都不折不扣地参与了这一危险的行动。”
    It (the document) says William.J.Casey, the Director of Central Intelligence; Attorney General Edwin Meese 3d; Donald T.Regan, the Chief of Staff, and Admiral Poindexter himself "are all fully on board this risky operation."
  • 1978年试播黑电视节目;1979年试播彩色电视节目;
    black-and-white and color television programs were trial-broadcast in 1978 and 1979, respectively;
  • 胞色细胞任何一类含铁的蛋质,在细胞呼吸中作氧化反应重要的催化剂
    Any of a class of iron-containing proteins important in cell respiration as catalysts of oxidation-reduction reactions.
  • 血蓝蛋一种浅蓝色的含铜的呼吸色素,类似血红蛋,出现在某些节肢动物及软体动物的血液之中
    A bluish, copper-containing respiratory pigment similar to hemoglobin, present in the blood of certain mollusks and arthropods.
  • 血红蛋脊椎动物红血细胞中一种含铁的呼吸色素,由大约6%的血红素和94%的球蛋组成
    The iron-containing respiratory pigment in red blood cells of vertebrates, consisting of about6 percent heme and94 percent globin.
  • 肺炎杆菌一种非游走的革兰氏阴性细菌(肺炎克雷氏杆菌),它会导致一种严重的肺炎,而且与其他呼吸感染有关
    A nonmotile, gram-negative bacterium(Klebsiella pneumoniae) that causes a severe form of pneumonia and is associated with other respiratory infections.
  • 严重营养不良病严重的蛋质缺乏症,尤见于刚断奶的儿童,症状为嗜睡、生长迟缓、贫血、水肿、腹部肿大、皮肤色素消失、脱发或毛发变色
    Severe protein malnutrition, especially in children after weaning, characterized by lethargy, growth retardation, anemia, edema, potbelly, depigmentation of the skin, and loss of hair or change in hair color.
  • 特征是高血压或尿蛋
    characterized by hypertension and fluid retention and albuminuria; can lead to eclampsia if untreated.
  • 粟粒疹皮肤表皮下的一色或黄色的囊状小包,由于腺体停止油腺分泌作用而引起
    A small, white or yellowish cystlike mass just below the surface of the skin, caused by retention of the secretion of a sebaceous gland.
  • 一种可食用的(但不是优等的)菌类,在阔叶林地的土壤中可见;有干的突出的帽子,表面之下是色并有网状的茎。
    an edible (but not choice) fungus found on soil under hardwoods; has a dry convex cap with whitish under surface and a reticulate stalk.