  • gēn xué fèi jiǎn miǎn jìhuà huò quán fèi jiǎn miǎn de zhōng zhōng xué shēng fēn bié shēn qǐng jiǎn miǎn xiāng gǎng zhōng xué huì kǎo xiāng gǎng gāo chéng huì kǎo de kǎo shì fèi
    Secondary 5 and 7 students granted full fee remission are also eligible to apply respectively for remission of their examination fees for the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination and the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination.
  • suī rán zhì liáo zhì zhù liǎo 'ái bāo de kuò sàndàn shì zhè bìng néng dào chè gēn zhì de liáo xiào
    Although the treatment stopped the progression of my cancer, it didn't bring a full remission.
  • gōng yíng xué xiào de zhōng zhì zhōng xué shēng yòu jīng yào 'ér yòu néng tōng guò shěn chá gēn gāo zhōng xué fèi jiǎn miǎn jìhuà shēn qǐng jiǎn miǎn xué fèi
    Needy Secondary 4 to 7 students in public sector schools may have their tuition fees waived under the means-tested Senior Secondary Fee Remission Scheme.
  • gōng yíng xué xiào de zhōng zhì zhōng xué shēng yòu jīng yào 'ér yòu néng tōng guò shěn chá gēn gāo zhōng xué fèi jiǎn miǎn jìhuà shēn qǐng jiǎn miǎn xué fèi
    Needy Secondary 4 to 7 students in public sector schools may have their tuition fees waived under the means tested Senior Secondary Fee Remission Scheme.
  • zhēn xiě zhè huà shí huò zhèng chǔyú 'ái zhèng bìng rén cháng yòu de suǒ wèi de huī zhè zhǒng huī suī měi miào què yòu héng héng shēn zhuàng kuàng shēng bìng qián chàbù duōsuǒ shí wàng bìng yuǎn 'ér shèn zhì gēn chú méi yòu shénme duì
    Maybe Janet wrote her list when the cancer was in one of those horrible and wonderful remission periods, when all is as it was héng almost héng before the disease, so what harm is there in hoping that it s b ehind you, maybe for good?
  • shí men dǎng máo dōng zhù yóu cháng dǒu zhēng shǐ xíng chéng de wēi wàng hěn gāo men kùn nán de qíng kuàng shí gào liǎo rén mín,“ yuè jìnde kǒu hào zài hǎn liǎobìng qiě cǎi liǎo jiào qièhé shí de zhèng zhòu fāng jiǔ liù 'èr nián jiù kāi shǐ cóng kùn nán de jìng kuàng zhōng huī jiǔ liù sān nián jiǔ liù nián qíng kuàng jiào hǎodàn shìzuǒde zhǐ dǎo xiǎng bìng méi yòu gēn chú
    At that time our Party and Chairman Mao Zedong enjoyed high prestige acquired through long years of struggle, and we explained to the people frankly why the situation was so difficult. We abandoned the slogan of the Great Leap Forward and adopted more realistic policies and measures instead. The year 1962 saw the beginning of recovery, and in 1963 and 1964 things were looking up, but our guiding ideology still contained remnants of "Left" thinking.
  • yīn dāng yòu de tàn xiǎn jiā bǎo luó 'ěr de 'ā màn dài zhe men de jiàn yòu qiú shí gēn běn nán jué men de yào qiú
    Therefore he is particularly vulnerable when wealthy adventurer Paul Kirby and his wife Amanda approach him with a proposition.
  • gēn běn shì de běn
    That is remote from his intentions.
  • jué yào shuō wài zǒu yùn gēn běn méi pèng dào guò shìzhè zhǒng néng xìng xiǎo
    It is,I suppose,remotely possible that Mom was unbelievably lucky and actually wasn't discriminated against.
  • shuǐ shuǐ jǐng guàn gài ( zài hěn duō dài méi yòu zhè xiē hěn nán jìn xíng gēngzhòng ), fángshāng shì shèzhè xiē shè shī méi yòu néng kào shǐ yòng zhě pín de cái lái xiū jiàn men de cún zài yào guī gōng wáng gōng men de kāng kǎi fāng kǎo shēn de míng zhìhuò zhě kào chù rén de shàn hǎo shī huò bǎi mén miàn jiǎng kuò zhè xiē rén de cái chǎn zhuī gēn yuán zǒng shì zhí jiē huò jiànjiē lái cái zhèng shōu cháng cháng shì lái jūn zhù de zhí jiē shǎng
    The tanks,wells, and canals for irrigation, without which in many tropical climates cultivation could hardly be carried on; the embankments which confine the rivers, the bazars for dealers, and the seraees for travellers, none of which could have been made by the scanty means in the possession of those using them, owe their existence to the liberality and enlightened self-interest of the better order of princes, or to the benevolence or ostentation of here and there a rich individual, whose fortune, if traced to its source, is always found to have been drawn immediately or remotely from the public revenue, most frequently by a direct grant of a portion of it from the sovereign.
  • yòu nián xìng 'ǒu rán gēn de cháng pān yuán zhí shǔchǎn zhōu dōng nán
    evergreen climbers with adhesive adventitious roots; southeastern Asia and Brazil.
  • tōng guò dìng gēn pān yuán de zhí cháng chūn téng
    a plant that climbs by its adventitious roots e.g. ivy.
  • xià xián cóng gēn xiánhuò xiànshàng xià
    To remove from a string.
  • 1984 nián měi guó mín xìn xīn de huī shǐ gēn shí qián suǒ wèi yòu de xuǎn piào yíng liǎo 'èr rèn
    A renewal of national self-confidence by l984 helped Reagan and Bush win a second term with an unprecedented number of electoral votes.
  • gēn guī dìngxiàn yòu de jīn jūn měi sān nián jiǎn tǎo ér suǒ yòu zài tiáozhěng jīn hòu de zhěng jīn zhōng wèi shù jūn chāo guò chéng
    It is a statutory requirement that rents for existing estates are reviewed every three years, and that the overall Median Rent-to-Income Ratio for all estates following rent adjustment should not exceed 10 per cent.
  • zhōng guó de máo tái jiǔ shì jiè wén míng de míng shì gēn de chǎn 'ér de
    Chinese Maotai liquor is world renowned. It is named after the place where it is made.
  • lún dào shàng de shāng bèi fáng dōng fáng dìng gēn fáng chǎn líng bān guīju lái shuōfáng yìng chāo guò yíng 'é de bǎi fēn zhī shí
    Other merchants on Columbus Avenue blame landlord for charging what the merchants call impossible rents. A rule-of-thumb in retail real estate is that rent should not exceed 10 percent of sales.
  • luó [ xuǎn qíng ]: gòng dǎng zhòng yuán kāng · mài wèile yíng jiāng tuì xiū de mín zhù dǎng de cān yuàn wèicéng shì gěi mín zhù dǎng wēn pài zhòng yuán mài kǎi kòu shàng dǐng pài de mào gēn yànliǎng rén nán fēn xuān zhì
    Florida- To win retiring Democrat Lawton Chiles' Senate seat, GOP Rep. Connie Mack has tired to pin the liberal label on Rep. Buddy MacKay, a moderate Democrat. Polls show the race too close to call.
  • jiù huò mài gēn běn wèi néng chóu dào gòu de jīn lái zhī chóngxīn yóu jiào táng tīng de fèi yòngdàn zhì shǎo hái shì chóu dào liǎo suǒ de juān kuǎn
    The jumble sale did not yield nearly enough money to pay for repainting the church hall, but at least it was a step in the right direction.
  • shí zhù gēn rén néng huò gōng 'ér jìn xíng shēng de zhì
    A system in which advancement is based on individual ability or achievement.
  •   sān shí tiáo  guó jiā wài huì gēn guó jiā wài huì shōu zhī píng héng de yàoduì tóu zhě huì chū běn jīn shí xiàn shōu de xiàn tiáozhěng
    Article 30. SAFE may adjust the timeframe required for QFII to repatriate its principal and proceeds, subject to the needs of China's foreign exchange balance.
  • jiǔ jiǔ nián gēn yuàn qiǎn fǎn jìhuà fǎn huí yuè nán de chuán mín yòu 3368 rénshǐ dào jiǔ jiǔ nián gāi jìhuà shí shī láitòu guò gāi jìhuà fǎn huí yuè nán de chuán mín zǒng shù 57344 rén
    In 1997, 3368 persons returned to Vietnam under Volrep - bringing the total number of Vietnamese migrants repatriated under this programme to 57344 since its inception in 1989.
  • jiǔ jiǔ nián gēn yòu zhì qiǎn fǎn jìhuà qiǎn fǎn yuè nán de chuán mín rén shù yòu 1144 rénshǐ dào jiǔ jiǔ nián gāi jìhuà shí shī láitòu guò gāi jìhuà qiǎn fǎn de yuè nán chuán mín zǒng shù 9702 rén
    In 1997, 1144 Vietnamese migrants were repatriated under the programme, bringing to 9702 the total number returned to Vietnam under the ORP since its introduction in 1991.
  • ( ) gēn běn guī dìng bìng zhào dìng chéng zhì dìngxiū gǎi fèi chú
    To enact, amend or repeal laws in accordance with the provisions of the Basic Law and legal procedures;
  •   ( ) gēn běn guī dìng bìng zhào dìng chéng zhì dìngxiū gǎi fèi chú
    To enact, amend or repeal laws in accordance with the provisions of this Law and legal procedures;
  • gēn hōng kǎo suì lái dài huò càn fēi
    root of the chicory plant roasted and ground to substitute for or adulterate coffee.
  • gēn zhè zhǒng zhí bèi hōng gānkǎo shú bìng niǎn suì de gēnyòng lái zuò fēi de càn huò dài yòng pǐn
    The dried, roasted, ground roots of this plant, used as an adulterant of or substitute for coffee.
  • bèi hàn tòu yòu guān rén yuán gào chú liǎo cān jiā yīng lán duì de sàifǒu qǐng yào kāi jiǔ diàn dān chū xíngyīn wéi qiú duì de chóng bài shí zài shì tài fēng kuáng gēn běn kòng zhì
    Beckham said he had been told not to leave his team hotel except when on England duties, because the adulation from Japanese fans was so overwhelming.
  • tiě mǐn líng qiǎoduō cái duō néng gēn tóng de huán jìng tóng bàn gǎi biàn de běn xìng
    Iron is adroit and versatile, changing its very nature according to circumstances and the company it keeps.
  • gēn de nián líng zhuàng kuàng shǐ yòng yùn yào piàn huò dài liáo
    It can be treated either with the contracetive pill or hormone replacement therapy, depending on your age.
  • yóu běn de wèn gēn xiè dān tuì chū liǎo dài men de shì bāo màn hēng lāi · bào jiā
    Reagan and Sharlton dropped out[1] when script problems seemed unsolvable. Bergman and Humphrey Bogart were their replacements.
  • yuán dīng bèi lián gēn de guàn cóng zhǒng huí yuán chù
    The gardener replanted the disrooted shrubbery.