  • 他走到丛林中,直到发现了一棵倒下的一种阔叶树才停止了他的寻。
    He go into the jungle, searching until he find a fall tree of a certain species of hardwood.
  • 影片一直围绕着这队人悲惨的寻过程,他们对任务越来越怀疑。
    The film accompanies the men on their harrowing[3] search, as they increasingly question their mission.
  • 他们匆忙派兵索了附近一带。
    They hastily dispatched troops to search the neighbourhood.
  • 警察向他身,以确定有无隐藏武器。
    The policeman frisked him for hidden weapons.
  • 他们在他身上查暗藏的武器。
    They searched him for a hidden weapon.
  • 士兵们在山腰上成扇形散开,索那个男人。
    The soldiers fanned out across the hillside in their search for the man.
  • 他们走遍了各个房间,小心翼翼地不碰任何东西,因为他们不想妨碍警察寻指纹。
    They were careful to touch nothing, as they did not want to hinder the police in their search for fingerprints.
  • 那个捣蛋的人让警方白白索了一番.
    The hoaxer had sent the police on a wild goose chase.
  • 他们正设法寻一名逃犯。
    They were trying to hunt down an escaped prisoner.
  • 为某种索适当地选择某些数据是很重要的。
    Properly selecting which data to include for which searches is imperative.
  • 此外,很多(但不是所有的)索实用程序也引用元标记(文档中用来描述其内容的、看不见的html标记),作为控制内容如何编索引的方法。
    In addition, many, but not all, search utilities also reference metatags -- invisible HTML tags within documents that describe their content -- as a way to control how content is indexed.
  • 由于已编索引的信息的深度与广度(非常大),所以通常在“蜘蛛爬行过”站点的时间与出现在索索引中的时间之间有一个延迟,有时多达几周。
    Because of the depth and breadth of information being indexed, there is usually a delay, sometimes up to several weeks, between the time when a site has been "spidered" and the time when it appears in a search index.
  • 寻信息方式到残疾人输入数据方式等的各种事情都已发生变化。
    Everything from the way we search for information to the way a disabled person inputs data has changed.
  • 我到台北是为了考察、集样本;如果可能的话,顺便订购一些货。
    I'm here in Taipei to inspect, obtain samples and, if possible, place some orders.
  • 从电信侦察或电子情报或遥感勘测情报中集的情报。
    intelligence information gathered from communications intelligence or electronics intelligence or telemetry intelligence.
  • 它包含了索引擎和对成千上万页基于内特网信息的大量智能化分类及分级的列表。
    It includes a search engine and lots of intelligently categorized and classified listings of thousands of pages of intranet-based information.
  • 中国宪法规定,禁止非法查公民的身体,禁止非法查或者非法侵入公民的住宅。
    China's Constitution provides that it is prohibited to illegally search a citizen's body, and to illegally search or intrude into citizens' houses.
  • 2、关于查取证  中国宪法规定,禁止非法查公民的身体,禁止非法查或者非法侵入公民的住宅。
    2. Search and the Obtaining of Evidence China's Constitution provides that it is prohibited to illegally search a citizen's body, and to illegally search or intrude into citizens' houses.
  • 禁止非法查或者非法侵入公民的住宅。
    Unlawful search of, or intrusion into, a citizen's home is prohibited.
  • 当你的计算机连接到这样的机器上时,病毒就会入侵到其硬盘内,并寻其中是否装有“intuitquicken”理财软件。
    When your computer is linked to one of these machines, the virus will invade your hard disk and search whether Intuit Quicken, an accounting software, is installed.
  • 这种病毒被设计出来之后,就放置在网上的一些机器中。当你的计算机连接到这样的机器上时,病毒就会入侵到其硬盘内,并寻其中是否装有“intuitquicken”理财软件。此理财软件的功能之一就是自动转帐。
    It was designed and put in some machines on the network. When your computer is linked to one of these machines,the virus will invade your hard disk and search whether Intuit Quicken, an accounting software, is installed. One of this accounting software's functions is to transfer accounts automatically.
  • 例如,一个企业javabeans可以用于索数据库或当库存减少时警告用户。
    For example, an Enterprise JavaBean can be used to search a database or alert users when inventory is running low.
  • 调查人员在飞机残骸中索,希望找出造成这一悲惨事件的原因。
    Investigator is searching the wreckage of the plane to try and find the cause of the tragedy.
  • 相反,伊拉克计划利用他们的报告来说服我们,使核查人员只能得到伊拉克合法武器的一些无用信息,使我们没有时间来寻伊拉克的违禁武器。
    Instead, Iraq planned to use the declaration, overwhelm us and to overwhelm the inspectors with useless information about Iraq's permitted weapons so that we would not have time to pursue Iraq's prohibited weapons.
  • 他们在查一位伊拉克核科学家的住宅时,发现了大约2000页秘密文件。
    When they searched the home of an Iraqi nuclear scientist, they uncovered roughly 2,000 pages of documents.
  • 搜查赌窟
    Knock over a gambling joint
  • 哦,我竟集了这么多破铜烂铁。
    Oh, I can not believe how much junk is piling up.
  • kelly说:"savagebeast公司的这项技术就走在了别人前面一步,这个索引擎将会把你导向你喜爱的音乐,而非索某个歌手的所有歌曲。"
    "But this [technology] goes a step further," said Kelly. "It steers you toward categories of music that you like, rather than just artists."
  • 侦探彻底索草坪,寻找绑架案的蛛丝马迹。
    The detective felt thoroughly through the lawn for any trace of the kidnapping.
  • 本届以及历届美国政府集的情报充分证明,伊拉克政权仍在拥有和隐藏人类所发明的最致命的一些武器。
    Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.
  • 索飞机已用信号通知救援马上就到,救生艇上的人只好焦急地等待下去。
    The search plane signaled that help was on the way. The man in the lifeboat just had to sweat it out.
  • 寻遇难人员的飞机发出救援人员已启程的信号,救生艇上的人员只有焦急地等待。
    The search plane signaled that help was on the way. The men in the lifeboat just had to sweat it out.