Chinese English Sentence:
  • 通过删节曲解修改、缩短或简化或以一定式歪曲一本书的内容
    To modify, as by shortening or simplifying or by skewing the content in a certain manner.
  • 各部门已实施超过30项具体措施,当中包括简化审批一般建筑图则及有关文件的程序和缩短审批时间;推行电子检索系统试验计划,大幅缩短检索核准建筑图则的时间;以及提供电子政府表格,便工商界和个别市民利用互联网递交。
    Departments implemented more than 30 specific measures, including streamlining procedures and reducing the processing time in the approval of general building plan and related submissions, significantly shortening the retrieval time for approved building plans by introduction of a pilot electronic retrieval system, and facilitating the submission of public forms by businesses and individuals electronically through the Internet.
  • 赫利孔山海拔1,749。2米(5,735英尺)一座山,位于希腊中部。传说中是女神缪斯居住的地,后奉献给太阳神
    A mountain,1, 749.2(5, 735 ft) high, of central Greece. It was the legendary abode of the Muses and was sacred to Apollo.
  • 地狱某些宗教中被判有罪的灵魂或魔鬼居住的地;邪恶之人死后永远受惩罚的地,由撒旦统治
    The abode of condemned souls and devils in some religions; the place of eternal punishment for the wicked after death, presided over by Satan.
  • 要能在最短的时间里,访问最多的地,最好的路线是什么呢?
    What is the best route to follow in order to visit as many place in the shortest possible time?
  • ‘很短的时间,很好的法,发动很大的群众。’
    "Arouse the largest numbers of the masses in the shortest possible time and by the best possible methods."
  • 要能在最短的时间里,访问最多的地,最好的路线是什么呢?
    What will be the best route to follow in order to visit as many place in the shortest possible time?
  • 当然,在我想象的能看见的有限时间里,我该选择那在尽短的时间内打开最伟大宝库的钥匙所在的地
    But naturally, in my limited time of imaginary sight, I should choose the place where the key unlocks the greatest treasures in the shortest time.
  • 在我们能够力克敌人之前,必须先知道对的姓名、习性和住所。
    Before we can master an enemy, we must know its name, its habits, and its place of abode.
  • 我很高兴告诉大家,在多项服务面,我们都能满足需求。这些服务包括特殊教育、技能训练和盲人安老院。
    I am happy to say that we have no shortfalls of provision for a number of services, like special education, skills training and homes for the aged blind.
  • 上帝,天使和获得拯救的人的灵魂居住的地
    the abode of God and the angels and the souls of those who have gained salvation.
  • 表音速记法基于语音表述的速记
    A system of shorthand based on phonetic transcription.
  • (基督教)撒旦和邪恶力量居住的地;罪人接受永恒的惩罚的地
    (Christianity) the abode of Satan and the forces of evil; where sinners suffer eternal punishment.
  • 但是希刺克厉夫先生和他的住宅,以及生活式,却形成一种古怪的对比。
    But Mr Heathcliff forms a singular contrast to his abode and style of living.
  • 我们注意到的第一件事情就是用于打印(显示)的一些快捷法:prt()法打印一个string;pint()先打印一个string,再打印一个int;而pflt()先打印一个string,再打印一个float。
    The first thing you will see are some shorthand methods for printing: the prt( ) method prints a String, the pInt( ) prints a String followed by an int and the pFlt( ) prints a String followed by a float.
  • 突然见诸全世界各大报章的“千年虫”问题是在西格雷果里历(由教皇格雷果里十三提倡并至今通用的西历法,亦称阳历)进入2000年而将面临的由于日期的变化而可能发生的计算机问题的一种简要的表述。
    The sudden emergence of "Y2K" in headlines all over the world is a simple shorthand for the coming transition of the year 2000 in the western Gregorian calendar and the problems that might occur as a result of the date change.
  • (神学)洗礼前死掉的儿童居住的地
    (theology) the abode of infants who die before baptism.
  • 善人灵魂安息的乐园正直的灵魂死后所住的地;天堂
    The abode of righteous souls after death; heaven.
  • 挪威神话中人类居住的地
    the abode of humans in Norse mythology.
  • 居住地生活于其中的地;住所
    A place to live in; an abode.
  • 打出游击手向的快速直线球
    Lined out to shortstop.
  • 游击手暴投一垒,于对得分。
    The shortstop overthrew first base, allowing a run to be scored.
  • 棒球游击手站在场区外很远的地
    The shortstops were playing deep.
  • 患有幽闭恐怖症;不正常地害怕封闭的地
    suffering from claustrophobia; abnormally afraid of closed-in places.
  • 生长,长大在大小或扩展面不正常的增长
    To grow in size or spread abnormally.
  • 朋友,挪过去点儿,给我留出点地
    Shove over, friend, and make room for me.
  • 如果你移到那头,就够两个人的地了。
    There's room for two if you shove up.
  • 我讨厌这个地,我们离开吧。
    I am sick of this place , let us shove off.
  • 幸运的是,车抛锚的时候是面向下山向的,我们能将它推回家。
    Luckily, the car was facing downhill when it broke down, and we were able so shove it home.
  • 铲煤就是用锹把煤从一个地移到另一个地去。
    To shovel coal is to move it from one place to another with a shovel.
  • "如同一个和风浪拼死搏斗、向岸边游去的游泳者,我开始向厕所向奋力前进,我一步一步地靠近目的地。
    "Pushing and shoving, like a man swimming for land, I started making my way toward the toilet. Stroke by stroke I came nearer.
  • 一般性家庭暴力事件(如打斗、冲撞或向对扔掷物品),在已婚的和同居并订婚的双之间发生的频率,比在同居而未打算结婚的双之间要少一半。
    Moderate domestic violence (defined" as hitting, shoving" or throwing things at a partner) occurred half as of ten with married couples and cohabiting couples engaged to marry than it did with cohabiting couples not planning to marry.