Chinese English Sentence:
  • 站在这高高的子上我感到不安全。
    I feel insecure on this high ladder.
  • 拐弯时候的平台。
    an intermediate platform in a staircase.
  • 楼梯的过渡平台
    An intermediate platform on a flight of stairs.
  • 要是跟他讲雅各的天,他可能会问(那天)有多少级。
    Talk to him of Jacob's ladder, and he will ask the number of the step.
  • 要是跟他讲雅各的天,他可能会问(那天)有多少级。
    Talk to him of Jacob's ladder, and he would ask the number of the steps.
  • 要是跟他讲雅各的天,他可能会问那天有多少级。
    Talk to him of Jacob 's ladder, and he will ask the number of the steps.
  • 雅各布梦见一架楼,脚在地上,顶在天上,天使们在楼上上上下下。
    Jacob in his dream saw a ladder with its foot on the earth and its top in heaven, and the angels of God went up and down upon it.
  • 中间有个厕所……“人家管它叫‘上议院’,”杰克说。
    Half way up the stairs there was a lavatory??"The House of Lords, " said Jake.
  • 中间有个厕所……“人家管它叫‘上议院’,”杰克说。
    Half way up the stairs there was a lavatory… "The House of Lords," said Jake.
  • 人们都挤在一个小电里。
    The people were jammed into the small lift.
  • 下级职员不允许使用董事长的电
    Junior members of staff are not allowed to use the chairman's lift.
  • 下级职员不允许使用董事长的电
    Junior member of staff is not allow to use the chairman's lift.
  • 发奋工作常是通向成功的阶
    Hard work is often a ladder to success.
  • 这梯子有八级。
    The ladder has eight rungs.
  • 这架梯子不太牢靠。
    This ladder isn't very stable.
  • 那小孩在子上站得不稳。
    The little boy had an unsteady footing on the ladder.
  • 子下面走过被认为是不吉利的。
    It's considered unlucky to walk under a ladder.
  • 把梯子靠在墙上。
    Rest the ladder against the wall.
  • "于是我从花园的棚子里拿来一架子,把它靠在墙上,并开始向卧室的窗子爬去。"
    "I got a ladder from the shed in the garden, put it against the wall, and began climbing towards the bedroom window."
  • 他从梯子上跌下来。
    He fell off the ladder.
  • 那梯子有多长?
    How long is the ladder?
  • 竖靠在墙上的梯子
    A ladder standing against the wall
  • 子上不稳定的立足点。
    a precarious footing on the ladder.
  • 攀梯而上俯视
    Climbed the ladder and peered over.
  • 把梯子靠着墙放。
    Stand the ladder against the wall.
  • 梯子靠墙立着。
    The ladder rested against the wall.
  • 梯子靠墙竖着。
    The ladder stands against the wall.
  • 这个子已经让蛀虫蛀了很多洞。
    This ladder is riddled with woodworm.
  • 伸缩梯;延长线
    An extension ladder; an extension cord.
  • 这个子够不到屋顶。
    This ladder won't reach the roof.
  • 一只猫向着跳上去。
    A cat jumped up to the ladder.
  • 他把梯子靠墙放。
    He set the ladder against the wall.