  • 衆議院的行動似乎結束了裏根武裝叛軍以推翻尼加拉瓜政黨地諾政權的六年計劃。
    The House action appeared to ring down the curtain on Reagan's six-year program of arming rebels in their attempt to topple the ruling Nicaraguan Sandinistas.
  • 剋裏斯蒂安挪威最南端一城市,位於斯卡格拉剋海峽沿岸、奧斯陸西南。建立於1641年,現為一商業和客運港口。人口61,834
    A city of extreme southern Norway on the Skagerrak southwest of Oslo. Founded in1641, it is a commercial and passenger port. Population,61, 834.
  • 他是中國人,跟普拉斯或阿加西等其他世界頂尖球手相比,他又瘦又矮,但反而能夠在一些賽事中打敗他們。
    You see, he's Chinese and he's lean and shot when compared to most other to players like Sampras and Agassi and yet he's able to outmatch them in some games.
  • (1903-1972)在坦尼亞工作的英國古生物學家。
    British paleontologist who worked in Tanzania (1903-1972).
  • 印度同學:1930年我國參加第9屆遠東運動會後,代表團團長格·迪博士帶回了遠東運動會的經驗,由他籌措舉辦了歷史上唯一的一後西亞運動會,參加國有印度、錫蘭(斯裏蘭卡)、阿富汗、巴勒斯坦,項目有田徑、麯棍球、籃球等。
    Indian student: The Chairman of the Indian delegation, Dr. San-di, brought back the experience home after the Ninth Games in 1930.He raised money to hold the West Asia Games, which was the only game in history. Indian, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and Palestine par-ticipated in the games. The events were track and field, ice hockey,basketball, and so on.
  • 印度同學:1930年我國參加第9屆遠東運動會後,代表團團長格·迪博士帶回了遠東運動會的經驗,由他籌措舉辦了歷史上唯一的一屆西亞運動會,參加國有印度、斯裏蘭卡、阿富汗、巴勒斯坦,項目有田徑、麯棍球、籃球等。
    Indian student: The Chairman of the Indian delegation, Dr. Sandi, brought back the experience home after the Ninth Games in 1930. He raised money to hold the West Asia Games, which was the only game in history. Indian, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and Palestine participated in the games. The events were track and field , ice hockey, basketball, and so on.
  • 第二號種子彼得·普拉斯在那晚比賽中以3,1,2輕取法國的法布雷斯·托斯。
    No. 2 seed Pete Santors cruised in his night match against France's Fabrice Santors, 3, 1, 2.
  • 炸彈造成了極大的破壞;鬆被假定為力大無比的人;非凡的記憶力。
    the bomb did fantastic damage; Samson is supposed to have had fantastic strength; phenomenal feats of memory.
  • 王平:瑞士的洛桑。
    Wang Ping: Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • 1951年2月,達賴喇嘛任命阿沛·阿旺晉美為首席全權代表,凱墨·索安旺堆、土丹旦達、土登列門和頗·登增頓珠等四人為代表,赴北京全權處理和中央人民政府談判事宜。
    In February 1951, the Dalai Lama appointed Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme as his chief plenipotentiary and Kemai Soinam Wangdui, Tubdain Daindar, Tubdain Legmoin and Sampo Dainzin Toinzhub as delegates and sent them to Beijing to handle with full power the negotiations with the central people's government.
  • 宴會剛剛結束,而且顯然是剛剛用完最後的甜點,尼日利亞總統奧利斯肯·奧巴約--這位非洲人口最多的國傢的領導人就因為遲到而嚮守候在會場的記者們道歉,接着又為必須提前結束記者招待會道歉。
    After dinner-table talks that obviously ended well past the dessert stage, the leader of Africa's most populous nation apologised for keeping reporters waiting, then again for cutting the press conference short.
  •  經歷百年滄的現代奧林匹剋運動會,在擁有世界人口五分之一的中國舉辦,將使奧林匹剋精神得到更廣泛的傳播,翻開奧林匹剋運動的嶄新一頁。同時,進入新世紀的奧林匹剋運動也以全新的面貌嚮世界人民展示其特有的魅力。
    The great modern Olympic Movement has gone through many changes in the past 100 years. If the Olympic Games were to be held in China, the most populous nation in the world, it will turn a new page on the Olympics because much more people will share the Olympic spirit and add great splendor to the Olympic Movement in the new millennium.
  • 德斯先生决定延期演講。
    Mr. Sandy decide to postpone deliver a lecture.
  • 德拉逐漸進入主流電影,在1993年她接演了5部影片。在那一年她最令人矚目的影片,是與西爾威斯特·史泰竜和韋斯利·斯奈普斯聯袂主演的《毀滅者》。
    As she slowly began making her way into mainstream, Sandra managed to land herself five film roles in '93. Her most noticeable film of that year, however, was Demolition Man with co-stars Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes.
  • 被疾病和悔恨折磨得衰弱不堪的剋萊,象一個憂鬱的幽靈,來到德邦這塊風光明媚的海濱勝地,尋找他失去的新娘。他在一所時髦的寄宿舍裏找到了苔絲,得悉令人痛苦的真情。
    To Sandbourne, a gay watering-place, a melancholy specter of a man, wasted by illness and regret, comes in search of his lost bride, and in a fashionable boarding-house Clare finds Tess and learns the agonzing truth.
  • 叛亂分子當場打傷西藏地方政府卸任噶倫、時任西藏軍區副司令員的頗·纔旺仁增,用石頭將愛國進步人士、自治區籌委會委員堪窮帕巴拉·索朗降措活活打死,並拴在馬尾上拖屍到市中心示衆。
    The rebels hit and wounded Sampo Cewang Rinzin, a former Galoin of the Tibetan local government and then a deputy commander of the Tibet Military Area Command. They stoned to death Kainqoin Pagbalha Soinam Gyamco, a progressive patriot and member of the Preparatory Committee for the Tibet Autonomous Region. His body was tied to the tail of a horse and dragged through downtown as a warning.
  • 這是亞利那州圖森市以北的沙漠中一個炙熱的早晨,陽光烘烤着正在步行的十幾個人。他們穿行於熱帶稀樹大草原。沼澤地、人造海以及綿延數裏的管道、水道、金屬支柱和玻璃嵌板中間。
    It is a brilliant hot morning in the desert north of Tucson, Ariz., and the sun blazes down on a dozen or so people as they went their way through a savanna and around a marsh, an ocean, and miles of pipes, channels, steel struts and glass panels.
  • 蘇丹總統奧馬爾-哈-艾哈邁德-巴希爾鼓勵蘇丹的男人們多多娶妻,目的是為了能夠讓蘇丹現有的3000萬人口翻一番。
    Sudan's President Omar Hassan al-Bashir has urged Sudanese men to take more than one wife in order to double the country's population of 30 million.
  • 他用拿浴出汗而減輕了體重。
    I sweated off 3 oiunds in the sauna.
  • 幾年後在瑞士的洛成立了國際管理發展學院(internationalinstituteformanagementdevelopment)imede(今天的imd)。
    IMEDE (now IMD) was founded a few years later in Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • 坦桑尼亞聯合共和國
    United Republic of Tanzania(the)
  • 一個坦尼亞土著或居民。
    a native or inhabitant of Tanzania.
  • 這艘輪船剛從坦尼亞到達這裏。
    The ship has just arrived from Tanzania.
  • 尼亞首都和第二大城市。
    the capital and second largest city of Tanzania.
  • 尼亞的基本貨幣單位。
    the basic unit of money in Tanzania; equal to 100 cents.
  • 屬於或關於坦尼亞共和國或其人民的。
    of or relating to the republic of Tanzania or its people.
  • 非洲東部以前曾存在過的一個國傢;年與給巴爾合併形成坦尼亞。
    a former state in East Africa; united with Zanzibar in 1964 to form Tanzania.
  • 非洲最高的山;位於坦尼亞東北部;海拔英尺。
    the highest peak in Africa; located in northeastern Tanzania; 19,340 feet high.
  • 多多馬在坦尼亞中部的該國首都。人口46,000
    The official capital of Tanzania, in the central part of the country. Population,46, 000.
  • (這是鄧小平同志會見坦尼亞聯合共和國總統姆維尼時談話的一部分。)
    (Excerpt from a talk with President Ali Hassan Mwinyi of the United Republic of Tanzania.)
  • (這是鄧小平同志會見坦尼亞聯合共和國副總統姆維尼時談話的主要部分。)
    (Excerpt from a talk with Vice-President Ali Hassan Mwinyi of the United Republic of Tanzania.)
  • 湯普遜還說:"乞力馬紮羅的旅遊資源是坦尼亞政府最主要的外匯來源。
    "Kilimanjaro is the number one foreign currency earner for the government of Tanzania," said Thompson.