  • 中线梯形非平行两边的中点线
    The line that joins the midpoints of the nonparallel sides of a trapezoid.
  • 墨菲石油在整个美国中西部和南方的404家沃尔玛锁店的停车场上拥有加油站。
    Murphy Oil has gas stations in the parking lots of404WalMart stores across the Midwest and the South.
  • 他们续跑了十英里。
    They ran for ten miles.
  • 民兵团从16世纪到18世纪在英格兰或美国由受训的民兵组成的
    A company of trained militia in England or America from the16th to the18th century.
  • 连轧机控制系统
    control system of tandem mills
  • 因为他的pr人声称他实在“太怕羞了。”,而这个人就曾在我的pbs-tv电视续短剧-小人物的胜利-中扮演过某个角色。
    This was the same guy who turned down an appearance on my PBS-TV miniseries Triumph of the Nerds because his PR people claimed he was "too shy."
  • 串不幸的事发生了。
    A series of mischance happened.
  • 那个患儿难受得哭带喊。
    The sick child was wailing miserably.
  • 孩子们都为她的不幸感到难受。
    Even the kids grieved about her misfortune.
  • 冬天时她戴指手套。
    In winter she wears mittens.
  • 选择line,当接一个线路电平麦克风混音器到ext。
    Select line if you have connected a line level mic mixer to the ext.
  • 和活水相混合饮品的吧台。
    a bar for mixing drinks that has a sink with running water.
  • 混合接、合并或混合两种或多种物质的行动或过程
    The act or process of joining, merging, or mixing two or more things.
  • 它还可以要用modem池,用户看起来像是单一接。
    It allows modem pooling, which looks like a single connection to users.
  • 直接接调制解调器输入线路和输出线路的能力。
    The ability to directly connect the input and output lines of a modem.
  • 聚合物许多天然和人工合成的化合物中的任一种,通常具高分子的重量,包含最多可达上百万个的彼此重复且相的单位,每一个单位都是一个相对较轻和较简单的分子
    Any of numerous natural and synthetic compounds of usually high molecular weight consisting of up to millions of repeated linked units, each a relatively light and simple molecule.
  • 永久地在一起,指牡蛎或软体动物。
    become permanently attached, as of mollusks or oysters.
  • 千万不可象许多人在家里做的那样将音频接到VCR和监视器上。
    Never link the audio out to the vcr and the monitor by connect them to each other as you will do at home.
  • 电视续剧《白猿》是在哪个频道?
    What channel is the TV series White Monkey?
  • 天然生成或人工合成,含有由相且重复的一系列单体组成的大分子。
    naturally occurring or synthetic; consisting of large molecules made up of a linked series of repeated simple monomers.
  • 这个剧续演了6个月。
    The play ran for six months.
  • 当东德在1976年蒙特利尔奥运会上夺得了女子游泳项目的13枚金牌中的12枚后,好心的东德公民都开始产生了怀疑。
    When East Germany won 12 out of 13 Olympic gold medals in women's swimming events in Montreal in 1976, even good GDR citizens began to have their suspicions.
  • 10月24日,美国蒙哥马利县警方逮捕了一名环杀人案犯罪嫌疑人,使日来警方和凶手之间没完没了的猫捉老鼠的游戏暂告一段落。但这一案件的传奇色彩却似乎越来越浓了。
    In the cat-and-mouse game leading up to Thursday's arrests, one of the most mysterious episodes was the tale of a duck told by a Moose.
  • 留下两个进行扫荡。
    Two companies were left to mop up.
  • 六月,我们推行一串稳定经济的措施,包括成立政府就业专责小组,实行暂停卖地措施,以及设立基金协助中小型企业。
    In June we put forward a whole series of measures aimed at stabilising the economy, including the setting up of the Task Force on Employment, the moratorium on land sales, and the creation of a fund to help small and medium-sized businesses.
  • 粘着语的词素在一起。
    string together, of morphemes in an agglutinating language.
  • 公园个人影也没有。
    There was not a mortal man in the park.
  • 用胶泥涂盖或连接
    To plaster or join with mortar.
  • 在建设中用金属链环把墙在一块并放在湿沙浆里。
    the walls are held together with metal links placed in the wet mortar during construction.
  • 腰槽为接另一部分而在木料上切入的切口或榫眼
    A notch or mortise cut into a board to receive another part.
  • 雁列山脉,绵山脉范围广大的一群山脉或山区,尤指一块大陆的主要山脉系统
    An extensive chain of mountains or mountain ranges, especially the principal mountain system of a continent.
  • 山丘组成山脉的一部分独立的大的山体或接起来的山体密集群
    A large mountain mass or compact group of connected mountains forming an independent portion of a range.