Chinese English Sentence:
  • 医疗设备执行特种任务的应急
    A rig or device contrived for remedying an emergency situation or for doing a special task.
  • 由控制置(群集控制器)和与它相连的终端组成的一种站。
    A station that consists of a control unit(cluster controller) and the terminals attached to it.
  • 一种手握控制置,同微机和电子游戏机联用,以控制光标或显示的图形在屏幕上的运动。
    A hand held controller used with microcomputers and video games to control the movement of the cursor or graphic display, on the screen.
  • 为初始化磁盘和常常执行与传送相关的功能所使用的一种置或一种置的一部分(如外设控制器的一部分)。
    A device or section of a device(say, of a peripheral controller) used to initialize magnetic discs and, often, to perform transfer-related functions.
  • 仪表,仪器用于记录、测量或拉制的置,特别是作为控制系统部分的此类
    A device for recording, measuring, or controlling, especially such a device functioning as part of a control system.
  • 能够产生或控制光的置。
    a device for producing or controlling light.
  • 操纵者控制或支配的人;起控制作用的制剂、置或组织机构
    One that controls; a controlling agent, device, or organization.
  • 控制流体流量的任何一种机器置。
    any mechanical device for controlling the flow of a fluid.
  • 支持物用于支持某人的构架置,例如供幼儿学走路用的或供恢复期病人重新学走路用的支持物
    A frame device used to support someone, such as an infant learning to walk or a convalescent learning to walk again.
  • 对流式加热机一个部分被封闭,暖空气在其直接加热的表面上通过对流进行循环的
    A partly enclosed, directly heated surface from which warm air circulates by convection.
  • 这座新造的公寓大楼有煤气等现代化设备。
    Gas is one of the modern conveniences the newly-built apartment building provides.
  • 无库存可供10月份船,方便时再联系。
    Oct ship stockless revert when convenience
  • 包装必须便于运输。
    The packing must be for convenience of transportation.
  • 备为舒适或方便而准备的必要或有用的
    A piece of equipment necessary or useful for comfort or convenience.
  • 我虽然不喜欢电话,但为了方便我了一具。
    Although I don't like them, I have a phone for convenience.
  • 这家旅馆有舒适而方便的现代化设备。
    The hotel is fitted up with modern comforts and conveniences.
  • 为给新宾馆备舒适方便的现代化设备花了许多钱。
    It costs a lot to fit up the new hotel with modern comforts and conveniences.
  • 那公寓上了所有的现代化设施。
    The apartment has been fittde up with all the modern conveniences.
  • 这座新造的公寓大楼有煤气等现代化设备。
    Gas is one of the modern conveniences the newly built apartment building provides.
  • 电源插座在便于插插头的地方。
    The outlets are conveniently placed for plugging in.
  • 用于进行算术运算并且小到可以很方便地置放台上使用的置。
    A device used to perform arithmetic operations and is small enough to be conveniently placed on a desk.
  • 男子在正式场合穿套是一种社会习俗。
    It is the convention for men to wear suits on formal occasions.
  • 《国际集箱安全公约》
    International Convention for Safe Containers
  • 男子穿套是一种社会习俗。
    It is the convention for men to wear suits.
  • 战役战术常规导弹部队备常规战役战术导弹武器系统,遂行常规导弹火力突击任务。
    The conventional operational-tactical missile force is equipped with conventional operational and tactical missile systems. Its task is to carry out fire assaults with conventional missiles.
  • 端庄的,正派的在讲话、行为或服上遵守传统礼仪的
    Observing conventional proprieties in speech, behavior, or dress.
  • 能够聚合或发散光线形成图像的透明光学置。
    a transparent optical device used to converge or diverge transmitted light and to form images.
  • 五瓣花饰,梅花形饰一种图案,有由凸弧组成的五边,常用作玻璃框架或窗格
    A design having five sides composed of converging arcs, usually used as a frame for glass or a panel.
  • 倒转来说,党更加布尔什维克化,党就能、党也才能更正确地处理党的政治路线,更正确地处理关于统一战线问题和武斗争问题。
    Or conversely, the more bolshevized the Party, the more correctly can it decide upon its political line and handle the questions of the united front and armed struggle.
  • 一种把下述光谱范围内的电磁辐射转换成电流的置:红外线、可见光和/或紫外线。
    A device for converting electromagnetic radiation in the infra-red, visible and/or ultra-violet regions of the spectrum into an electric current.
  • 把能量从一种形式转换成另一种形式的置。在与计算机有关时,这个术语用在磁盘系统中的读/写磁头、扇面标记的检测上,以及用在延迟线存储器的电子或声波脉冲变换器上。
    A device for converting energy form one form to another. In relation to computers, the term is applied to a read/write head, to detector of sector marks in a magnetic disc system, and to electronic/sonic pulse converters of delay line memory.
  • 字(词)处理技术中采用的一种接口置,当把它接到一台打字机上时,可以将它转变成一台低级文字处理器。
    In word processing, an interface device which connects to a typewriter converting it into a low level word processor.