  • usb是由持尔公司开发的。
    USB was launched by Intel Corp..
  • 她帮助我学文,纠正我的发音。
    She helped me with my English, corrected my pronunciation.
  • "这看来的确与国的现状非常相似。
    “ It does seem to correlate quite closely with what is going on in the UK.
  • 我们通常发现一个人的数学成绩与其语或历史成绩不相吻合。
    We generally find that we cannot correlate performance in Mathmatics with achievements in English or History.
  • “月球牌”瓦楞式镀锌铁皮、长度6尺、数量106公吨,每公吨¥18,500(净重)。
    106m/tons galvanize corrugated iron-sheet 6'0 long," moon brand,"@_$18, 500 per m/t, net weight.
  • “月球牌”瓦楞式镀锌铁皮、长度6尺、数量106公吨,每公吨¥18,500(净重)。
    106m/tons galvanized corrugated iron - sheet 6.0 feet long, ' Moon Brand ', @_ ¥18,500 per m/t, net weight.
  • 这家化妆品公司在国有34个经销店.
    This cosmetics firm has 34 outlets in Britain.
  • 高达几尺的一种大型粗壮蕨类;基本上是种子蕨;遍布全球。
    large coarse fern often several feet high; essentially weed ferns; cosmopolitan.
  • 费用共达250英镑。
    The cost amounted to 250.
  • *在1999-2000学年,接收美国留学生人数最多的前10个国家分别是(按序排列):国,西班牙,意大利,法国,墨西哥,澳大利亚,德国,哥斯达黎加,以色列,爱尔兰。
    * The top 10 countries in which U.S.students studied abroad during the 1999-2000 academic school year were (in descending order):Britain,Spain,Italy,France,Mexico, Australia, Germany, Costa Rica, Israel and Ireland
  • 换新顶篷需要 1000 镑左右.
    A new roof will cost round about 1000.
  • 估计最少也值5000英镑.
    It will cost 5000 at the lowest computation.
  • 我估计大约要100英镑.
    I reckon it will cost about 100.
  • 任何一种不同的国民间舞蹈由装扮的男子进行。
    any of various English folk dances performed by men in costume.
  • 掌握语有没有什么捷径?
    Is there any short cot to the mastery of English?
  • 我得付给房东500镑押金才能搬进房里去.
    I had to pay a 500 deposit to the landlord before I could move into the house.
  • 国文化委员会做教师。
    Teacher...at the british council.
  • 如果那位州议员坚持调查那1,000镑的损失,他就会得到各党派的支持。
    The Councillor will get a backing from all parties if he insists on making an enquiry into the loss of that £ 1,000.
  • 目前香港法庭的海外法官团可算是精云集,包括两位来自新西兰的着名法官,即新西兰上诉法庭退休庭长顾安国勋爵和新西兰上诉法庭前大法官沈穆善爵士。
    The current pool of overseas judges is quite an impressive line-up, including two distinguished New Zealand Judges - your retired President of the Court of Appeal and Privy Councillor Lord Cooke of Thorndon and former Court of Appeal Judge Sir Edward Somers.
  • 琼斯政务员说,他准备捐100镑以发起这项呼吁。
    Councilor Jones said he was prepared to donate a hundred pounds to launch the appeal.
  • 琼斯政务员发扬了高度的热心公益的精神,他捐款500镑为在老人公寓附近修建一个新的公共汽车候车亭。
    Councilor Jones displayed much public spirit by donating five hundred pounds for a new bus shelter by the old people's home.
  • 香港树仁学院是私营专上学院,于一九七一年成立。学院于二零零一年成为颁授学位的院校,共开办三项学士学位课程,包括会计学、中国语文及文学,以及新闻及传播学,另有七项荣誉文凭课程,包括工商管理、辅导及心理学、经济学、国语文及文学、历史、社会学和社会工作学。此外,学院亦与非本地大学合办课程。学院现时约有2700名全日制学生。
    Established in 1971, Hong Kong Shue Yan College is a private post-secondary college and it became a degree-awarding institution in 2001. It offers various programmes for 2700 full-time students: Honours Degree programmes in Accounting, Chinese Language and Literature, and Journalism and Mass Communication; and Honours Diploma programmes in Business Administration, Counselling and Psychology, Economics, English Language and Literature, History, Sociology and Social Work. In addition, it runs joint programmes in collaboration with non-local universities.
  • 或者你可以选择把一个国日期转变成相应的法国日期。
    Or you can choose to turn an English date into its french counterpart.
  • 后座议员席下议院后排座的议员席,议会中职位较低的成员坐在政府官员和对立党成员的后面
    The rear benches in the House of Commons where junior members of Parliament sit behind government officeholders and their counterparts in the opposition party.
  • 虽然过程缓慢,方式也很复杂,可国也许能够证明他们并非是法国总是害怕的那种美国势力的潜在危险。恰恰相反,他们是与美国潮流抗衡的力量。
    In very gradual, complex ways, Britain may prove to be, not the Trojan horse of American influence which France has always feared, but, on the contrary, a counterpoise to the American tide.
  • 他在格兰西南部有一处房地产
    In the West Country.
  • 国人不去注意此种阴谋,不去注意法帝国主义的纵容战争、挑拨战争和促进世界大战爆发的阴谋,实在是上了这些阴谋家的甜蜜宣传的当。
    In overlooking this plot and the schemes of the Anglo-French imperialists who connived at and instigated war and precipitated a world war, some of our fellow-countrymen have actually been taken in by the sugary propaganda of these schemers.
  • 格兰北部的一个郡。
    a county in northern England.
  • 格兰西南的一个丘陵地区。
    a hilly county in southwestern England.
  • 格兰中部的一个以农业为主的郡。
    a largely agricultural county in central England.
  • 格兰西部的一个农业郡,临北海。
    an agricultural county of eastern England on the North Sea.
  • 据一些高级酒店在《语酒店宾客调查》中提供的数据显示,去年有1000万对夫妻在某酒店度过一个周末。
    According to statistics com piled by top botels in the British Hotel Guest Survey, last year 10 million coup les spent a weekend together in a hotel.