  • (逻辑)指理;从一般的前提得出必然的、特定的结论。
    (logic) of reasoning; proceeding from general premisses to a necessary and specific conclusion.
  • 香港的经验,可以树立一个好榜样。香港成功行「一国两制」,是完全掌握在香港和国内人民的手。
    The "Hong Kong experiment" will set an example and it is entirely within the prerogative of the people of Hong Kong and the Mainland to make this work.
  • 预先推广你的计划。
    Develop a sound response for each and collect the additional data and evidence you need to make out your case.Presell your plan.
  • 那么,如何在动进步的同时保护历史传统呢?
    But how to preserve the past while promoting progress?
  • 各级法院深化司法体制改革,加强审判和执行工作,积极行审判长和独任审判员选任制,全面落实公开审判制度,完善司法救助制度,进一步强化法院内部监督制约机制和纠错机制,有效地维护了司法公正。
    To deepen the reform of the judicial system, courts at various levels have strengthened the administration of justice and law enforcement, actively implemented the system of choosing and appointing presiding judges and individual jurors, fully carried out the system of public adjudication, perfected the judicial rehabilitation system, and further intensified the internal supervisory and circumscribing mechanism of the courts and the mechanism for correcting errors, thereby effectively safeguarding impartial justice.
  • 假如不这样地从组织上去动员群众和宣传群众,即是说,各级政府的主席团、国民经济部和财政部不着力抓着经济建设的工作去讨论、检查,不注意动群众团体,不注意开群众大会做宣传,那末,要达到目的是不可能的。
    Our objectives cannot be attained unless we use various organizational means to mobilize the masses and conduct propaganda among them in the manner described, that is to say, unless the presidiums and the economic and finance departments of the government bodies at all levels actively attend to discussing and checking up on the work of economic construction, unless they spur the mass organizations into action and hold mass propaganda meetings.
  • 利用人权干涉别国内政和行强权外交,阻碍了人权和基本自由的实现。
    Interference in other countries' internal affairs and the pushing of power politics on the pretext of human rights are obstructing the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
  • 断你原先并没有这方面的经验。
    I understand you have no previous experience?
  • 改变翻先前的观点或以前的决定
    To reverse a previously held opinion or an earlier decision.
  • 政府现正根据一项检讨的结果,为职业先修及工业中学编订一套新的工艺课程,使能配合社会不断转变的需要。新课程预计于二零零零至二零零一学年起行。
    Following a review, the Government is developing a new technical curriculum for prevocational and secondary technical schools for implementation from the 2000-01 school year, to keep abreast of the community's changing needs.
  • 提高公民水资源忧患意识,进一步理顺水价体系,积极应用节水技术和措施,广使用节水器具,调动全社会节约用水的积极性和自觉性。
    We will raise the citizens' awareness of water saving, establish a more reasonable water pricing system, adopt effective water saving technologies and measures, promote the application of water-saving equipment, and mobilize the whole society to take an active and conscious part in the water saving drive.
  • 根据建立社会主义市场经济体制的要求,中国政府将着重在以下三个方面继续进粮食流通体制的改革:一是尽快形成以市场定价为主的粮食价格形成机制,进一步发育和健全粮食市场体系,将粮食的地区间计划调拨逐步改为产、销区通过市场流通来实现各地区的供求平衡。
    In accordance with the requirements for founding a socialist market economy system, the Chinese government will focus on continually propelling the reform of the grain circulation system in the following three respects. First, establishing a pricing mechanism as soon as possible, whereby grain prices are primarily decided by the market; further developing and improving the grain market system; and gradually changing the planned inter-regional allocation and transfer of grain to the practice whereby the producing and marketing regions achieve a balance between supply and demand among regions through market circulation.
  • 弹药,军火用枪炮或其它动形式发射的抛射物,如连同其引信和导火线的子弹、弹药
    All projectiles, such as bullets and shot, together with their fuses and primers, that can be fired from guns or otherwise propelled.
  • 理对于通过科学观察、分析或实验无法解决的问题进行的高深莫测的
    A priori speculation upon questions that are unanswerable to scientific observation, analysis, or experiment.
  • 监狱机关坚持依法治监,大力行狱务公开,增强执法透明度,切实保障罪犯的合法权利。
    Prison authorities insist on administering prisons according to law.They have devoted great efforts to carrying out the practice of making public prison affairs to inmates, raising the transparency of law enforcement and conscientiously guaranteeing the legitimate rights of convicts.
  • 监狱机关坚持依法治监,大力行狱务公开,增强执法透明度,切实保障罪犯的合法权利。
    Prison authorities insist on administering prisons according to law. They have devoted great efforts to carrying out the practice of making public prison affairs to inmates, raising the transparency of law enforcement and conscientiously guaranteeing the legitimate rights of convicts.
  • 把囚犯推进一辆货车
    Hustled the prisoner into a van.
  • 政府拟行私有化计画.
    The government intends to go ahead with its privatization plans.
  • 政府拟行私有化计划
    The government intends to go ahead with its privatization plan
  • 专有权一项独有的权利或优先权,如销一种产品
    An exclusive right or privilege, as to market a product.
  • 政府的电讯政策是要鼓励竞争和维护消费者。这些政策由电讯管理局局长行。
    The government has pro-competition and pro-consumer telecommunications policies, implemented by the Telecommunications Authority (TA).
  • 定根据以法律为基础的系列特定事实而不是从可能的理得到的结论
    A conclusion derived from a particular set of facts based on law, rather than probable reasoning.
  • 时间的移;进展中的事件
    The process of time; events now in process.
  • 季节的推移
    The procession of the seasons.
  • 医师没有把这件事到以后去办,他穿上外衣,拿着大烛台,到乌霍夫家去了。
    Without further procrastination the doctor put on his hat and coat, took the candelabra and went off to Uhov’s.
  • 与此同时,检察院积极在全国行主诉检察官办案责任制,通过竞争上岗、择优选任等形式选拔主诉检察官,并以此为基础进行公诉改革,试行不起诉案件公开审查制度和庭前证据开示制度,对于维护司法公正和保障犯罪嫌疑人的合法权益发挥了积极作用。
    In the meantime, procuratorates have actively carried out nationwide a system of the main-suit procurator assuming full responsibility for handling cases, selected main-suit prosecutors through competition, and based on this, carried out the reform of public prosecutions, and trial-implemented the systems of public investigations of non- prosecution cases and the demonstration of evidence before the court -- all these have gone a long way toward safeguarding impartial justice and the legitimate rights and interests of criminal suspects.
  • 当从一地迁往另一地时,他须设法获得写给另一地某位上流人物的荐信,以便在他想见识或了解某些事时可得到那人的帮助。
    Let him, upon his removes from one place to another, procure recommendation to some person of quality, residing in the place whither he removeth; that he may use his favor, in those things he desireth to see or know.
  • 2002年1月,军队全面行采购制度改革,实行以集中采购和招标采购为主,建立分工协作、相互制约的分段管理运行机制。
    In January 2002, the PLA carried out an across-the-board reform of the procurement system, focusing mainly on concentrated procurement and procurement through public bidding, and set up a mechanism for sectional management, which features cooperation with proper division of labor and mutual restriction.
  • 他用手杖推那口猪.
    He prodded at the pig with his walking-stick.
  • 广新技术和新产品,优化产品结构。
    With the product mix optimized, new technology and products should be introduced.
  • 史密斯教授不赞成迟作出决定的时间。
    Prof. Smith didn't favour deferring making a decision.
  • 招聘和工资顾问说,中国专业人员正谋求把工作期限维持更长一些,这是因为合资企业公司行了一项稳定员工队伍的计划。按照该计划,公司为员工经常提供培训机会,进行定期的工资调整,给予更多的行政补助。而最重要的是为员工指出清晰明确的职业发展道路。
    Recruitment and compensation consultants say local professionals in China are holding on to jobs longer as joint-venture companies