  • 看那边的那竹筏,上面有人有鸟。
    Look at those bamboo rafts over there with men and big birds.
  • 论据支持了一个对流地慢的概念,板块在其摩擦拖曳下沿地慢表面类似于船浮在水上一样移动。
    These arguments support the notion of a convective mantle, with the plates being rafted along on its surface, propelled by frictional drag on their undersides.
  • 人以为只有实行十年内战时期那样的土地革命才算实现了新民主主义,这是不对的。
    Some people think that New Democracy can be considered as accomplished only if there is an agrarian revolution like that of the ten years' civil war, but they are wrong.
  • 他们现在又在嘟囔什么?
    What are they chewing the rag about now?
  • 规律的正确性,不但在第一次大革命时期和土地革命时期证明了,而且在目前的抗日战争中也在证明着。
    The validity of these laws was confirmed during the First Great Revolution and the Agrarian Revolution, and it is being confirmed again in the present War of Resistance.
  • 日常天气仍然支配着我们生活中的许多细节,而且仍然是服装业、旅游业-天知道还有别的什么行业-的一种神赐的助力。
    Our daily weather continues to dictate the trivial scenarios of our lives-and remains manna to the rag trade, the tourist industry, and heaven knows what else.
  • 衣着不齐的民兵武装正是西方国家日益靠近的对象,想靠他们把阿富汗从塔利班及本·拉丹的恐怖组织手中夺过来。
    It is to this group of rag bag militia to which the West is Increasingly turning as it sets about wreatling control of Afghanistan from the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden's terror network.
  • 我们所有的人,包括你和我这样的下层平民,以及所有西方文明的依附者都认为,即使我们尚未达到那崇高的道德标准,我们也还是是比别的任何人都干得好得多。
    All the people of whom you and I are the rag-tag and bobtail, all the camp followers of western civilization, we have taken it for granted that even if we did not live up to those exalted ethical standards, we did a great deal better than anyone else.
  • 贫苦的儿童上免费学校。
    Those poor children attended a ragged school.
  • 我一直是热爱教学的,可这孩子如此活跃,竟把我弄得精疲力竭。
    I always loved teaching, but the children were so active that they ran me ragged.
  • 旦当了兵,你怎么来安置我呢?我——一个无依无靠的孤儿,没有财产,只有一间快塌了的小屋和一破烂的渔网,这点可怜的遗产还是我父亲传给我母亲,我母亲又传给我的呢。
    Once a soldier, what would you do with me, a poor orphan, forlorn, without fortune, with nothing but a half-ruined hut and a few ragged nets, the miserable inheritance left by my father to my mother, and by my mother to me?
  • 男孩拿他的发型开玩笑。
    Some of the boys were ragging him about his haircut.
  • 将这破布编织成一根粗绳
    Braided the rags into a strong rope.
  • 第二年夏,一阵山洪把这全都冲走了。
    The following summer a raging torrent swept all of these away.
  • 对他们来说,黑人乐曲中的繁台拍子要比弧形摇摆容易一
    For them, the ragtime rhythms were easier than the curving roll of Negro music.
  • 更值得注意的是,那拥有两只或更多小宠物的儿童,患过敏症的病例甚至要少很多,比同龄儿童降低了77%,他们不但不易对小猫和小狗过敏,而且对尘粒、豚草和早熟禾等过敏原的过敏率也下降了。
    Even more remarkable, children who had two or more dogs or cats had an even greater reduction, up to 77 percent, in risk of allergies. And not only were they less likely to develop allergies to cats and dogs, but also to dust mites, short ragweed and blue grass.
  • 包含豚草;在有分类中被作为一个独立的豚草科的模式属。
    comprising the ragweeds; in some classification considered the type genus of a separate family Ambrosiaceae.
  • 在某分类中认为是豚草属中菊科小群中的一科。
    in some classifications considered a separate family comprising a subgroup of the Compositae including the ragweeds.
  • 围绕着帆船上的桅杆的那栏杆。
    the rail surrounding the mast of a sailing vessel.
  • 他们使听众明白他们所抱怨的是哪事情。
    They made their listeners aware of the very things they were railing against.
  • 他一有机会,总爱说一温和的讥诮言词,但几乎每次都含着严正的意义。
    He was gifted, on occasion, with a gentle raillery, which almost always concealed a serious meaning.
  • 枪一起向那有轨电车猛烈地开火,把它们摧毁了。
    guns fired witheringly at the railroad cars.
  • 法律的改变由那无原则的政客们施加不正当的压力,在国会上强行通过了。
    Changes in the law were railroaded through Parliament by unprincipled politicians.
  • 我讨厌好雨云,我想我们应该在天还未下雨,我们还没被淋湿以前及时赶回家。
    I don't like the look of those rain clouds and think we should return home while the going is good, before it rains and we get soaked.
  • 乌云意味着要下雨。
    The clouds promise rain.
  • 尽管下着雨太阳还是在那灰蒙蒙雨点的上方。
    The sun is still there above the gray raindrops even it is raining.
  • 在这分类中是那只在某商家网站上工作的钱包和那商家不可知的钱包。
    Within those divisions are wallets that work only on specific merchant sites and those that are merchant agnostic.
  • 树被风吹倒了很多街道都因暴风雨积满了水,而交通受阻了几乎两小时。
    Some trees were blown down Many streets were flooded by the heavy rainstorm. And the traffic was delayed for almost 2 hours.
  • 诚实的鼓动者对解决某社会问题是必要的。
    Honest agitator is necessary to the solution of some social problem.
  • 雨水可以通过管道从屋顶上流走。
    The rainwater can run off the roof through these pipes.
  • 因此,这腐蚀是海运途中雨水的浸蚀造成的。
    Therefore, the corrosion is caused by erosion of rainwater during ocean shipping.
  • 因此,这腐蚀是海运途中雨水的浸蚀造成的。
    Therefore, the corrosion was caused by erosion of rainwater during ocean shipping.