  • 警察使用了催泪瓦斯来镇骚乱分子。
    The police used tear gas to subdue the rioters.
  • 警察用高水龙头对准闹事的人(驱散他们)。
    Police turned water-cannon on the rioters, ie to disperse them.
  • 警察用高水龙头对准闹事的人(驱散他们).
    Police turned water cannon on the rioters, ie to disperse them.
  • 警察对暴徒使用了高水炮,因而很快就使他们就范。
    The police used a water cannon on the rioters and soon brought them to heel.
  • 一种在高下用来驱散人群的安装在卡车上的用来喷水的管子(特别是暴乱的群众)。
    a truck-mounted hose that fires water under high pressure to disperse crowds (especially crowds of rioters).
  • 这种技术叫:"刀切入水"(水花)。
    This technique is called a "rip entry'.
  • 苹果成熟了把树枝都弯了
    The branches were weighed down with ripe apples.
  • 树枝给成熟的果实弯了。
    The branches were bowed down with ripened fruit.
  • 爆开或撕开,特别指由于内部
    To become broken or ripped apart, especially from internal pressure.
  • 从电脑以至特殊功能集装箱船,由于[科技]推陈出新,销售机会已经增加而不须增添劳工。可是直到现在,各公司遭受力才认真利用科技。
    From computers to specialized shipping containers, innovation has created opportunities to increase sales without adding labor. But it is only now, when companies are under the gun, that they are really exploiting technology.
  • 表的水银柱在上升。
    The barometer is rising.
  • 叛乱被镇压下去了。
    The rising was suppressed.
  • 他们以叫喊声倒对方的意见。
    They shouted down rival opinions.
  • 以后整整一个多世纪,密密麻麻的房屋就在这盆子里互相挤,堆积,像水在水库里那样不断上涨,因而开始向高空发展,楼上加楼,层层叠叠,宛如液流受,不停向上喷射,争先恐后,看谁有能耐把脑袋瓜伸得比别人高,好多呼吸点空气。
    For the period of more than a century,the houses press upon each other, accumulate, and raise their level in this basin, like water in a reservoir. They begin to deepen; they pile story upon story; they mount upon each other; they gush forth at the top, like all laterally compressed growth, and there is a rivalry as to which shall thrust its head above its neighbors, for the sake of getting a little air.
  • 钉器一种把钉、锞栓或铆钉打入或拔出小孔的工具
    A tool for forcing a pin, bolt, or rivet in or out of a hole.
  • 蒸汽路机平碎石路基,然后浇注混凝土。
    The steamroller levelled off the gravel roadbed and then the concrete was poured.
  • 利用mpeg-2的复杂缩技术,在管理和确保atm网上的大的、极快的视频流的一致性时,供应商能忍受技术的不足之处。
    Using MPEG-2's sophisticated compression techniques, providers can alleviate technical roadblocks when managing and ensuring the integrity of large, super-fast video streams over ATM.
  • 巨大的绳索经受着强大的力,大桥路面被吹得如同舞动的飘带。
    Giant cables are under stupendous strain as the great roadway of the bridge whips about like some fluttering ribbon.
  • 浓咖啡,爱斯普利索咖啡把粉末状的咖啡豆用蒸汽加煮出来的浓咖啡
    A strong coffee brewed by forcing steam under pressure through darkly roasted, powdered coffee beans.
  • 碾压混凝土施工
    roller compacted concrete construction
  • 压路机把地面压平。
    The road roller evens out the ground.
  • 他们用蒸汽路机平了路面。
    They used a steam roller to iron out the road.
  • 纸卷筒计算机打印机中被打印头撞击的滚筒
    The roller in a computer printer against which the print head strikes.
  • 路机把路面轧平;用剪子修平篱笆
    Leveled the driveway with a roller; leveled off the hedges with the clippers.
  • 蒸气路机先把路基的砾石整平,然后才倒下混凝土。
    THe steam roller leveled off the gravel road and then the concrete was poured.
  • 轧模机上有隆起的钢制滚筒,用来制印模或印板
    A steel roller bearing a raised design, used for making a die or a printing plate by pressure.
  • 打字机上的一根金属棒,它上面带着摩擦滚轮,用来在打字位置上方把纸紧在纸卷筒上。参阅platen。
    On a typewriter, a metal rod with a friction roller designed to hold the paper firmly against the platen above the typing position.
  • 关于英国士兵、俄罗斯的蒸汽路机、“以战争结束战争”以及“保障世界民主”等一厢情愿的毫无意义的时髦话,我早已知道了。
    I had known all the wishful cant about the British soldier, and the Russian steam roller, and the war to end wars, and making the world safe for democracy.
  • 他们在碾压道路。
    They were rolling the road.
  • mpeg(解缩)、带多台cd-rom光驱的pc机和语音识别都是“绝对惊人的”。
    MPEG, PCs with multiple CD-ROM drives, and speech recognition are, "absolutely breathtaking."
  • 用墨汁可以进行印的蜡纸的旋转复写器(罗内欧商标)。
    a rotary duplicator that uses a stencil through which ink is pressed (trade mark Roneo).
  • 他以倒性胜利当选。
    Roosevelt defeated Hoover in a landslide.