  • 湖水袒露阔的胸膛多么平滑!
    How smooth that lake expands its ample breast!
  • 后座很敞足容得下孩子们。
    There's ample room for the children on the back seat.
  • 频率响应极的一类放大器,可以无畸变地放大前沿上升时间短的脉冲。
    An amplifier with very wide frequency response which can amplify pulses without distortion of the short rise time of the leading edge.
  • auwg的目标是制定“无分裂”的标准,它不需要服务供应商进行现场安装,使adsl技术像普通模拟电话一样容易安装,并提供高达1.5mbps的下行带
    The AUWG's goal is to develop a "splitterless" standard that does not require on-site installation by the service provider, making the ADSL technology as easy to install as a regular analog telephone, and providing bandwidth of up to 1.5 Mbps downstream.
  • 即使根据最的标准来说,到目前为止还算不上成功。
    Even on the most charitable analysis, it has not been a great success so far.
  • 比起古代来,现代更习惯于对战败国予以大处理。
    In modern times, it is more customary to show quarter to a conquered foe than anciently.
  • 扎安哥拉的一种基本货币单位
    A basic unit of currency in Angola.
  • 可能源自扎(扎河),安哥拉一河流。
    Possibly from Kwanza(Cuanza), a river of Angola.
  • 一种到脚踝的松外衣。
    an ankle-length loose coat or frock.
  • 其最阔处约4000英里。
    At its widest point,Antarctica is about 4,000 miles across.
  • 白天活动的昆虫,身体细长,触角有球形突起物,翅膀而色彩艳丽。
    diurnal insect typically having a slender body with knobbed antennae and broad colorful wings.
  • 蝴蝶多种鳞翅目类昆虫,特征为身体细长,触须突出,有四个通常是彩色的大的翅
    Any of various insects of the order Lepidoptera, characteristically having slender bodies, knobbed antennae, and four broad, usually colorful wings.
  • 鲸目动物鲸目动物中的一种水生动物,主要是海生哺乳动物,包括鲸、海豚和鼠海豚,特征为身体几乎无毛、前肢变成大的鳍、后肢退化及尾扁平而分叉
    Any of various aquatic, chiefly marine mammals of the order Cetacea, including the whales, dolphins, and porpoises, characterized by a nearly hairless body, anterior limbs modified into broad flippers, vestigial posterior limbs, and a flat, notched tail.
  • 她忧虑地看着她的双亲,好像在请求
    She looked anxiously at her parents as if entreating forgiveness.
  • 任何松平滑的衣服。
    any loose flowing garment.
  • 显微镜上应用的带有口径的两三个镜头。
    having 2 or 3 lenses with wide aperture for use in microscopes.
  • 苎麻一种亚洲热带的多年生草本植物(苎麻属微绿苎麻),有大的叶子,密集分枝的复总状花序,该花序由雌雄异花、无花瓣的小花构成
    A tropical Asian perennial herb(Boehmeria nivea) having broad leaves and densely branched panicles of small, unisexual, apetalous flowers.
  • 一种叶子形状;上下窄。
    of a leaf shape; having a broad rounded apex and a narrow base.
  • 叶子的形状;顶部而圆底部尖而细。
    of a leaf shape; having a broad rounded apex and a tapering base.
  • 叶子的形状;类三角形的,顶部较越往底部越细。
    of a leaf shape; narrowly triangular, wider at the apex and tapering toward the base.
  • 也许对克林顿政府行为最厚的解释就是,克林顿高级官员要求设在losalamos和lawrancelivemore的武器试验室(从前无政治意义的机构)的主管们和科学家们(他们都不是联邦政府职员)成为克林顿政权经济政策和外交政策小组的重要成员。对克林顿政权最刻薄的解释也许是,克林顿政权扭曲了美国试验室和核武器科学家们的使命,使他们成为美国获得全球核裁军的工具,克林顿政权已经将试验室主管们挟制住,直到他们同意“证明”美国核储备在未经全面核试验的情况下就能够保持原状为止。
    Perhaps the most charitable interpretation of the Clinton Administration's is that the previously apolitical weapons Lab Directors and scientists at Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore-none of them Federal Government employees ---were being asked by high ranking Clinton Administration officials to become important players on the Clinton Administration's economic and foreign policy "Teams" Perhaps the least charitable interpretation is that the Clinton Administration was twisting the "Mission" of the US Labs and nuclear weapons scientists.Making them instruments for attaining global nuclear disarmament, having already twisted the arms of the Lab Directors until they agreed to "certify" that the US nuclear stockpile could be maintained without benefit of full-scale nuclear testing.
  • 宙斯罚波塞冬和阿波罗去给拉俄墨冬国王当奴隶,他们为国王建造了特洛伊城。但宙斯恕了其余的神祗,因为他们只不过是胁从。
    Zeus punished Poseidon and Apollo by sending them as bond-servants to King Laomedon, for whom they built the city of Troy; but he pardoned the others as having acted under duress.
  • 请您恕我们的这一错误。
    We apologize you for the mistake.
  • 麻烦不少,请您恕。
    We apologize you for trouble you.
  • 我们有过点小争论,不过休很容并且作了道歉。
    We had a slight argument but Hugh did the handsome thing and apologized.
  • 他从师托尼后又在美国生活了那么些年,我们感到,这使他变成了一个强悍得几乎野蛮的管理者。可现在,他回到了欧洲,似乎又重新变得容了。
    The influence of his American years following on his apprenticeship with Tony has left us thinking of him as a conductor tough to the point of brutality. But now, returning to Europe, he seems newly relaxed.
  • 高等学校和中等专业学校招收新生的时候,对少数民族考生适当放录取分数线。
    When enrolling new students, colleges and vocational secondary schools appropriately relax admission standards for minority examinees.
  • 根据实际情况,适当延长扶贫贷款的使用期限,放抵押和担保条件;
    appropriately prolonging the utilization time limit of aid-the-poor loans and softening the terms of mortgage and guarantee, according to the actual situation;
  • 了省市外贸企业在上海浦东新区设立子公司的审批条件。
    We also relaxed the approving criteria for provincial and municipal trading companies to establish subsidiaries in Pudong New Area of Shanghai.
  • 水门的两杆之间大约1米
    The poles of a gate are approximately one meter apart.
  • 还有那恭奉圣母的雅致的小教堂,那宏大的僧舍,那阔的一个个花园,那狼牙闸门,那吊桥,那看上去像是把四周绿茵剪成一个个缺口的墙垛子,以及那常有武士的甲胄与主教金光闪闪的道袍交互辉映的座座庭院,所有这一切都围绕着那座落在峨特式后殿的三座半圆拱顶的高尖塔而联系在一起,犹如一幅光辉灿烂的画图挂在天际。
    that elegant chapel of the Virgin; that monumental dormitory; those vast gardens; that portcullis; that drawbridge; that envelope of battlements which notched to the eye the verdure of the surrounding meadows; those courtyards, where gleamed men at arms, intermingled with golden copes;--the whole grouped and clustered about three lofty spires, with round arches,well planted upon a Gothic apse, made a magnificent figure against the horizon.
  • 野草莓树一种浆果莓属的叶常绿树或灌木,包括浆果莓及草莓树,大多生长于美洲和欧洲的温暖地带
    Any of various broad-leaved evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Arbutus, including the madro馻 and strawberry tree, that are native chiefly to warm regions in the Americas and Europe.