  • 报纸上的正确批评的作用应该肯定,但是应当注意不要把个别的现象当作普遍的现象,不要把局部的西夸大为整体。
    We should affirm that newspapers can play a useful role by publishing valid criticisms, but we must take care not to regard certain isolated phenomena as universal or to exaggerate limited problems and make them appear to be general ones.
  • 应当肯定,过去国家科委的工作方针是正确的,是一九六三年毛泽同志听了聂荣臻同志的汇报后批准了的。
    We should affirm that the former State Science and Technology Commission pursued a correct policy, which was approved by Comrade Mao Zedong in 1963 after he heard Comrade Nie Rongzhen's report on its work.
  • 半球胸部略带红色的小歌鸟。
    small Old World songbird with a reddish breast.
  • 美国部略带红色蠕虫样小蛇。
    small reddish wormlike snake of eastern United States.
  • 于是读者开始把这个作家所写的西全都拿来读了,因为他们之间有一种心灵上的联系,所以他把什么西都吸收进去,毫不费力地消化了。
    And then the reader proceeds to devour every word and every line that the author writes, and because there is a spiritual affinity, he absorbs and readily digests everything.
  • 不要忘了,这个世界穿透一切高墙的西,它就在我们的内心深处,他们无法达到,也接触不到,那就是希望《肖申克的救赎》
    forget that there are … place … in the world that are not made out of stone, there is something … inside … that they can not get to … that is hope 《The Shawshank Redemption》
  • 美国在中地区必须重新部署军队。
    The U.S. must redeploy their troops in the Middle East.
  • 津巴布韦津巴布韦南部一城市遗址,位于哈拉雷南部,公元3世纪首次被铁器时代的人占领,1870年被再次发现,一些人相信它是所罗门国王宝库的所在地
    A ruined city of southeast Zimbabwe south of Harare. First occupied by Iron Age peoples in the third century a.d., it was rediscovered c.1870 and is believed by some to be the site of King Solomon's mines.
  • 减少某种西的原有估价。
    reduce the estimated value of something.
  • 这个西你要减价多少?
    What reduction will you make on this article?
  • 第十,这里有雄伟的美洲杉树、喷火的火山、壮丽的山洞、巍峨的山峰、起伏的山脉、恬静的湖沼、蜿蜒的江河和多荫的水涯:宇宙间真没有一样西比此更好。
    In the tenth place, there are magnificent redwood trees, fire-spouting volcanoes, magnificent caves, majestic peaks, undulating hills, placid lakes, winding rivers and shady banks, and there is nothing better than that.
  • 华光建筑公司是远百货公司的附属公司。
    Uh guano construction company is an affiliated company of far eastern department store.
  • 华光建筑公司是远百货公司的附属公司。
    Huaguang Construction Company is an affiliated company of Far Eastern Department Store.
  • 卢考特角美国北卡罗莱那州海岸附近一块多沙暗礁上的一个岬,位于哈特勒斯角西南。1859年在那里建了一座灯塔
    A point on a sandy reef off eastern North Carolina southwest of Cape Hatteras. A lighthouse was built here in1859.
  •  然而,当说一个人是方人恐怕不再是个好主意时,该词在指物的很多短语中仍然是标准用法,比如,方地毯通常是指从土耳其或中亚进口的地毯,它们的价格极贵(通常是数千美元),受到极高的赞誉。
    Nevertheless, while it may no longer be a good idea to refer to a person as an Oriental, it is still the standard usage in many phrases referring to things. For example, the term "Oriental carpet" refers to a type of carpet typically imported from Turkey or Central Asia. These carpets are extremely expensive (often costing thousands of dollars) and are highly prized.
  • 因此,那类涉及到将方人归类到“少数人群体”的法律就必须改称方人为亚洲人,而另一类涉及物例如方药品的法律就不必改。
    Therefore, one law which defines "minority group" to include "Orientals" will be changed to refer to "Asians", but another law which refers to "Oriental medicine" will be left unchanged.
  • 从此我们可以领悟到一些令人肃然竦然的西,甚至死亡本身。
    Something of the awfulness, even of Death itself, is referable to this.
  • 往来银行或咨信单位:京三菱银行及住友银行。
    Our references: Mitsubishi Bank, Ltd. and Sumitomo Bank, Ltd., Tokyo.
  • 这类在参与国控制之下执行的强制执行行动包括1991年恢复科威特主权、1994年恢复海地合法政府、1997年恢复中非共和国和平与安全以及1999年结束帝汶自决问题全民投票之后发生的暴力运动。
    Such enforcement actions – carried out under the control of participating States – have included actions to restore the sovereignty of Kuwait (1991); the legitimate government of Haiti (1994); peace and security in the Central African Republic (1997); and to end a campaign of violence in East Timor (1999) following a referendum on self-determination.
  • 自1990年首次向联合国维和行动派遣军事观察员以来,中国已先后向“联合国中停战监督组织”(untso)、“联合国伊拉克--科威特观察团(unikom)、“联合国柬埔寨临时权力机构”(untac)、“联合国西撒哈拉公民投票特派团”(minurso)、“联合国莫桑比克行动”(onumoz)和“联合国利比里亚观察团”(unomil)等6项联合国维和行动,派出军事观察员32批437人次。
    In 1990, China began to assign military observers to UN peace-keeping operations; since then it has sent 437 military observers in 32 groups to join six UN peace-keeping operations, viz, the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) in the Middle East, United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission (UNIKOM), Un ited Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC), United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), United Nations Operation in Mozambique (ONUMOZ) and United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia (UNOMIL).
  • 再用这瓶子装西之前,一定要将它涮干净。
    Make sure that the bottle is completely rinsed out before you refill it.
  • 一个以精炼某种特殊的西为工作的人。
    one whose work is to refine a specific thing.
  • 最卓越的西也常是最难被人了解的西,因此,城里有许多人在议论主教那一举动,说那是矫揉造作。
    Since the most sublime things are often those which are the least understood, there were people in the town who said, when commenting on this conduct of the Bishop, "It is affectation."
  • 风雅这种西和鉴识力比较相近,也许是艺术家天性的一部分,可是一个人要有相当的学识,看见一部艺术作品时才能够感到最高的喜悦。
    Refinement is something nearer to taste and may be just born in an artist, but the highest pleasure of looking at a book of art is felt only when it is supported by scholarship.
  • 贝敦美国得克萨斯州南一城市,位于休斯顿船道上的加尔维斯顿湾上方。是一个炼油和工业中心。人口63,850
    A city of southeast Texas at the head of Galveston Bay on the Houston Ship Channel. It is an oil-refining and industrial center. Population,63, 850.
  • 这种理论的错误,在于不知道感觉材料固然是客观外界某些真实性的反映(我这里不来说经验只是所谓内省体验的那种唯心的经验论),但它们仅是片面的和表面的西,这种反映是不完全的,是没有反映事物本质的。
    This theory errs in failing to understand that, although the data of perception reflect certain realities in the objective world (I am not speaking here of idealist empiricism which confines experience to so-called introspection), they are merely one-sided and superficial, reflecting things incompletely and not reflecting their essence.
  • 局势不稳,价格稳步上涨。
    Price advancing steadily reflect uneasy modest situation.
  • 喉咙发出的一种间歇性反射,好象在吞咽西。
    a spasmodic reflex of the throat made as if in swallowing.
  • 胃中的西回流到食道。
    reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus.
  • 邓迪苏格兰中部县区,位于泰河弯北岸,在苏格兰改革时期的宗教战争中是神圣盟约派的据点,人口184,616
    A burgh of east-central Scotland on the northern bank of the Firth of Tay. It was a stronghold of the Covenanters in the religious wars of the Scottish Reformation. Population,185, 616.
  • 在广战争和北伐战争中,曾经在中国军队中灌输了反帝反封建的思想,改造了中国的军队。
    During the wars in Kwangtung and during the Northern Expedition, they reformed China's armed forces by the inculcation of anti-imperialist and anti-feudal ideas.
  • 毛泽在这里驳斥了这类改良派的理论。
    Comrade Mao Tse-tung refuted this kind of reformist doctrine.