  • 2.如果诉讼的一方当事人无正当理由主动拒绝接受必要的信息,或在合理期限内未提供必要的信息,或明显妨碍与知识产权之执法的诉讼有关的程序,成员可以授权司法当局在为当事人对有关主张或证据提供陈述机会的前提下,就已经出示的信息(包括受拒绝接受信息之消极影响的当事人一方所提交的告诉或陈述),做出初步或最终确认或否认的决定。
    2. In cases in which a party to a proceeding voluntarily and without good reason refuses access to, or otherwise does not provide necessary information within a reasonable period, or significantly impedes a procedure relating to an enforcement action, a Member may accord judicial authorities the authority to make preliminary and final determinations, affirmative or negative, on the basis of the information presented to them, including the complaint or the allegation presented by the party adversely affected by the denial of access to information, subject to providing the parties an opportunity to be heard on the allegations or evidence.
  • 另一方面,共产党内理论水平的不平衡,许多党员的缺乏北伐战争时期两党合作的经验,党内小资产阶级成分的大量存在,一部分党员对过去艰苦斗争的生活不愿意继续的情绪,统一战线中迁就国民党的无原倾向的存在,八路军中的新军阀主义倾向的发生,共产党参加国民党政权问题的发生,抗日民主根据地中的迁就倾向的发生,等等情况。
    On the other hand, we have the uneven theoretical level among Communists; the fact that many of our Party members lack the experience of co-operation between the two parties gained during the Northern Expedition; the fact that a large number of Party members are of petty-bourgeois origin; the reluctance of some Party members to continue a life of bitter struggle; the tendency towards unprincipled accommodation with the Kuomintang in the united front; the emergence of a tendency towards a new type of warlordism in the Eighth Route Army; the emergence of the problem of Communist participation in the Kuomintang government; the emergence of a tendency towards excessive accommodation in the anti-Japanese democratic base areas; etc.
  • 在恺撒有代西玛斯·布鲁塔斯,其影响之巨,竟使恺撒在遗嘱中立他为次承继人,仅次于恺撒的孙外甥。
    With Julius Caesar, Decimus Brutus had obtained that interest as he set him down in his testament, for heir in remainder, after his nephew.
  • 使用道路的乘客中,过半数乘搭专利巴士,其余由绿色专线小巴、公共小型巴士、的士及非专利巴士运载。
    More than half of public transport journeys made by road were on franchised buses, and the remainder on green minibuses, public light buses, taxis and non-franchised buses.
  • 一国的生产物中,只有一部分注定要用于满足生产性消费,其余的生产物用来满足生产者的非生产性消费和非生产性阶级的全部消费。
    Of the produce of the country, a part only is destined to be consumed productively; the remainder supplies the unproductive consumption of producers, and the entire consumption of the unproductive classes.
  • 这仍然是我们的一个原
    This remains one of our principles.
  • 在研究过程中还发现,第一次结婚的人们尤其是女性在幸福感方面有明显的增长,而再婚所带来的幸福感的增长程度是有限的。
    Men and especially women who married for the first time during the course of the study experienced a sharp increase in happiness. Remarriage, however, brought only a modest increase in happiness.
  • 过去寡妇是不允许重新嫁人的,否,就要被乱石砸死。
    Widows were forbidden to remarry and were stoned to death if they did.
  • 收到盼望已久的礼物是一种快乐,但未曾料到的纪念品是更大的欢欣。
    Expected gifts are a pleasure to receive, but unexpected remembrances are even a greater joy.
  • 比如,当气温为32华氏度,风速为每小时10英里时,风寒因素降到20华氏度,听上去要冷得多。那些在这种天气还要出去的人会觉得更艰苦,更具冒险性。
    For example, when a temperature of 32 F combines with a 10-mile-an-hour wind, the wind-chill factor drops to 20~F, which sounds a lot colder and makes those who venture out in it feel hardy and adventurous.
  • 现金小费会使人想到酒保是伺候人的,而请喝一杯是友好的表示。
    A tip in cash would be a reminder of their service role, whereas the offer of a drink is a friendly gesture.
  • 国际媒体的评论更是讥讽谩骂,声称劳拉·史彭斯事件反映了英国社会的典型问题——等级森严和狂妄自大,使人们再次看清英国依然是一个“向后看”、醉心于过去的国家。
    International press comments have been more cynical,claiming that the Laura Spence story is indicative of the quintessentially British problem of class and arrogance and a reminder that a backward looking Britain is still alive and well.
  • 新闻家和政治家的自传常常充满着过去事迹的回忆,而文人的自传应该用大部分的篇幅去追忆一个欢乐之夜或与友人同游某山谷的情景。
    Autobiographies of journalists and statesmen are usually full of reminiscences of past events, while the autobiographies of literary men should mainly concern themselves with reminiscences of a happy night, or a visit with some of their friends to some valley.
  • 我丈夫喜欢充满冒险的生活,而我喜欢宁静的家居生活。
    My husband loves adventurous life while I enjoy a more peaceful domestic life.
  • 其几何印纹与新石器时代晚期陶器的几何图案一脉相承,但其中的"双f"夔纹,是这时期区内的著名特有纹饰。
    This so-called hard geometric ware is decorated with designs, many of which are reminiscent of the geometric patterns of the late Neolithic period, but with their own distinctive style, including the 'Kui-dragon' or 'double F' pattern so characteristic of the region during this period.
  • 他们的思想超过客观过程的一定发展阶段,有些把幻想看作真理,有些把仅在将来有现实可能性的理想,勉强地放在现时来做,离开了当前大多数人的实践,离开了当前的现实性,在行动上表现为冒险主义。
    The thinking of "Leftists" outstrips a given stage of development of the objective process; some regard their fantasies as truth, while others strain to realize in the present an ideal which can only be realized in the future. They alienate themselves from the current practice of the majority of the people and from the realities of the day, and show themselves adventurist in their actions.
  • 随信呈上帐单一张,如能尽快将款汇下,不胜感激。
    We enclose you a statement of account, for which your remittance at your earliest convenience will oblige.
  • 兹同函附上逾期帐单,敬请惠予注意。如蒙迅于支付,甚为感激。
    We wish to call your attention to the enclosed account which are now past due. We appreciate a prompt remittance.
  • 兹同函附上逾期帐单,敬请惠予注意。如蒙迅速支付,甚为感激。
    We wish to call your attention to the enclosed account which is now past due. We shall appreciate a prompt remittance.
  • 遇有破坏农会的言论行动而罪状较轻的,邀集多人涌入其家,提出比较不甚严重的质问。
    When someone harms a peasant association by word or deed and the offence is a minor one, the peasants collect in a crowd and swarm into the offender's house to remonstrate with him.
  • 另一些著述家(其中包括麦克库洛赫先生和萨伊先生)把非生产性一词看作是贬意的,反对将这个词用于任何被认为是有用的劳动,所谓有用的劳动,是指所带来的好处或快乐与所付出的代价价值相等的劳动。
    There are others (among whom are Mr. M'Culloch and M. Say) who looking upon the word unproductive as a term of disparagement, remonstrate against imposing it upon any labour which is regarded as useful-which produces a benefit or a pleasure worth the cost.
  • 令人兴奋的冒险故事
    An exciting adventure story.
  • 蜡染印花法一种染织物的方法,用这种方法,织物的不染色部分被可剥落的蜡所覆盖而其余部分染上色
    A method of dyeing a fabric by which the parts of the fabric not intended to be dyed are covered with removable wax.
  • 正如蜂窝电话的出现引发一场争论,说司机开车时忙于打电话闲聊而忽视路况一样,提倡行车安全的人们也发出警告说,车上装有过多的小玩意儿偏离了安全驾驶的基本准,即手扶方向盘,眼睛盯路面。
    Just as the advent of the cell phone triggered a debate about drivers too busy gabbing to pay attention to the road, so too are safety advocates warning that a plethora of gizmos will detract from the basics of safe driving -- hands on the wheel and eyes on the road.
  • 新[改造]的政府及国会的来临,是做重大改革的最好时机。有效改革的准业已存在。不可未经周详考虑,妄提建议搅乱大局。
    The advent of a new Administration and Congress is always the best time to make major changes. The guidelines for effective reform already exist. Let's not muddy the water with ill-considered proposals.
  • 但是,支付的贷款将从收获中获得,因为除非农民预期收获会使贷款得到偿还,并会带来利润,也就是说,除非收获在给农场劳动者带来报酬外,还有足够的余额来支付制犁匠的报酬,给予制犁匠和农民两者以利润,否他是不会支付货款的。
    Nevertheless, it is from the harvest that the payment is to come; since the farmer would not undertake this outlay unless he expected that the harvest would repay him, and with a profit too on this fresh advance; that is, unless the harvest would yield, besides the remuneration of the farm labourers (and a profit for advancing it), a sufficient residue to remunerate the plough-maker's labourers, give the plough-maker a profit, and a profit to the farmer on both.
  • 但你们在对佛出口中应该考虑日本人的地位比你们优越。
    But, you should consider the fact that the Japanese are taking a more advantageous position than you are in trade with China.
  • 对于计算机程序,如果有关程序本身并非出租的主要标的,不适用本条义务。
    In respect of computer programs, this obligation does not apply to rentals where the program itself is not the essential object of the rental.
  • 已完成的交易共有1004宗,所收回的公屋单位有939个。
    1004 transactions have been completed and 939 public rental flats have been recovered.
  • 遵循“成片整治、恢复景观、保用并重、形成风貌”的原,以维护旧城风貌,整修文物景观为重点,对以皇城为中心的旧城区的文物进行全面修缮。用好政府财政拨款,落实全市文物重点修缮项目。
    The key historical and cultural sites shall be restored and repaired following the principles of “repairing whole areas, recovering traditional sights, combining protection with utilization, and creating style”. Emphasis will be placed on safeguarding the Old City areas and renewing the cultural sites. Comprehensive repair work will be performed on the Old City area in and around the repair and restoration of the cultural sites, and these funds must be used effectively to carry out the key programs to repair and restore the cultural sites.
  • 古建筑维修原则
    Principles of Repair of Ancient Buildings
  • 现实政治常指一种扩张的国家政策,把国家利益看作是唯一的原性进展
    A usually expansionist national policy having as its sole principle advancement of the national interest.