Chinese English Sentence:
  • 马克·格迪斯是有的大堡礁水下冒险运动团体的潜水师。
    Mark Geddes is a divemaster for a popular Great Barrier Reef water adventure group.
  • 船触焦失事了,有好几个人淹死了,只有4水手奋力挣脱,死里逃生。
    The ship was wrecked on a reef; several were drowned; but four sailors managed to escape with the skin of their teeth.
  • 周二联邦调查局发布了一份100页的对汉森的起诉书。汉森,现年56岁,被指控犯有间谍罪。起诉书称,1985年汉森致信一苏联特工,自愿提供机密情报,要价为10万美元。在以后的15年中,汉森陆续向苏联特工和后来的俄国特工提供了6000页的文件,其中涉及美国如何收集情报的秘密计划、侦听技术、从事双重间谍工作的人员,以及其他高度敏感的问题。
    A 100? page affidavit released by the FBI on Tuesday,when Hanssen,56,was arraigned on espionage charges,alleges that Hannssen in 1985 sent a letter to a Soviet agent volun teering to provide classified intelligence information in exchange for $ 100,000.For the next 15 years,the affidavit says,Hanssen passed along to Soviet and later Russian agents 6,000 pages of documents on secret programs that described how the U.S.gathers intelligence,technologies used for listening,people who work as double agents and other highly sensitive matters.
  • 一口气背出一首诗、说出许多字、发出一系列指令
    Reel off a poem, list of names, set of instructions
  • 他能一口气说出欧洲各国首都的字。
    He can reel off the name of all the capital of europe.
  • 她能快速、流利地说出学校里每个孩子的字。
    She can reel off the names of all the children in the school.
  • 律师请他的客户在宣誓书上签了
    The lawyer invited his client to subscribe the affidavit.
  • 哈里能在不到1分钟内把美国历届总统的字都背出来。
    Harry can reel off the names of all the Presidents of the United States in less than a minute.
  • 现任镇长35岁的覃小林最终获得了全部48代表的支持,再次当选为新一任镇长。
    The current township head Tan Xiaolin, aged 35, was reelected by all the 48 deputies.
  • 他被提名竞选连任。
    He is up for reelection.
  • 因为感情是无形而且触摸不到的,要进行科学研究非常困难。位于俄亥俄州的波林·格林州立大学的一神经科学家--查克·彭赛布(著有《感情的神经科学》)说:“绝大多数研究者甚至不想谈及动物的情感。
    Because feelings are intangible, and so tough to study scientifically, " most researchers don't even want to talk about animal emotions," says Jaak Panksepp, a neuroscientist at Bowling Green State University in Ohio and author of Affective Neuroscience.
  • 现在有两新证人出来,检方开始重新探讨费歇尔所说的。消息来源说,“后来又有几个证人钻出来。”
    With the two new witnesses, prosecutors bean reexamining Fisher's statements. "And then some more people came out of the woodwork," the source said.
  • 主教们照例把自己的教全部写在他们的布告和公函头上。当地的穷人,由于一种本能的爱戴,在这位主教的几个字中,挑选了对他们具有意义的一个,称他为卞福汝主教。
    The usage being that bishops shall announce their baptismal names at the head of their charges and their pastoral letters, the poor people of the country-side had selected, with a sort of affectionate instinct, among the names and prenomens of their bishop, that which had a meaning for them; and they never called him anything except Monseigneur Bienvenu [Welcome].
  • 为病人配备一专家;提供一张支票给委员会。
    refer a patient to a specialist; refer a bill to a committee.
  • 这个it指的是什麽词?
    What noun does this "it" refer to?
  • 裁判人员包括一台上裁判员、若干台下评判员和一计时员。
    Officials include a referee, judges and a timekeeper.
  • 他因为动作犯规而被裁判记下姓.
    He was booked by the referee for foul play.
  • 此处引用的不同产品和服务可能是oracle公司的商标。
    Various product and service names referenced herein may be trademarks of Oracle Corporation.
  • 在ibmseries/1中,由管理程序所管理的一种逻辑资源。每种目标都赋以一个字,以便用户和管理程序引用。目标可以隐含一个或几个物理资源的使用。
    In Series/1, a logical resource which is managed bythe supervisor. Each object is assigned a name so that it can be referenced by both the user and the supervisor. It may imply the use of one or more physical resources.
  • 来面试时,请带一份写有三介绍人字的个人简历。
    When you come in please have a resume with the name of three references.
  • (在一些屈折语言中)当词的所指对象被称呼时使用的格。
    the case (in some inflected languages) used when the referent of the noun is being addressed.
  • 用来修饰词短语所指示物。
    one of a limited class of noun modifiers that determine the referents of noun phrases.
  • 性一种语法分类,用于词、代词或形容词的分析,而且在某些语言中动词可能是任意的或基于一些特点的,例如性别和行为方式,来决定其与修饰成分、有关搭配及语法形式的一致性或选择性
    A grammatical category used in the analysis of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and, in some languages, verbs that may be arbitrary or based on characteristics such as sex or animacy and that determines agreement with or selection of modifiers, referents, or grammatical forms.
  • 年内,向就业科登记的求职者共188784,该科接获雇主申报的空缺有143522个,转介求职个案603762宗,并协助47111求职者找到工作。
    During the year, 188 784 job-seekers registered with the ESD and 143 522 vacancies were filed by employers. The division made 603 762 job referrals and placed 47 111 job-seekers in employment.
  • 通过单一字对其进行访问的一种数据集合。
    A collection of data referred to by a single name.
  • 管理。改进完善北京市现有城市地系统,提出科学完整的地体系,完成北京道路及公共设施的补充命和确立新的门牌号码工作;
    Place naming - we will review and refine the existing toponomy system of Beijing and work out a scientific and well-developed place naming system. Supplementary naming work will be done on the Beijing streets and public facilities and a new house number system will be adopted.
  • 誉如河流,发源处最狭,愈远愈宽广。
    Fame like a river is narrowest at its source and broadest afar off.
  • 这个报道对你的誉是一种损害。
    This report is a reflection on your honour.
  • 小孩的坏品行常常有损父母的誉。
    Children's bad behavior is often a reflection on their parents.
  • 你说我撒谎,这有损我的誉。
    Your accusation of my lying is a reflection on my reputation.
  • 我们香港人全都知道,贵国不但以白兰地酒和时装驰世界,更在航天、电子、电讯、银行业务,以及其他科技和以知识为本的领域取得骄人成就而蜚声国际。
    You are not just renowned - as we in Hong Kong all know - for your brandy, for your fashion, but also renowned for your remarkable achievements in aerospace, electronics, telecommunications, banking, and other technological and knowledge-based advances.
  • 计划的第一步,是由国防部高级研究计划局、国家航空航天局、波音公司和鲍尔航天与技术公司联手,在未来几年内制造一颗为nextsat(下一代卫星)的可修理卫星实物模型。
    The first step is a joint effort between the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency,NASA,Boeing,and Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp. to build a mock-up of a repairable satellite called NextSat in a couple of years.