  • 美国地方法院法朱莉·卡恩斯30日宣布,凡是2001年3月之后加入沃尔玛集团--这家全美最大的零售巨头的女员工,只要是使用处方性避孕药的,都可以参与此案向公司追索保险费。
    U.S. District Judge Julie Carnes said Friday that all women working for the nation's largest retailer after March 2001 could pursue claims against the company if they were using prescription contraceptives.
  • 选来管理新英格兰镇的员组成的委员会。
    a board of officials elected to administer the public business of a New England town.
  • 不过亚洲各国只有一个君主和一大群宦海沉浮的宠臣和吏,而欧洲则有一个人数众多和相当稳定的大土地所有者阶级,后者远不及前者穷奢极欲,因为他们就个人来说拥有的剩余产品要少得多,而且在很长一段时间内还要用大部分剩余产品供养他们的家臣。由于社会的好战习俗以及政府无力给予保护,当时大土地所有者为了自身的安全必须豢养一批家臣。
    except that, in lieu of a single monarch and a fluctuating body of favourites and employ, there was a numerous and in a considerable degree fixed class of great landholders; exhibiting far less splendour, because individually disposing of a much smaller surplus produce, and for a long time expending the chief part of it in maintaining the body of retainers whom the warlike habits of society, and the little protection afforded by government, rendered indispensable to their safety.
  • 但是,我们有少数同志对于这些应该而又能够解决的问题,却采取僚主义态度,漠不关心,久拖不决,个别人甚至违法乱纪,搞打击报复。
    Yet a small number of comrades take a bureaucratic, apathetic attitude towards these problems and put off taking any action.And a handful, violating law and Party discipline, have gone so far as to retaliate against people who come with grievances.
  • 执行审判和量刑。
    Judges administer justice and punishment.
  • 的本分是执行法律(主持正义),惟其所行者,却是在拖延(其执行)。
    The duty of a judge is to administer justice, but his practice is delay it.
  • 〔1〕一九三九年六月十二日,根据蒋介石的秘密命令,国民党第二十七集团军派兵包围新四军驻湖南平江嘉义镇的通讯处,惨杀新四军参议涂正坤、八路军少校副罗梓铭等六人。
    On June 12, 1939, acting on a secret order from Chiang Kai-shek, the Kuomintang's 27th Group Army dispatched troops to surround the New Fourth Army Liaison Office at Pingkiang, Hunan Province, and in cold blood murdered Comrade Tu Cheng-kun, staff officer of the New Fourth Army, Comrade Lo Tzu-ming, major and adjutant of the Eighth Route Army, and four other comrades.
  • 邓少东等当即表示欢迎,并请达赖确定演出时间、地点,同时将达赖的这一愿望告诉了西藏地方政府的索康等噶伦和达赖的副长帕拉·土登为登等人。
    Deng and the other officers expressed immediate readiness and asked the Dalai Lama to fix the time and place for performance. They also conveyed the Dalai Lama's wish to Surkang and other Galoins of the Tibetan local government and Paglha Tubdain Weidain, adjutant general of the Dalai Lama.
  • 苏军在希特勒所在的掩体内抓获了一些很有价值的德军俘虏,其中包括希特勒的保镖约翰·拉滕胡贝尔、党卫军军奥托·冈舍、希特勒的座机驾驶员汉斯·鲍尔和牙医助手卡塔琳娜·霍伊泽尔曼。在1945年的大部分时间里他们经常受到提审。
    The Russians had capured the most useful witnesses from Hitler's bunker including Johann Rattenhuber, Hitler's bodyguard, SS adjutant Otto Gunsche, Hans Baur, his pilot, and Katarina Heusermann, a dental assistant and interrogated them for much of 1945.
  • 一个将军的副;主要的管理员。
    a general's adjutant; chief administrative officer.
  • 那些在书籍、电影以及电视节目中流传和复述的民族故事,无不与牛仔、背枪的治安和印第安勇士有关。
    Their most persistent folk tales - constantly retold in books, movies, and television shows - concern cowboys, gun-slinging sheriffs, and Indian fighters.
  • 眼器脊椎动物的视觉器;位于头盖骨骨窝中的两个中空的结构任一个,共同或独立作用,每一个都有一个透镜,能把入射的光线集中在内部感光性视网膜上,神经脉冲从视网膜传向大脑
    The vertebrate organ of vision; either of a pair of hollow structures located in bony sockets of the skull, functioning together or independently, each having a lens capable of focusing incident light on an internal photosensitive retina from which nerve impulses are sent to the brain.
  •  对退休或符合规定离职的法和其他司法人员,包括香港特别行政区成立前已退休或离职者,不论其所属国籍或居住地点,香港特别行政区政府按不低于原来的标准,向他们或其家属支付应得的退休金、酬金、津贴和福利费。
    The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall pay to judges and other members of the judiciary who retire or leave the service in compliance with regulations, including those who have retired or left the service before the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, or to their dependants, all pensions, gratuities, allowances and benefits due to them on terms no less favourable than before, irrespective of their nationality or place of residence.
  • 他是一个退休的部队军
    he's a retired army officer.
  • 治安法离开法庭思考裁决。
    The magistrate retired to consider their verdict.
  • 无竞选职的资格;不具享受退休福利的资格
    Ineligible to run for office; ineligible for retirement benefits.
  • 好几个法今年退休。
    Several judges are retiring this year.
  • 这个军指示士兵往那里撤退。
    The officer instructed the soldier where to retreat
  • 当作裁决时也许要支付治安法的开支。
    Magistrate may be paid expenses when adjudicate.
  • 律师劝说法官休庭。
    Counsel prevail upon the judge to grant an adjournment.
  • 阁下,我请求休会。
    Your honour, I move for an adjournment.
  • 准予我们短期休庭。
    The judge granted us a short adjournment.
  • 厅水库库区及下游污染防治及治理技术研究与应用;密云水库水资源保护;北京市饮用水源保护技术体系研究;奥运村水系建设技术开发及应用;北京市污水处理厂中水回用方案及处理技术研究;居民小区节水、净水技术示范应用工程等。
    Present project also covers as follows: the study of technology of controlling the pollution in the zone of Guanting reservoir and in the lower reaches and its application, the protection of water resource of Miyun reservoir, the study of technology system of protection of drinking water source of Beijing, the development and application of technology of constructing the Olympic Village water system, and the study of a scheme of reused back water from Beijing sewage treatment plant and the treatment technology as well as water saving in residential quarter and projects of demonstration and application of the technology of cleaning water.
  • 决定审判暂停,而移至犯案现场继续进行。
    The judge decided to adjourn to the scene of the crime.
  • 随着布莱顿森林体系的崩溃,加之欧洲国家主要货币饱受汇率动荡之苦(贬值和重新估价),1969年12月,欧洲国家元首和政府首脑在海牙决定将经济与货币联盟设为欧洲一体化的方目标。
    With the collapse of the Bretton Woods system and the fluctuations (devaluation and revaluation) of the exchange rates inflicted upon major currencies of European nations, in The Hague in December 1969, the Heads of State and Government decided to make economic and monetary union (EMU) an official goal of European integration.
  • 修改首席执行报酬制度不被列入公司开支的大量股票期权诱使公司管理者投机取巧来提高股票的短期价格。
    Revamp CEO compensation. The magnitude of stock options -- and the fact that they were not treated as a company expense -- gave execs too much incentive to cut corners to pump up stock prices in the short term.
  • 个体分离通过相邻的组织间的相互作用,产生新的器或组织结构
    Formation of distinct organs or structures through the interaction of adjacent tissues.
  • 征税人员税务局员,检查应纳税的一大批货
    A revenue officer who inspects bulk goods subject to duty.
  • 派,(死板的)形式主义对方规定、形式和过程的死板地坚持
    Rigid adherence to official regulations, forms, and procedures.
  • 他靠随声附和而升发财了。
    He secured office and riches by swimming with the stream.
  • 对暴乱者处以严刑。
    The judge dealt out harsh sentences to the rioters.
  • 此外他还是首席执行
    he serves additionally as the CEO.