  • 给…喂奶;哺乳
    To feed at the breast; suckle.
  • 她给婴儿吃奶。
    She gives the breast to her baby.
  • 她的微笑沉闷的办公室带来生气。
    Her smile is a breath of fresh air in this gloomy office.
  • 还有,年轻人,我要你做酒精浓度会含量测定。
    And son, I'm afraid we're going to have to give you a breathalyser test.
  • 他的热情公司注入了新的生命。
    His enthusiasm breathed new life into the company.
  • 答应我别将此事泄漏任何人。
    Promise me you won't breathe a word of this to anyone.
  • 他会队里带来新气象。
    He'll breathe new life into the team.
  • 大家都说那位新任将军能军队增添勇气。
    They say the new general is able to breathe courage into the army.
  • 这位新任总经理能不能公司增添新的活力?
    Will the new general manager able to breathe new life into the company?
  • 我一会儿功夫喘喘气
    Give me a moment to breathe.
  • 新经理公司带来了朝气.
    The new manager has breathed fresh life into (ie revitalized) the company.
  • 舞会带来了生气。
    She breathed life into the party.
  • 于是简加入了这个作业班,工程项目注入了活力。
    Then Jan joined the team and breathed new life into the project.
  • 这个公司要垮的时候,正好派来一个新的经理;他这个公司注入了新的生命,于是公司很快就兴旺起来。
    The firm was about to fail when a new director was appointed; he breathed new life into the company and soon it was successful.
  • 暑假了我们一段愉快的歇夏时间.
    The summer holidays gave us a welcome breathing space.
  • 布伦达说她的老板耳朵软,要是她需要一天休假的话,他总是会的。
    Brenda says her boss is a soft touch and will always give her a day off work when she wants one.
  • 付钱,给小费,贿赂
    To pay, tip, or bribe.
  • 某人送慰问品或行贿。
    give a conciliatory gift or bribe to.
  • 向(某人)行贿予、提供或许诺贿赂
    To give, offer, or promise a bribe to.
  • 行贿,受贿尤其流行音乐节目主持人的贿赂
    A bribe, especially one given to a disc jockey.
  • 行贿,受贿提供、予或取得贿赂的行为或实践
    The act or practice of offering, giving, or taking a bribe.
  • 唱片灌录人的贿金。
    a bribe given to a disc jockey to induce him to promote a particular record.
  • 卖方买方的让其与之买卖的商业贿赂款。
    a commercial bribe paid by a seller to a purchasing agent in order to induce the agent to enter into the transaction.
  • 那男孩子被送一个泥瓦匠当学徒。
    The boy was apprenticed to a bricklayer.
  • 在休息日里,老板会他的小货车换油,或是重铺厨房地板,或做瓦工活;
    On days off, the boss changes the oil in his pickup, retiles his kitchen floor or does brickwork;
  • 新娘带着很多嫁妆她丈夫。
    The bride brought many dowries to her husband.
  • 新娘的母亲将她交新郎。
    The bride was given away by her mother.
  • 新婚喜歌献新娘新郎的抒情颂歌
    A lyric ode in honor of a bride and bridegroom.
  • 在婚礼上将(新娘)交新郎
    To present(a bride) to the bridegroom at a wedding ceremony.
  • 在婚礼上正式地交新郎;新娘的父亲把新娘交新郎。
    formally hand over to the bridegroom in marriage; of a bride by her father.
  • (某些国家)新郎女方家里的钱或其他东西。
    money or property given (in some societies) by the bridegroom to the family of his bride.
  • 给…套笼头
    To put a bridle on.