  • 我们的任务是取它实现这一改造,以便作为改造政府和改造军队的基矗
    Our task is to work for this reform of the Kuomintang as a basis for reforming the government and the army.
  • 一个提倡改革的论者。
    a disputant who advocates reform.
  • 宗教改革结果导致三十年战
    The Reformation brought in its train the Thirty Years' War.
  • 邓迪苏格兰中东部县区,位于泰河弯北岸,在苏格兰改革时期的宗教战中是神圣盟约派的据点,人口184,616
    A burgh of east-central Scotland on the northern bank of the Firth of Tay. It was a stronghold of the Covenanters in the religious wars of the Scottish Reformation. Population,185, 616.
  •  ——中国成功地改造了战罪犯。
    China has successfully reformed war criminals.
  • 在广东战和北伐战中,曾经在中国军队中灌输了反帝反封建的思想,改造了中国的军队。
    During the wars in Kwangtung and during the Northern Expedition, they reformed China's armed forces by the inculcation of anti-imperialist and anti-feudal ideas.
  • 事实表明,不触动封建根基的自强运动和改良主义,旧式的农民战,资产阶级革命派领导的民主革命,以及照搬西方资本主义的其他种种方案,都不能完成救亡图存的民族使命和反帝反封建的历史任务。
    Facts show that neither the self-improvement movements and reformism, the old peasant wars and the democratic revolution led by the revolutionaries of the bourgeoisie that did not touch the foundation of feudalism nor other solutions that ape western capitalism can accomplish the national mission of saving the nation from subjugation and ensuring its survival and the historical tasks against imperialism and feudalism.
  • 航空机械工人工会主席贝克说,“我们将要尽力取大幅增加一般工资。当公司需要我们让步的时候,我们让了步。现在我们的待遇要改善了。”
    "We're going to go very hard for a very substantial general wage increase," Thomas F.Baker, president of the aerospace machinists' local, said. "We took our lumps when the company seemed to need it and now we're going to get well."
  • 对于中国同邻国在海洋事务方面存在的议问题,中国政府着眼于和平与发展的大局,主张通过友好协商解决,一时解决不了的,可以搁置议,加强合作,共同开发。
    Regarding disputes over marine issues between China and its neighboring countries, the Chinese government shall, in view of the vital interests bearing on peace and development, stand for their settlement through friendly consultation. With regard to issues that cannot be solved for the time being, China stands for pigeonholing them and for strengthened cooperation and joint development.
  • 那个工人就他的工资问题与老板了起来。
    The workman had some words with his employer regarding his wages.
  • 在部队搞两年,再把这一批优秀的师干部、团干部“回炉”一年,调回来再学习,主要是加深现代化战知识,然后把好的师的干部提拔到军,好的团的干部提拔到师。
    After working in the units for two years, these outstanding divisional and regimental cadres can undergo further training, that is, study for another year mainly to deepen their knowledge of modern warfare. Then, good divisional cadres can be promoted to the army level and good regimental ones to the divisional level.
  • 对于在学校学习得好的,指挥、管理能力比较强的,现代化战知识学得比较好的,而且思想作风又好的干部,学校可以推荐,营的干部可以提拔到团,团的干部可以提拔到师。
    The schools may recommend those students who have done well in their studies, who have good command and administrative abilities, a knowledge of modern warfare and a fine style of work, and who are ideologically sound. Battalion cadres meeting these requirements can be promoted to the regimental level, and regimental cadres to the divisional.
  • 现在,县以上的主要骨干,军队团以上的主要骨干,大多数是经过长期革命斗锻炼的。
    Most of the chief ones at and above the level of county Party committee or regimental rank in the army have gone through long years of revolutionary struggle.
  • 注册方是指被申诉方注册成为议主题的域名的机构实体。
    Registrar means the entity with which the Respondent has registered a domain name that is the subject of a complaint.
  • 他声称他是罪行的受害者;他断言干预战太迟了;注册。
    He alleged that he was the victim of a crime; He said it was too late to intervene in the war; The registrar says that I owe the school money.
  • 共有的管辖是指下述任何一个位置的法庭管辖(a)注册方的主要办公地点(假如域名持有方已经向该司法管辖部门提交注册协议寻求对有关该域名或该域名引起的议的法庭裁决)或(b)向服务提供方提交申诉时,域名持有方为注册域名在注册方的whois数据库中出现的地址。
    Mutual Jurisdiction means a court jurisdiction at the location of either (a) the principal office of the Registrar (provided the domain-name holder has submitted in its Registration Agreement to that jurisdiction for court adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from the use of the domain name) or (b) the domain-name holder's address as shown for the registration of the domain name in Registrar's Whois database at the time the complaint is submitted to the Provider.
  • “申诉方同意关于域名、议或议解决的索赔和补偿仅对于域名的持有方,并且放弃向以下各方要求所有索赔或补偿(a)议解决方案的提议者和陪审员,除非存在有意的恶意行为,(b)注册方,(c)注册管理员,和(d)“互联网名称与号码分配协会”,及其主管、官员、员工和代理。”
    "Complainant agrees that its claims and remedies concerning the registration of the domain name, the dispute, or the dispute's resolution shall be solely against the domain-name holder and waives all such claims and remedies against (a) the dispute-resolution provider and panelists, except in the case of deliberate wrongdoing, (b) the registrar, (c) the registry administrator, and (d) the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, as well as their directors, officers, employees, and agents."
  • 既是长期的和残酷的,就能够使游击队受到必要的锻炼,逐渐地变成正规的部队,因而其作战方式也将逐渐地正规化,游击战就变成运动战了。
    Since the war is protracted and ruthless, it is possible for the guerrilla units to undergo the necessary steeling and gradually to transform themselves into regular forces, so that their mode of operations is gradually regularized and guerrilla warfare develops into mobile warfare.
  • 这次演习,检验了部队现代化、正规化建设的成果,较好地体现了现代战的特点,摸索了现代条件下诸军兵种协同作战的经验,提高了部队军政素质和实战水平。
    These exercises have given us an opportunity to assess our achievements in building modern, regularized armed forces, and have simulated modern warfare fairly well. They represent part of our effort to explore combined operations by the various services and arms under modern conditions, and have enhanced the political consciousness and military capability of our army, especially its capacity to fight actual battles.
  • 村委会的选举愈益规范,村民的提名权得到尊重,预选产生正式候选人、正式候选人的平等竞、差额选举、发表演说、秘密划票间、公开计票、当场宣布选举结果等确保选民权利的程序逐步走向规范化。
    The election of villagers' committees has been increasingly standardized, and villagers' right to nominate candidates is respected.The election procedure, which guarantees the rights of voters, has been gradually regularized.The procedure involves the methods by which villagers select formal candidates through preliminary elections, formal candidates run for the election on an equal footing, voters choose from among a large number of candidates, candidates make speeches, voters mark their ballots in specially-designated rooms, ballots are counted openly, and the election results are announced on the spot.
  • 村委会的选举愈益规范,村民的提名权得到尊重,预选产生正式候选人、正式候选人的平等竞、差额选举、发表演说、秘密划票间、公开计票、当场宣布选举结果等确保选民权利的程序逐步走向规范化。
    The election of villagers' committees has been increasingly standardized, and villagers' right to nominate candidates is respected. The election procedure, which guarantees the rights of voters, has been gradually regularized. The procedure involves the methods by which villagers select formal candidates through preliminary elections, formal candidates run for the election on an equal footing, voters choose from among a large number of candidates, candidates make speeches, voters mark their ballots in specially-designated rooms, ballots are counted openly, and the election results are announced on the spot.
  • 第二次世界大战期间德国用飞机炮轰英国的战并且伴随着空战。
    the bombardment of British cities by German aircraft during World War II and the aerial combat that accompanied it.
  • 提倡自由竞,自我调整的市场和金本位的经济理论。
    an economic theory advocating free competition and a self-regulating market and the gold standard.
  • 维吉尔讲述的拉丁文的史诗;讲述特洛伊战中的勇士们在特洛伊战后的冒险经历;为罗马帝国提供了杰出的历史背景。
    an epic in Latin by Virgil; tells the adventures of Aeneas after the Trojan War; provides an illustrious historical background for the Roman Empire.
  • 美国独立战发生在英王乔治三世统治时期。
    The american revolution take place during the reign of george iii.
  • 乔治湖美国纽约州东北的冰川湖,位于尚普兰湖以南的阿迪朗达克山麓小丘上。1646年被发现,是法印战和美国独立战中多次战役的地点。今天该湖是一个大的休养娱乐地区的中心
    An English coin during the reign of Henry VIII, imprinted with a figure of Saint George.
  • 同时,取外国的援助,使中国军队的装备逐渐加强起来。
    At the same time China will win foreign aid to reinforce the equipment of her troops gradually.
  • “在战的过程中,使中国军队的装备逐渐加强起来。
    "In the course of the war, China will be able to reinforce the equipment of her troops gradually.
  • 由于日寇无底止的进攻,全国人民的坚决斗,民族资产阶级的倾向抗日,中国共产党抗日民族统一战线政策的努力提倡、坚决实行和取得全国的赞助,使得“九一八”以来中国统治当局的对日不抵抗政策,在卢沟桥事变后开始转变到实行抗战的政策,使得一二九运动以来中国革命发展的形势,由停止内战准备抗战的阶段,过渡到了实行抗战的阶段。
    The ceaseless Japanese attacks, the people's resolute struggle, the national bourgeoisie's tendency towards resistance, the Communist Party's vigorous advocacy and firm application of a national united front policy and the nation-wide support this policy has won -- all these have compelled the Chinese authorities to begin changing their policy of non-resistance, as pursued ever since the September 18th Incident of 1931, to a policy of resistance since the Lukouchiao Incident, and have caused the Chinese revolution to develop beyond the stage reached after the December 9th Movement, i.e. the stage of ending the civil war and preparing for resistance, into the stage of actual resistance.
  • 在新的国际安全环境中,世界多数国家在注重运用政治、经济和外交等手段解决端的同时,仍把军事手段以及加强军事力量作为维护自身安全和国家利益的重要途径。
    In the new international security environment, while stressing the settlement of disputes through political, economic and diplomatic means, most countries still regard military means and the reinforcement of military strength as important ways to safeguard their own security and national interests.
  • 全党同志一定要从党和国家生死存亡的高度,充分认识反腐倡廉工作的重大意义,把党风廉政建设和反腐败斗进行到底。
    All the comrades in the Party must fully recognize, from the perspective of life and death of the Party and the state, the major significance of our fight against corruption and advocacy for clean governance and see through the development of Party's style, the building of a clean government and the battle against corruption.
  • 好在缰绳、鞭子、车夫和卫士的联合行动有如宣读了一份战文件的道理。那文件禁止擅自行动,因为它可以大大助长野蛮动物也有思想的理论。
    Reins and whip and coachman and guard, however, in combination, had read that article of war which forbad a purpose otherwise strongly in favour of the argument, that some brute animals are endued with Reason;